It is the purpose hereof to provide, as authorized by the State of Maryland Enabling Act for Historic Area Zoning (Article 66B, §§ 8.01 to 8.15, Annotated Code of Maryland),[1] at the request of the affected property owner, for the identification, designation and regulation, for the purposes of protection, preservation and continued use enhancement, of those sites or structures, with their appurtenances and environmental settings, in districts of historical, archaeological, political, cultural, social, economic or architectural value.
Editor's Note: Article 66B of the Annotated Code of Maryland was repealed by Acts 2012, ch. 426, § 1, effective October 1, 2012. See now the Land Use Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland.
It is further the purpose hereof to preserve and enhance the quality of life and to safeguard the historical and cultural heritage of the Town of Princess Anne, to foster civic beauty and to preserve and promote the use of historic districts for the education, welfare and pleasure of the citizens of the Town of Princess Anne, the County of Somerset, the State of Maryland and the United States of America.
For the purposes hereof, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them:
Includes, but need not be limited to, walkways and driveways (whether paved or unpaved), vegetation (including trees, garden and lawns), rocks, pasture, cropland and waterways.
A condition where the principal structure of an historic district has become unsafe as a result of any of the following conditions:
The deterioration of the foundations, exterior walls, roofs, chimneys, doors or windows, so as to create or permit a hazardous or unsafe condition to exist; or
The deterioration of the foundations, exterior walls, roofs, chimneys, doors or windows, the lack of adequate waterproofing or the deterioration of interior frames which will or could result in permanent damage, injury or loss of or loss to foundations, exterior walls, roofs, chimneys, doors or windows.
The architectural style, design and general arrangement of the exterior of an historic resource, including the nature and texture of building materials and the type and style of all windows, doors, light fixtures, signs or other similar items found on, or related to, the exterior of an historic resource.
The Historic District Commission of the Town of Princess Anne, Somerset County, Maryland.
An area(s) of Princess Anne, designated by resolution of the Commissioners of Princess Anne at the request of all the area's property owners and the recommendation of the HDC, wherein there are located one or more structures which have historical, cultural, educational and/or architectural value, the preservation of which is deemed to be for the educational, cultural, economic and general welfare of the inhabitants of Princess Anne.
Work that does not alter the architecture or environment of the designated historic district.
A combination of material to form a construction that is stable, including, among other things, buildings, stadiums, reviewing stands, platforms, stagings, observation towers, radio towers, water tanks and towers, trestles, bridges, piers, paving, bulkheads, wharves, sheds, coal bins, shelters, fences and display signs visible or intended to be visible from the public way. The term also includes natural land formations and appurtenances and environmental settings. The term shall be construed as if followed by the words "or part thereof."
[Amended 3-6-2000 by Ord. No. 2000-03]