Nothing in this chapter shall be taken or construed to prevent work and repairs on any structure coming under the heading of routine maintenance as defined in § 88-2 above.
Nothing in this chapter affects the right to complete any work covered by a permit issued prior to the date upon which such historic districts may be established.
The historic area work permit applicant shall have the responsibility of providing sufficient information to support the application. If the property is subject to an easement held by another historic preservation organization, the applicant shall submit proof of approval of exterior architectural review by the organization holding the easement.
Authorization by the HDC to issue an historic area work permit shall not be construed to eliminate the need to obtain any other permit required by state or local law, ordinance or regulation in conformance with all requirements applicable to such other permit. No other permit shall be issued, however, which would authorize work to be performed in violation of any conditions imposed by an historic area work permit or in the absence of such permit.
Any permit may be subject to such conditions imposed by the HDC as are reasonably necessary to assure that work shall be performed in a manner not injurious to those characteristics and qualities of the historic resources which are of historical, architectural, archaeological or cultural value.