The purpose of this article is to establish and define the public improvements which will be required to be constructed by the applicant as a condition for final plat approval.
All construction shall be completed in accordance with the specific conditions of the commitment and the accepted drawings and specifications and in the manner acceptable to the Town Commission, Planning and Zoning Commission and other applicable officials.
When changes from the accepted drawings and specifications become necessary during construction, written acceptance by the Planning and Zoning Commission with the advice of the Code Enforcement Officer shall be secured before the execution of such changes.
Adequate provisions for the satisfactory maintenance of all streets shall be made by dedication to, and acceptance for maintenance by, the Town or by other acceptable means.
The construction of streets as shown upon final plats and as contained in contract agreements shall in every respect conform to such requirements as the Town Commissioners may by resolution require for the construction of streets in the town. These requirements shall be known as the "Town of Princess Anne's Specifications and Design Standards for Roads, Streets and Improvements" and are hereby incorporated as part of these regulations, including such changes as the Town Commissioners may from time to time adopt by resolution.[1] The minimum requirements of all subdivisions shall be governed by that resolution in effect at the time of the approval of the applicant's final plat.
Editor's Note: The Specifications and Design Standards for Roads, Streets and Improvements are on file in the Town offices.
All streets shall be graded to the grades shown on the street profiles and cross-section plan submitted and approved with the final plat.
The owner shall erect at every intersection a street sign or street signs having thereon the names of the intersecting streets. At intersections where streets cross, there shall be at least two such street signs.
The owner shall construct stormwater drainage facilities in order to prevent erosion, flooding and other hazards to life and property.
Every subdivision of lots of such size as to require a community water system, as specified by zoning or health regulations, shall be provided with a community water supply and distribution system and appropriately spaced fire hydrants. The source of supply shall be the Town water system. The community water system shall become part of the public system without cost to the town.
Every subdivision of lots of such size as to require a community sewer system, as specified by zoning or health regulations, shall be provided with a complete sanitary sewer system connected to the public system and shall become a part thereof without cost to the town.
Monuments shall be placed at each change of direction of boundary line. Two shall be placed at each street intersection and one on one side of each street at angle points and at the beginning and end of curves. Utility easements shall be monumented at their beginning and at their end, and areas to be conveyed for public use shall be fully monumented at their external boundaries.
Monuments shall be placed in the ground after final grading is completed.
All monuments shall be checked and certified for accuracy by the owner's surveyor/engineer.
All curbs and sidewalks shall be provided and constructed in accordance with the Town of Princess Anne's Specifications and Design Standards for Roads, Streets and Improvements (see Appendix A).[1]
Editor's Note: Appendix A is on file in the Town offices.
Grading shall conform in all respects to the final plat and the requirements and standards of the Town of Princess Anne's Specifications and Design Standards for Roads, Streets and Improvements (see Appendix A).
Where deemed essential by the Planning and Zoning Commission, and particularly in residential planned communities, the Planning and Zoning Commission may require reservation, for the common use of all property owners in the proposed subdivision, of suitable land for parks, playgrounds, schools and other neighborhood purposes.
Where the subdivision contains park areas or other physical facilities necessary or desirable for the welfare of the area and which are of common use or benefit and are of such character that the Town or other public agency does not desire to maintain them, then provision shall be made by trust agreements for the proper and continuous maintenance and supervision of such facilities by the lot owners in the subdivision. Such trust agreements shall be a part of the deed restrictions and shall be in a form acceptable to the Planning and Zoning Commission.