No taxicab shall be operated along any street in the Village of Norwood for the purpose of accepting passengers within the Village unless and until the owner of the vehicle shall first obtain a license therefor, commonly known as a "taxicab license," granted by the Board and issued by the Village Clerk. Only such duly authorized taxicabs are authorized to accept passengers within the Village limits.
No taxicab license shall be granted authorizing the operation of any vehicle as a taxicab unless said vehicle conforms with all the provisions of this chapter.
The Board of Trustees hereby finds and determines that the number of taxicabs necessary for the convenience of the residents of the Village shall not exceed 30 in number. Taxicab licenses shall not be issued and outstanding for more than 30 taxicabs unless the Board, by resolution, from time to time shall find and determine that the public convenience and necessity require a greater or lesser number than 30 and fixes said maximum number.
At such time that the Board of Trustees determines the number of licenses should be increased or the Village has acquired any licenses through revocation or repossession, the additional licenses shall be offered through a lottery procedure.
In order to qualify for the lottery, the applicant must certify, in writing, that he/she is financially capable of paying an amount equal to the fair market value of the license at the time of the lottery. The fair market value shall be established by the Board of Trustees. The Village Clerk may require whatever additional information is necessary to establish that the applicant is financially capable. The applicant must be 18 years of age.
The applicant shall only be entitled to obtain one license in the lottery, regardless of the number of licenses involved in said lottery.
Each applicant who shall participate in the lottery shall pay a deposit of $1,000, to be in the form of a certified check. After said lottery, the one who is to receive the license must pay the balance of the fair market value within 60 days. If the payment is not made within said period, the Village shall retain the license, and the deposit of $1,000 shall be forfeited to the Village.
Taxicab licenses shall be limited to no more than two per owner.
The Village shall deliver to the taxicab owner a certificate of ownership for the taxicab license.
There shall be no taxicab stands on the streets of the Village of Norwood unless otherwise established by the Board of Trustees.
All applications for taxicab licenses shall be made, in writing, under oath upon forms furnished by the Village Clerk and approved by the Board. The applicant shall set forth completely the information therein requested and file said application with the Village Clerk. The application shall be accompanied by the license fee prescribed in § 180-12.
Upon the filing of the application for a taxicab license, the Village Clerk shall refer the same to the Chief of Police, who shall conduct an investigation of the applicant and make a report of such investigation. The report and a copy of the traffic and police record of the applicant, if any, shall be attached to the application, which shall be returned to the Village Clerk for presentation to the Board of Trustees.
If the Board finds that the applicant is fit, willing and able to provide such public transportation and to conform to the provisions of this chapter, the Board shall approve the issuance of a taxicab license.
If, upon inspection, the taxicab is found to be in a safe condition for the transportation of passengers and upon payment of the fee prescribed in § 180-12, the Village Clerk shall then issue a taxicab license which shall state:
The name and address of the licensee.
The official license number of the taxicab.
The description and identification number of the vehicle authorized under said license.
The New York registration number.
The taximeter serial number.
The date of inspection by the Police Department.
The list of drivers authorized to operate said vehicle.
This license is to be located in the glove compartment of the taxicab at all times.
No taxicab licensee shall operate, cause or permit to be operated any taxicab unless the provisions of New York State law relating to liability and property damage insurance and power of attorney have been and continue to be complied with, unless otherwise required by state law. This includes filing an insurance policy with the Village Clerk showing full coverage.
A taxicab license shall be issued for a term of one year commencing July 1 and expiring on June 30 of the following year.
The annual license fee for each taxicab shall be set forth from time to time by the Board of Trustees by resolution.[1] All license fees shall be paid to the Village Clerk.
Editor's Note: The fee schedule is on file in the Village offices.
No sale or transfer of a taxicab license shall be transacted without approval from the Board of Trustees. The seller and buyer of the taxicab license shall supply the Village Clerk with all required information regarding the transfer. No taxicab license may be otherwise assigned, mortgaged, leased or otherwise transferred.
A vehicle listed on the license may be substituted or replaced by another vehicle only after the vehicle sought to be substituted shall have been inspected and approval given by the Chief of Police and such vehicle complies with the provisions of this chapter.
An owner shall replace a taxicab when ordered by the Village Clerk and/or the Chief of Police where it appears that the vehicle no longer meets the reasonable standards for safe operation. Upon failure to comply with such order, the license may be suspended by the Board of Trustees, upon written notice of the action proposed and an opportunity to be heard by the Board of Trustees. The license shall not be returned until said order is executed by the licensee.
Licenses granted under the preceding sections of this chapter may be revoked or suspended at any time by the Village Clerk, as hereinafter provided, subsequent to a hearing by the Mayor and Board of Trustees, if the vehicle shall not be in a safe condition for the transportation of passengers and kept in conformity with the terms of this chapter.
The owner of a taxicab license shall maintain a record of all repairs to vehicles and equipment. This record shall be kept in the vehicle at all times, and all repairs, however minor, shall be recorded.
The owner of any taxicab, the use of which has been discontinued, shall surrender his/her emblem and license to the Village Clerk.
A taxicab license cannot lie dormant more than six months. If said license remains dormant, it shall revert to the Village. If, however, an extension is needed, a written request shall be made to the Mayor and Board of Trustees, detailing reasons for such request. This petition must be received by the Village Clerk prior to the expiration of the six months. A decision shall be rendered by the Board of Trustees, after written notice and a hearing before said Committee. The burden will be on the owner of the license to show a reason of undue hardship.
The owner of any taxicab shall record all requests for service as received and retain a record of each such call for not less than one year. Records shall contain no less than the following:
The date and time received.
The location at which a passenger(s) is to be picked up and the driver to whom the call was assigned.
The destination of passenger(s).
An owner shall report any motor vehicle accident involving his/her taxicab to the Village Clerk within 24 hours, regardless of the jurisdiction in which the accident occurred.
An owner shall not require, authorize or permit a driver to operate a taxicab for more than 12 hours in any continuous twenty-four-hour period.
An owner shall make sure that all drivers have a copy of the rules and regulations governing drivers. An owner shall not issue orders to a driver which are in conflict with these rules and regulations. Owners shall exact from drivers full compliance with the rules and regulations issued by the Village. An owner shall promptly notify the Village Clerk of any violation of rules by a driver and any fact, condition or occurrence of said violation.
The Board of Trustees shall have the authority to suspend or revoke any taxicab license issued under this chapter whenever, for just cause and in the public interest, the Board of Trustees deems suspension or revocation is warranted, including, but not by way of limitation, where the licensee has:
Discontinued operations for more than six months.
Committed a violation of any laws of the Village of Norwood or the laws of the United States or the State of New York, the violation of which reflects unfavorably on the fitness of the licensee to offer public transportation.
Violated any of the provisions of this chapter.
Performed any act which would be a basis for denial of the application.
Prior to suspension or revocation, the licensee shall be given written notice of the action proposed to be taken and the reasons therefor. The licensee shall have an opportunity to be heard by the Board of Trustees.
For any of the above or if the vehicle is found to be unsafe by a police officer, the taxi license may be suspended immediately by the police officer, who will take the license from the taxi and turn it over to the Village Clerk with an explanation of the reason for immediate suspension.