Search Results
... 20-2013, passed 7-17-2013 ] Cable system. Time Warner Cable shall maintain a Cable System with a bandwidth no ... performance standards of the FCC. State-of-the-art. Time Warner Cable and the City acknowledge that ...
of (4)
cable (17)
of cable (1)
... ] The Mayor shall appoint a trustee for the bondholders or ... authorizing the issuance of the bonds or notes provides for the execution of a trust indenture appointing a trustee. The ...
of (11)
trustee (15)
... , passed 4-19-2023 ] The Board shall elect from its own ... themselves. For the conduct of any hearing or the taking of any action, a quorum shall be not less than the majority of all the members ...
of (8)
board (6)
of board (1)
... Bank shall be governed by a Board of Directors as provided herein. Number of Board Members. The Erie Land Bank shall be governed by a Board ...
board of (8)
of (43)
board (5)
of board (1)
... passed 1-6-1971 ] Meetings of the Board shall be held at the office of the Board at the call of the President or any four members and written notice of the date, time, place and ...
of (11)
board (5)
... 2-8-1989 ] The Towing Review Board shall hold regular meetings to be determined by the Board members and shall be for the ... hearings pursuant to Title 2 of the Pennsylvania Consolidated ... concerning the removal of abandoned vehicles; and ...
of (2)
board (2)
of board (1)
... ] There is established a Board of License Examiners consisting of seven members, who shall be ... shall serve for a period of two years from the date of his appointment. The seven ...
board of (4)
of (19)
board (3)
... § 2, passed 1-6-1971 ] The Board shall act as an ... the testing and grading of all nonexempt police officers of the City who are nonexempt under the provisions of this article, for the purpose ...
of (8)
board (5)
... first official meeting, the Board shall elect, from amongst its ... and a Secretary. The terms of office of the President, the Vice ... and shall be for a period of one year. All official ...
of (7)
board (3)
... passed 8-2-2006 ] The Board of Appeals shall consist of nine members with one from each of the following: A registered ... contractor. A representative of business or industry. A ...
board of (3)
of (20)
board (9)
... for the performance of staff duties of the following boards, commissions or advisory ... administrative departments of the City in accordance with the provisions of Section 115.06 : Assigned to ...
board board of (2)
of boards (1)
of (14)
boards (1)
board (7)
... 2-8-1989 ] A Towing Review Board shall be established which shall consist of a member of Council appointed by the President of Council, two City residents ... by the Mayor, and a member of the Bureau ...
of (6)
board (2)
... it shall be the duty of the Board to inquire into the specifications of the position to be filled and ... and qualifications. The Board shall make certification from the list of eligible applicants which, in ...
of (4)
board (3)
... 508 may be filed with the Board, in writing, by the landowner ... any officer or agency of the City, or any person ... 508 may be filed with the Board by any landowner or any tenant with the permission of such landowner.
of (2)
board (3)
... shall appoint, with consent of City Council and upon the recommendation of the Building Code Official, a Trades Licensing Board for each classification of the following below. The ...
of (53)
board (23)
... modifications and extensions of time and decide issues of technical infeasibility under Chapter 11 (Accessibility) of the Uniform Construction Code ... under Section 301(a)(3) of the Act (35 P.S. § ...
of (34)
board (11)
... such staff positions for any board, commission or other advisory ... been authorized for any such board, commission or advisory body, ... shall be filled by such board, commission or advisory body. ... from his position by such board, commission or advisory body ...
of (2)
boards (1)
board (4)
... alter and abolish all boards, commissions and advisory ... fix the number and terms of the members of such boards, commissions and other ...
of boards (1)
of (2)
boards (2)