For all development activities in the Intensely Developed Areas, the applicant shall identify any environmental or natural feature described below and meet all of the following standards:
Development activities shall be designed and implemented to minimize destruction of forest and woodland vegetation.
All roads, bridges, and utilities are prohibited in a Habitat Protection Area, unless no feasible alternative exists. If a road, bridge, or utility is authorized, the design, construction, and maintenance shall:
Provide maximum erosion protection;
Minimize negative impact on wildlife, aquatic life, and their habitats; and
Maintain hydrologic process and water quality.
All development activities that must cross or affect streams shall be designed to:
Reduce increases in flood frequency and severity that are attributable to development;
Retain tree canopy so as to maintain stream water temperature within normal variation;
Provide a natural substrate for stream beds; and
Minimize adverse water quality and quantity impacts of stormwater.
All development and redevelopment activities shall include stormwater management technologies that reduce pollutant loadings by at least 10% below the level of pollution on the site prior to development or redevelopment as provided in Critical Area 10% Rule Guidance Manual — Fall 2003, and as may be subsequently amended.