For the purpose of having a subdivision reviewed and approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission, the applicant shall file with the Code Enforcement Officer the respective plans and applications in accordance with Article IV.
A tentative sketch plan may be submitted by the applicant as a basis for informal discussion with the Planning and Zoning Commission.
Data furnished in the tentative sketch plan shall include the following information:
Name of the subdivision.
Name and address of the owner.
Name and address of the engineer or surveyor.
Tract boundaries.
North point and date.
Streets on and adjacent to the tract.
Significant topographical and physical features.
Proposed general street layout.
Proposed general lot layout.
Contours based on United States Geological Survey (USGS) topography.
If the subdivision is to be located in part or in whole in the Critical Area Overlay District, the plan and application shall also include the general location and area extent of the following:
The Critical Area District boundary and the applicable land use management classifications (i.e., IDA, LDA or RCA);
Computation of the amount of acres in the Critical Area District;
Tidal and nontidal wetlands;
Areas of steep slopes, highly erodible soils and other soils with development constraints;
Shore and stream buffer (100 feet minimum); and
Natural resource protection areas, including wildlife habitats and habitat protection areas, and forests and developed woodlands on or in the vicinity of the proposed subdivision.
The preliminary plat shall show or be accompanied by the following information:
Drafting standards.
The plat shall be drawn at a scale of one inch equals 40 feet, one inch equals 50 feet or one inch equals 100 feet.
Dimensions shall be in feet and decimal parts thereof and bearings in degrees, minutes and seconds.
Each sheet shall be numbered and shall show its relationship to the total number of sheets.
Where any revision is made or when the plat is a revision of a previously approved plat, dotted lines shall be used to show features or locations to be abandoned and solid lines to show the presently proposed features.
The plat shall be so prepared and bear an adequate legend to indicate clearly which features are existing and which are proposed.
The boundary line of the subdivision shall be shown as a solid heavy line.
Information to be shown.
Name of the subdivision.
Name and address of the owner.
Name and address of the engineer or surveyor responsible for the plat.
Present zoning classification.
Date, North point and scale.
A location map for the purpose of locating the site to be subdivided at a scale of not less than 800 feet to the inch showing the relation of the tract to adjoining property and to all streets and municipal boundaries existing within 1,000 feet of any part of the property proposed to be subdivided.
Computations of:
Total lot area.
Building floor area for each type of proposed use.
Building ground coverage (percentage).
Road area.
Number and area of off-street parking and loading spaces.
General open space area.
Existing features.
Complete outline survey of the property to be subdivided, showing all courses, distances and area, and tie-ins to all adjacent street intersections.
The location, names and widths of streets, the location of property lines and names of owners, the location of watercourses, sanitary sewers and storm drains and similar features within 25 feet of any part of the land to be subdivided.
Location of all existing monuments.
Location, size and ownership of all underground utilities and any rights-of-way within the property.
Topography on two-foot contours; provided, however, that if ground slope is sufficiently steep for five-foot contours to show the surface configuration, the larger contour interval may be permitted. Smaller contour intervals may be required where two-foot contours do not indicate existing surface conditions.
Location of existing buildings and the outline of all wooded areas, marshy areas and areas subject to flooding.
Proposed layout.
The layout of streets, including names and widths.
The layout and approximate dimensions of lots.
A reference to any land offered for dedication for parks, schools, widening of streets or other public uses.
The average and minimum lot size.
Location and size of storm drains, sanitary sewers, culverts, watercourses and all appurtenances thereof, water mains and fire hydrants.
Building setback lines.
Rights-of-way and/or easements proposed to be created for all drainage purposes and utilities.
Tentative typical cross sections and center-line profiles for each proposed street shown on the preliminary plat. These plats may be submitted as separate sheets.
Where the preliminary plat covers only a part of the owner's entire holding, a sketch shall be submitted on the prospective street layout for the remainder.
The words "Preliminary Plat - Not To Be Recorded" shall be shown on the plat.
For proposed subdivisions located in the Critical Area Overlay District, the following additional information will be shown on the preliminary plat as applicable:
Floodplain boundaries (one-hundred-year flood).
The location and area extent of all soils exhibiting the following characteristics as determined by the soil survey:
Septic limitations.
Wet soils.
Hydric soils and soils with hydric properties.
Highly erodible soils (soils on slope greater than 15% or soils on slope greater than 5% with K values greater than 0.35).
The location of the proposed use and height of all buildings (delineate all existing buildings and structures).
The location of all existing or proposed site improvements, including storm drains, culverts, retaining walls, fences and stormwater management facilities, as well as any sediment and erosion control structures and shore erosion structures.
The location of the Critical Area Overlay District boundary, the buffer and other buffer areas, open space areas, forested areas and landscaping. The plan shall show all areas to be maintained as landscaping and the type of plantings to be provided, and the means by which such landscaping will be permanently maintained shall be specified.
The location of tidal and nontidal wetlands on the site. The location of all wetlands must be site delineated by a qualified wetlands biologist. To demonstrate qualification to perform a site delineation, a wetlands biologist should have a BS in biology, landscape architecture or a related field or successful completion of the Maryland Department of Natural Resources Nontidal Wetland Program. In addition, he or she should have a minimum of one year of wetland field survey experience plus a knowledge of delineation methods and vegetation and hydric soils identification. The field delineation should be shown on the site plan.
Survey documentation will be forwarded by the applicant to the Nontidal Wetlands Division of the Water Resources Administration of the Department of Natural Resources. The Division will have 30 days in which to comment on the applicant's delineation. Unless the Water Resources Administration recommends otherwise within 30 days, the Town will accept the applicant's delineation.
The applicant must provide documentation to the Town of the submission to the state and any response received.
The location of existing water-dependent facilities on and adjacent to the site, including the number of existing slips and moorings on the site.
The location and extent of existing and/or proposed erosion abatement approaches.
The location of plant and wildlife habitats, as defined in Chapter 61, Chesapeake Bay Critical Area Program.
The known location of the habitat of any threatened or endangered species or species in need of conservation on or adjacent to the site or within 1/4 mile of the site in the case of bald eagle habitat.
The location of anadromous fish spawning streams on or adjacent to the site.
A detailed drawing locating shore erosion abatement techniques to be included with the site plan.
Computations of:
Total area in the Critical Area Overlay District (O);
Total human-caused impervious surface areas and percentage of the site; and
Total number of lots in the critical area.
Commercial or industrial uses must include:
The specific uses proposed.
The maximum number of employees for which buildings are designed.
The type of energy to be used for any manufacturing process.
The type of waters or by-products to be produced by any manufacturing process.
The proposed method of disposal of such wastes or by-products.
The location of outdoor lighting facilities.
Other information as may be specified in the regulations for industrial or commercial uses in Chapter 163, Zoning.
An environmental assessment report which provides a coherent statement of how the proposed development addresses the goals and objectives of Chapter 61, Chesapeake Bay Critical Area Program. At a minimum, the environment assessment shall include:
A statement of existing conditions, e.g., the amount and types of forest cover, the amount and type of wetlands, a discussion of existing agriculture activities on the site, soil types, topography, etc.
A discussion of the proposed development project, including the number and type of residential units, the amount of impervious surfaces, proposed sewer treatment and water supply, the acreage devoted to development, proposed open space and habitat protection areas.
A discussion of the proposed development's impacts on water quality.
Documentation of all correspondence and findings.
In addition to the information above, the preliminary site plan shall be accompanied by the following when the subdivision or development is proposed in the critical area, as required:
A planting plan for reforested and afforested areas of the Forest Management Plan with the comments of the Bay Forester.
A habitat protection plan, including the comments of the Maryland Forest, Park and Wildlife Service and the Maryland Heritage Program.
A preliminary stormwater management plan.
A preliminary sediment and erosion control plan.
A shore erosion protection plan with complete specification for proposed shore erosion work.
The minor subdivision plat shall show or be accompanied by the following information:
Drafting standards.
The plat shall be drawn at a scale of one inch equals 50 feet or one inch equals 100 feet.
The plat shall be a clear and legible white paper print.
Dimensions shall be in feet and decimal parts thereof and bearings in degrees, minutes and seconds.
The boundary line of the subdivision shall be shown as a solid heavy line.
Minor subdivision plats shall be on sheets either 18 inches by 22 inches or 36 inches by 44 inches, and all lettering shall be so drawn as to be legible if the plat should be reduced to half size.
Information to be shown.
Name of the subdivision.
Name and address of the owner.
Name and address of the engineer or surveyor.
Zoning classification and requirements.
Date, North point and scale.
A location map for the purpose of locating the site at a scale of not less than 800 feet to the inch.
State Department of Health certification.
Information to be shown if the minor subdivision is in the Critical Area Overlay District:
Tidal and nontidal wetlands.
Areas of steep slopes, 15% or greater, and highly erodible hydric and other soils with development constraints.
Buffer areas and exempted buffer areas, where applicable.
Natural resource protection areas, including habitat protection areas, forests and developed woodlands on or in the vicinity of the proposed subdivision.
The Critical Area Overlay District boundary and the applicable land use management classifications (i.e., IDA, LDA or RCA).
Computation of the amount of acres in the Critical Area Overlay District.
The location and extent of existing and/or proposed erosion abatement approaches.
Existing features.
Complete outline survey of the property to be subdivided, showing all courses, distances and area, and tie-ins to all adjacent street intersections.
The location, names and widths of streets, the location of property lines and names of owners and the location of watercourses, sanitary sewers, storm drains and similar features within 400 feet of any part of the land to be subdivided.
General. The final plat shall consist of a drawing, intended for recording, incorporating those changes or additions required by the Planning and Zoning Commission in its approval of the preliminary plat.
Drafting standards. Drafting standards for the final plat shall be the same as those described in § 138-44 for the preliminary plat.
Information to be shown.
Subdivision name.
Name and address of subdivider or developer.
Name, address and seal of the registered surveyor responsible for the plat. The surveyor must be registered in the State of Maryland.
Date, North point and scale.
A location map (scale between one inch equals 800 feet and one inch equals 2,000 feet).
Center line of all proposed and adjoining streets with their right-of-way width and names.
Accurate distances and bearings of all boundary lines of the subdivision.
Lines of all lots and a simple method of numbering to identify all lots and sections.
Building setback lines which are more restrictive than Town zoning requirements and all easements provided for public service, together with their dimensions and any limitations of the easements.
All dimensions necessary for accurate location of the boundaries of the site to be developed and of all streets, lots, easements and dedicated areas. These dimensions shall be expressed in feet and decimals of a foot.
All radii, arcs, points of tangence, central angles and lengths of curves.
All required and existing survey monuments or benchmarks (i.e., concrete monuments, pipe, trees, fences, etc.), together with their description.
Private, self-imposed and previously existing covenants, restrictions and/or easements and their period of existence are to be shown or referred to on the recorded final plat. This is not to preclude future recording of new or altered covenants, restrictions and/or easements.
The accurate outline, dimensions and purposes of all property which is offered for dedication or is to be reserved for acquisition for public uses or is to be reserved by deed covenant for the common use of the property owners in the subdivision.
Information to be shown if the subdivision is in the Critical Area Overlay District:
Tidal and nontidal wetlands on and adjacent to the property and delineation of the watershed thereof.
Areas of highly erodible hydric and other soils with development constraints.
Buffer areas and exempted buffer areas, where applicable.
Natural resource protection areas, including habitat protection areas, forests and developed woodlands on or in the vicinity of the proposed subdivision.
The Critical Area Overlay District boundary and the applicable land use management classifications (i.e., IDA, LDA or RCA).
Computation of the amount of acres in the Critical Area District.
Total number of lots and/or parcels to be recorded that are in the Critical Area Overlay District and outside the Critical Area Overlay District.
Total area of lots and/or parcels, including widening strips, in the Critical Area Overlay District.
Total area of roadways to be recorded.
Total area of subdivision to be recorded, where density restrictions apply and the acreage dedicated to the development.
Total area of subdivision or portions thereof to be recorded in the Critical Area Overlay District.
Residential density in the Critical Area Overlay District.
Accurate outlines (metes and bounds) of any common or reserved areas or portions of lots to be maintained by covenant, easement or similar approved instrument, impermanent forest cover, including existing forested areas, reforested areas and afforested areas.
Accurate outlines of any areas to be maintained as resource protection use (e.g., agriculture, natural parks, forest, etc.).
Accurate outlines of any areas to be maintained as permanent wildlife and plant habitat protection areas.
Space shall be provided on the final plat for signatures and dates indicating certificate of approval by the following. The plat may not be recorded without all signatures.
A registered surveyor (signature and seal).
County Health Officer or representative of the State Health Department.
Chairperson of the Planning and Zoning Commission.
Owner and all parties having proprietary interest in the property subdivided.
Sanitary District Commission.
Preparation of final plat.
Final plats for subdivisions of one to four lots shall be prepared on sheets of either 81/2 inches by 13 1/2 inches and recorded in the land records of the Clerk of the Court of Somerset County or sheets 18 inches by 24 inches and recorded in the plat records of the Clerk of the Court of Somerset County.
Final plats for subdivisions of five or more lots shall be prepared on sheets of 18 inches by 24 inches and recorded in the Plat Records of the Clerk of the Court of Somerset County.
The above requirements for the tentative sketch plan, minor subdivision plats and preliminary and final plats and for the supporting data may be modified by the Planning and Zoning Commission.
In subdivisions requiring no new streets and in the case of resubdivision, the requirements for the contours may be waived at the discretion of the Planning and Zoning Commission.