Consistent with the general purposes of this chapter and the goals and objectives of the Lower Allen Township Comprehensive Plan, the specific intent of this article is to maintain the integrity of existing rural areas through low-impact development techniques while still preserving the existing rural character, environmentally sensitive areas and open space.
The permitted uses are as follows:
Single-family detached dwellings.
Family care facilities.
Family day care facilities, in accordance with § 220-162.
Accessory dwelling units, in accordance with § 220-149.
Nonintensive agriculture that may include horticulture, floriculture or silviculture uses, in accordance with § 220-151.
Kennels, in accordance with § 220-167.
Public parks, public playgrounds, public recreation areas and public camping facilities.
Municipal buildings, public libraries and public museums.
Utility facilities, where operation requirements necessitate location within the district, in accordance with § 220-180.
Home occupations, in accordance with § 220-165.
Bed-and-breakfast establishments as a primary use, in accordance with § 220-156.
Places of worship, including one accessory residential unit.
Preschool and elementary level schools.
Golf courses and country clubs, in accordance with § 220-163.
Signs, when erected and maintained in accordance with Article XXV.
Accessory uses and structures on the same lot with and customarily incidental to any of the above-permitted uses, in accordance with § 220-150.
No principal building shall be erected to a height in excess of 35 feet.
No accessory building shall be erected to a height in excess of 25 feet.
The maximum permitted residential density shall be one dwelling unit per gross acre, excluding existing dedicated rights-of-way.
There shall be no minimum lot area. Lot area shall be based upon required setbacks, impervious coverage, parking and loading/unloading, on-lot well and septic system requirements, floodplains/wetlands, steep slope requirements, woodland preservation and other applicable criteria as set forth in this chapter.
The minimum lot width shall be not less than 50 feet at the dedicated right-of-way line and not less than 100 feet at the building line.
Impervious coverage shall not exceed 30%.
Yards of the following minimum depths shall be provided for principal residential buildings:
Minimum front yard depth: 40 feet. On multiple frontage lots, a front yard shall be provided abutting each street frontage. If the abutting street right-of-way width is less than 50 feet, front yard setback is measured in accordance with § 220-212A.
Minimum side yards shall total no less than 20 feet, with no one side yard less than five feet in width. On a corner lot, two side yards shall be provided along the interior lot lines.
The minimum rear yard depth shall be 40 feet. On a corner lot, a rear yard shall not be required.
Yards of the following minimum depths shall be provided for nonresidential principal buildings:
Minimum front yard depth: 40 feet. On a corner lot, two front yards shall be provided. If the abutting street right-of-way width is less than 50 feet, front yard setback is measured in accordance with § 220-212A.
Minimum side yard: 20 feet.
Minimum side yard for a nonresidential principal building abutting a residential use: 50 feet.
Minimum rear yard. 40 feet.
All uses must comply with performance standards as set forth within Article XIX herein.
Off-street parking/access shall be provided in accordance with Article XXIV.