The purpose of these regulations is to regulate and control the development and division of land within the Town of Princess Anne in order to promote the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the Town.
It is the general intent to regulate the division of land in order to:
Promote the orderly and appropriate development of land and provide for the harmonious development of the Town of Princess Anne.
Encourage safety in our schools, parks and other public facilities through proper land use management.
Ensure sites suitable for building purposes and human habitation.
Protect the health and safety of residents and ensure adequate open space for noise and pollution buffers, traffic, recreation, light and air.
Coordinate existing streets with proposed streets.
Regulate the flow of traffic in the streets and highways.
Facilitate transportation, water management and sewerage.
Provide for the protection of tidal and nontidal wetlands, streams, areas of steep slopes, highly erodible and other soils with development constraints, shorelines and plant and wildlife habitats.
Protect all land use management classifications, endangered species and wetlands as provided in the Town of Princess Anne's Comprehensive Plan and the Town of Princess Anne's Chesapeake Bay Critical Area Protection Program ("Town Critical Area Protection Program") and provisions relative thereto.[1]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II). See Ch. 61, Chesapeake Bay Critical Area Program.
Protect and promote the Seven Visions for the State of Maryland as established in the Economic Growth, Resource Protection and Planning Act of 1992.
These Town of Princess Anne Land Use, Development and Subdivision Regulations may be cited as "Development Regulations" or "Subdivision Regulations."
These regulations shall apply to all land located within the incorporated area of the Town of Princess Anne.
The provisions of these regulations shall be held to be minimum requirements to meet the stated purpose and intent of these regulations.
Where the provisions of these regulations impose greater restrictions than those of any statute, other regulations or ordinance, the provisions of these regulations shall prevail.
Where the provisions of any statute, other regulations or ordinance impose greater restrictions than those of these regulations, the provisions of such statute, regulation or ordinance shall prevail.