[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Norwood 4-21-1997 by L.L. No. 1-1997. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Officers and employees — See Ch. 35.
Alcoholic beverages — See Ch. 50.
The Village of Norwood and its officials recognize that alcohol and/or controlled substance abuse poses a serious problem in society. In recognition of this societal problem, the Village will continue to offer assistance to any employee with a substance abuse problem. Likewise, the Village will continue a policy of maintaining a work environment that is free of substance abuse and mandate the following.
Any unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession or use of a controlled substance during the course of work or while on Village property or work site is prohibited.
The use of alcoholic beverages on Village property or work site is prohibited.
No employee shall work or report to work while impaired by the use of alcohol or illicit/improper use of a controlled substance.
The Village will provide, on a continuing basis, information on alcohol/substance abuse, as well as information on the attendant health and safety hazards.
Any employee who has an alcohol/substance abuse problem is urged to seek help and may obtain confidential assistance and/or treatment through the health insurance program.
Any employee who is convicted of any violation of an alcohol-related/criminal drug statute which occurred at the workplace or during the course of work shall notify his or her department head within three workdays of the conviction.
The Village shall, within 10 days of receiving a notice of conviction of an employee whose work is funded by a federal grant, notify the federal agency issuing said grant.
Any violation of the enumerated policies shall lead to disciplinary action up to and including discharge.
All employees shall be made aware of and provided with a copy of these policies.