The continuation, but not necessarily the intensification or expansion, of any use in existence on December 25, 1988, may be permitted, unless the use has been abandoned for more than one year or is otherwise restricted by existing municipal ordinances.
If any existing use does not conform with the provisions of this chapter, its intensification or expansion may be permitted only in accordance with the variance procedures in Article IX.
Except as otherwise provided, the following types of land are permitted to be developed with a single-family dwelling, if a dwelling is not already placed there, notwithstanding that such development may be inconsistent with the density provisions of this chapter.
A legal parcel of land, not being part of a recorded or approved subdivision, that was recorded as of December 1, 1985;
Land that received a building permit subsequent to December 1, 1985, but prior to December 25, 1988;
Land that was subdivided into recorded, legally buildable lots, where the subdivision received final approval between June 1, 1984, and December 1, 1985; or
Land that was subdivided into recorded, legally buildable lots, where the subdivision received the final approval after December 1, 1985, and provided that either development of any such land conforms to the Intensely Developed Area, Limited Development Area and Resource Conservation Area requirements in this chapter or the area of the land has been counted against the growth allocation permitted under this chapter.
Nothing in this article may be interpreted as altering any requirements of this chapter related to water-dependent facilities or Habitat Protection Areas.