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Township of Lower Allen, PA
Part II: General Legislation
Ch 220 Zoning
Ch 220 Art III Designation of Districts
Ch 220 Art IV R-1 Single-Family Established Residential District
Ch 220 Art V R-2 Single-Family Rural Residential District
Ch 220 Art VI MUN Mixed-Use Neighborhood District
Ch 220 Art VII R-3 Multifamily Residential District
Ch 220 Art VIII C-1 Neighborhood Commercial District
Ch 220 Art IX C-2 General Commercial District
Ch 220 Art X C-3 Business Park District
Ch 220 Art XI C-4 Regional Commercial District
Ch 220 Art XII I-1 General Industrial District
Ch 220 Art XIII I-2 Mineral Recovery District
Ch 220 Art XIV I-3 Industrial/Commercial District
Ch 220 Art XV Open Space Development (OSD) Overlay District
Ch 220 Art XVI Traditional Neighborhood Development (TND) Overlay District
Ch 220 Art XVII Neighborhood Redevelopment (NR) Overlay District
Ch 220 Art XXII Airport Hazard Zoning Provisions
Ch 220 Art XXIII Groundwater Nonuse Overlay District
Ch 220 Art XXVIII Floodplain Districts