[Adopted 11-15-2005 by Ord. No. 7-2005]
Beginning with the enactment of this article, all new traffic signals installed in the Township, or any traffic signal upgraded through maintenance or otherwise within the Township, shall have siren-activated preemption capabilities. Anyone desiring to install or upgrade a signal shall consult with the Township's Public Safety Department to determine the accepted system to be installed. The proposed system shall be such to allow all traffic signals to be coordinated so that emergency vehicles may travel through intersections and along the roadways of South Strabane in an unimpeded manner.
To the extent that any permit, license, approval, etc., from the Township is necessary for either the installation of new traffic signals or the upgrade of existing traffic signals, such permit, license, or approval shall not be granted until the proposed preemption system is provided to the Township through its Department of Public Safety and approved by said Department.
All costs associated with the installation of the preemption system, including future maintenance or upgrades thereof, shall be borne by the developer.
[Amended 6-26-2011 by Ord. No. 4-2011]
After adjudication, anyone determined to have violated this article shall be responsible for payment of any and all costs incurred to have said preemption system properly installed and shall be punishable as provided in § 1-3, Civil enforcement, of the Code of the Township of South Strabane.