The provisions of this article apply to a consolidation or a reconfiguration of any nonconforming legal grandfathered parcel or lot. These provisions do not apply to the reconfiguration or consolidation of parcels or lots which are conforming or meet all Critical Area requirements. Nonconforming parcels or lots include:
Those for which a Critical Area variance is sought or has been issued; and
Those located in the Resource Conservation Area and are less than 20 acres in size.
An applicant seeking a parcel or lot consolidation or reconfiguration shall provide the information required in COMAR to Princess Anne.
The Town of Princess Anne may not approve a proposed parcel or lot consolidation or reconfiguration without making written findings in accordance with COMAR
The Town of Princess Anne shall issue a final written decision or order granting or denying an application for a consolidation or reconfiguration.
After a final written decision or order is issued, Princess Anne shall send a copy of the decision or order and a copy of any approved development plan within 10 business days, by U.S. mail, to the Critical Area Commission's business address.