[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Franklin Township 6-7-1990 as Ch. 7, Part 1, of the 1990 Code. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Firemen's Relief Association — See Ch. 18.
Franklin Township hereby recognizes the following Volunteer Fire Companies, which have either been organized by residents of the said Township, or which provide fire protection and/or emergency services in Franklin Township:
Cashtown Community Fire Company
Buchanan Valley Fire Company
Gettysburg Fire Department
Arendtsville Community Fire Company
The above-named Volunteer Fire Companies are hereby given all power, so far as Franklin Township has the power to grant the same, to enact such rules and regulations for the management and government of individual members thereof as shall be necessary for the proper maintenance and control of said Volunteer Fire Companies. Neither the grant of the aforesaid power nor the recognition set forth in § 14-1 above shall be construed as constituting the above-named Volunteer Fire Companies as agents, departments, or employees of Franklin Township, except insofar as such effect is provided under the provisions of the Pennsylvania Worker's Compensation Law, or its successor, as amended, or the Pennsylvania Political Subdivision Tort Claims Act, or its successor, as amended.
The members of the above-named Volunteer Fire Companies may elect from their number such officers as may be provided by the bylaws of the said respective Volunteer Fire Companies.
All appropriations made by Franklin Township to or for the use of the above-named Volunteer Fire Companies, whether of money or property, and all equipment purchased by Franklin Township for the above-named Volunteer Fire Companies, shall continue to be the property of the Township. None of the fire apparatus or equipment so belonging to the Township shall be permanently removed from the Township without the express, written consent of the Franklin Township Board of Supervisors.