[HISTORY: Adopted by the Common Council of the City of Montello 5-7-1984 as Title 8, Ch. 1 of the 1984 Code. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Bicycles and play vehicles — See Ch. 125.
Snowmobiles — See Ch. 278.
Abandoned vehicles — See Ch. 315.
Junked vehicles and appliances — See Ch. 319.
Except as otherwise specifically provided in this chapter, the statutory provisions in Chs. 340 to 348, Wis. Stats., describing and defining regulations with respect to vehicles and traffic, exclusive of any provisions therein relating to penalties to be imposed and exclusive of any regulations for which the statutory penalty is a fine or term of imprisonment, are hereby adopted and by reference made a part of this Code as if fully set forth herein. Any act required to be performed or prohibited by any statute incorporated herein by reference is required or prohibited by this section. Any future amendments, revisions or modifications of these statutes incorporated herein are intended to be made part of this chapter in order to secure uniform statewide regulation of traffic on the highways, streets, and alleys of the State of Wisconsin.
The provisions of §§ 346.57, 346.58 and 346.59, Wis. Stats., relating to the maximum and minimum speed of vehicles, are hereby adopted as part of this section as if fully set forth herein.
Parking limits. When signs are erected in any block giving notice thereof, no person shall park a vehicle for longer than the period of time indicated on the sign, at any time, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., except on Sundays and holidays.
All-night parking. It shall be unlawful for any person, except physicians on emergency calls, to park any vehicle on any street in the City of Montello between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. of any day from the first day of November to the first day of April of each year. Special permission allowing the holder thereof to park a vehicle owned by him or under his control and supervision on a particularly described portion of a street within the City during these hours may be issued by the Montello Police Department where actual necessity can be shown, such as in cases of overnight guests or emergency breakdowns of the vehicle, thereby deeming it necessary to leave said vehicle parked on the street temporarily or, in the case of breakdown, until immediate attention can be given to said vehicle within 24 hours of said breakdown. Application for any such permission (with the exception of vehicle breakdown) must be made 72 hours in advance and may be given only by the Chief of Police or one of his officers.
Parking restricted.
[Amended 7-6-2005; 11-7-2016; 10-8-2018]
It shall be unlawful for any and all vehicles to park in City Parking Lot Nos. 1, 3, and 4 in the City of Montello between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. from the first day of November to the first day of April of each year. Parking in City Parking Lot No. 2 (west side of Main Street, located between 33 Main Street and 19 Main Street) for the period beginning with the first day of November to the first day of April shall be as follows:
8:00 a.m. until 9:00 a.m.: No parking.
9:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m.: Public parking.
6:00 p.m. until 8:00 a.m.: Parking by valid permit only.
Permits will be issued by the Montello Police Department. Permits may be issued to residents of Main Street whose property includes no other off-street parking. Permit holders must remove vehicles from the lot by 8:00 a.m. daily. Vehicles not removed by 8:00 a.m. are subject to ticketing and/or towing at the vehicle owner's expense. There shall be a limit of two permits issued per residential unit. The cost of each permit shall be $20 for the period of November 1 of each year to the following April 1.
Prohibited areas.
[Added 5-6-2019]
No vehicle shall be parked at any time on both sides of State Trunk Highway 22 (Church Street) from the intersection of State Trunk Highway 22/23 (Montello Street) northerly to a point 160 feet north of State Trunk Highway 22/23 (Montello Street).
No vehicle shall be parked at any time on the north side of State Trunk Highway 22/23 (Montello Street) from 82 feet west of State Trunk Highway 22 (Church Street) easterly to the intersection of State Trunk Highway 22 (Church Street).
No vehicle shall be parked at any time on the north side of State Trunk Highway 23 (Montello Street) from the intersection of State Trunk Highway 22 (Church Street) easterly to a point 82 feet east of State Trunk Highway 22 (Church Street).
No person shall stop, park or leave standing any vehicle, whether attended or unattended and whether temporarily or otherwise, in any of the following places:
Within an intersection.
On a crosswalk.
On a sidewalk or sidewalk area, except when parking in such place is clearly indicated by official traffic signs or markers or parking meters.
Alongside or opposite any highway excavation or obstruction when such stopping or standing would obstruct traffic or when pedestrian traffic would be required to travel in the roadway.
On the roadway side of any parked vehicle unless double parking is clearly indicated by official traffic signs or markers.
Within 20 feet of the driveway entrance to a fire station.
Upon any portion of a highway where and at the time when stopping or standing is prohibited by official traffic signs indicating the prohibition of any stopping or standing.
In any place or manner so as to obstruct or hinder traffic.
Within 10 feet of a fire hydrant, unless a greater distance is indicated by an official traffic sign.
Upon any portion of a highway where and at the time when parking is prohibited, limited or restricted by official traffic signs.
Upon any bridge.
Upon any portion of a street between the curbline thereof and the cement or traveled portion of the sidewalk, said space being commonly known as the "terrace."
No vehicle shall be parked at any time on both sides of State Trunk Highway 22 (Church Street) from the intersection of State Trunk Highway 22/23 (Montello Street) northerly to a point 160 feet north of State Trunk Highway 22/23 (Montello Street).
[Added 5-6-2019]
No vehicle shall be parked at any time on the north side of State Trunk Highway 22/23 (Montello Street) from 82 feet west of State Trunk Highway 22 (Church Street) easterly to the intersection of State Trunk Highway 22 (Church Street).
[Added 5-6-2019]
No vehicle shall be parked at any time on the north side of State Trunk Highway 23 (Montello Street) from the intersection of State Highway 22 (Church Street) easterly to a point 82 feet east of State Trunk Highway 22 (Church Street).
[Added 5-6-2019]
During the hours of 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on school days, no person shall stop, park or leave any vehicle standing, whether temporarily or otherwise, upon the side of any highway adjacent to a schoolhouse where designated by official signs reading "No Stopping, Standing or Parking 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on School Days."
On highways adjacent to such schoolhouse where designated by official signs reading "No Parking 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on School Days," the operator of a vehicle may stop upon such designated side of the highway thereof during such hours provided that such stopping is temporary and only for the purpose of receiving or discharging passengers.
Parking is permitted on the side of any highway adjacent to such schoolhouse during such hours where signs prohibiting parking are not posted.
This subsection shall not apply to a vehicle licensed as a common carrier while actually engaged in the receiving and discharging of passengers.
Parking permit.
[Added 3-17-2022]
During the hours of 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on school days, no person shall stop, park or leave any vehicle standing, whether temporarily or otherwise, in any Montello School District parking lot without a current Montello High School student/Montello School District staff parking permit. Students and staff are expected to park in their designated lot and park in designated parking stalls as indicated by parking lot markings. Visitors are expected to park in designated visitor parking areas.
During the hours of 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on school days, no person shall fail to display a Montello High School student/Montello School District staff parking permit or display said permit on an unauthorized vehicle.
Permits will be issued with registration or can be obtained at the designated office.
All streets and alleys within the City of Montello, Wisconsin, except the following enumerated streets, are hereby designated Class "B" highways and shall be subject to the weight limitations imposed by § 348.16, Wis. Stats.: those streets over which State Trunk Highways 22 and 23 pass in the City of Montello.
Sunset Drive, formerly Dredge Bank Road, between Highway 22 and West Montello Street, shall be restricted to one-way traffic traveling in a northwesterly direction only, with the entrance on State Highway 22.
[Amended 2-6-2017]
The following streets are designated as arterials and stop signs shall be placed in the manner provided by law governing traffic at the intersections as follows:
Ash Street and State Highway 22
Barry Street and Underwood Avenue
Cass Street and Clay Street
Cass Street and Montello Street
Cass Street and Park Street
Central Avenue and Underwood Avenue
Church Street and Montello Street
Clay Street and Church Street
County Trunk "B" and State Highway 23
County Trunk "C" and State Highway 23
County Trunk "F" and Main Street
Doty Street and Park Street
Douglas Street and Park Street
East Street and Montello Street
Ellis Street and Underwood Avenue
Factory Street and Main Street
Forest Lane and State Highway 22
Fourth Street and Main Street
Lake Avenue and Bearry Street
Lake Avenue and Underwood Avenue
Montello Street and Main Street
North Street and Doty Street
Park Street and Church Street
Park Street and West Street
Schmidt Street and Park Street
Stevens Avenue and Lake Avenue
Stevens Avenue and Underwood Avenue
Third Street and Main Street
Underwood Avenue and Montello Street
Underwood Avenue and Park Street
Water Street and Main Street
West Street and Montello Street
Whenever any police officer shall find any motor vehicle, trailer, semitrailer or mobile home standing upon any street or public property in violation of parking regulations or posted time limit, and such vehicle is parked 24 hours in excess of parking regulations, he is authorized to move said vehicle, or require the operator in charge thereof to move such vehicle, to a position where parking is not prohibited. For the purpose of this section, the business district of the City of Montello is defined to be Main Street from H. A. Freitag & Son to Montello Street; Montello Street from the Montello Theater to Underwood Avenue; from Underwood Avenue to Park Street; and West Street from Park Street to Montello Street.[2]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II).
The owner of any illegally parked vehicle, except a stolen vehicle, is responsible for all costs of removing said illegally parked vehicle.
Towing fees and any other costs of removing said illegally parked vehicles shall be charged directly to the owner or operator of said vehicle.
Editor's Note: Original § 8-1-8, Parking meters, as amended 4-7-1986, which immediately preceded this section, was repealed 7-6-2005.
The Committee on Public Safety or its designee shall erect and maintain appropriate standard traffic signs, signals and markings conforming to the rules of the State Department of Transportation, giving such notice of the provisions of §§ 323-2 through 323-6 as required by state law. Signs shall also be erected in such locations and manner as authorized by the Common Council as to give adequate warning to users of the street, alley or highway in question.
Notwithstanding the provisions of § 346.48(2)(b)2, Wis. Stats., to the contrary, school bus operators shall use flashing red warning lights in residential and business districts when pupils or other authorized passengers are to be loaded or unloaded at locations at which there are no crosswalks or traffic signals so that pupils must cross the street or highway before being loaded or after being unloaded.
Established. There is hereby established an Official Traffic Map for the City of Montello, upon which shall be indicated no parking areas, restricted parking areas, stop signs, arterial intersections, yield signs, special speed limits, one-way highways, school crossings and all other restrictions or limitations contained in the Code, as from time to time amended or modified by the Common Council, when the laws of the State of Wisconsin require the erection or use of official traffic control devices to enforce such restrictions or limitations.
Violations prohibited. When official traffic control devices giving notice of the restrictions, prohibitions and limitations shown on the Official Traffic Map are erected and maintained in accordance with the provisions of this section, a violation of the restriction, prohibition or limitation shown on the Official Traffic Map shall be a violation of the provisions of this Code.
Map to be maintained. A copy of the Official Traffic Map shall be maintained and displayed in the office of the City Clerk-Treasurer and the Circuit Court.
Additions to map. The Common Council may from time to time make additions to or deletions from the Official Traffic Map, and the City Clerk-Treasurer shall keep such Official Traffic Map current.
When official traffic signs indicating such restriction have been erected, no person shall park, stop or leave standing any vehicle upon any portion of a street, highway or public or private parking facility reserved for vehicles displaying special registration plates or identification cards or emblems issued by the Wisconsin Department of Transportation or, for vehicles registered in another jurisdiction, by such other jurisdiction designating the vehicle as one used by a physically disabled person.
Schmidt Street shall be closed to all vehicular traffic except authorized vehicles between the hours of 7:45 a.m. and 3:45 p.m. Authorized vehicles permitted to use Schmidt Street are municipal and school district vehicles and emergency vehicles.
School bus operators shall use flashing red warning lights while on Schmidt Street when pupils or other authorized passengers are to be loaded or unloaded at locations at which there are no crosswalks or traffic signals so that pupils must cross the street before being loaded or after being unloaded.
[Amended 9-1-1998]
Conduct prohibited. No person shall, within the City limits of the City of Montello, by or through the use of a motor vehicle, including but not limited to an automobile, truck, semitractor, motorcycle, minibike, or snowmobile, cause or provoke disorderly conduct with a motor vehicle, cause a disturbance or annoy one or more person.
Definition. As used in this section, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
The engaging in violent, abusive, unreasonably loud or otherwise disorderly conduct, including but not limited to unnecessary, deliberate, or intentional spinning of wheels, squealing of tires, revving of engine, blowing the horn, causing the engine to backfire or causing the vehicle while commencing to move or in motion to raise one or more wheels off the ground, or the use of compression brakes which are activated or operated by the compression of the engine.
Forfeiture penalty. The penalty for violation of any provision of this chapter shall be a forfeiture as hereinafter provided together with the costs of prosecution and the penalty assessment imposed by § 757.05, Wis. Stats., where applicable. Payment of the judgment may be suspended by the sentencing judge for not more than 60 days. Any person who shall fail to pay the amount of the forfeiture, costs of prosecution and penalty imposed for violation of any provision of this chapter may, where otherwise permitted by law, upon order of the court entering judgment therefor and having jurisdiction of the case, be imprisoned until such forfeiture, costs and assessments are paid, but not exceeding 90 days.
Other sanctions. Nothing herein shall preclude or affect the power of the sentencing court to exercise additional authorities granted by the Wisconsin Statutes to suspend or revoke the operating privileges of the defendant or to order the defendant to submit to assessment and rehabilitation or attend traffic safety school in addition to payment of a monetary penalty or in lieu of imprisonment.
Forfeitures for uniform traffic offenses. Forfeitures for violations of any traffic regulations set forth in the Wisconsin Statutes adopted by reference in § 323-1 shall conform to the forfeiture penalty permitted to be imposed for violations of the comparable state statute, including any variations or increases for subsequent offenses; provided, however, that this subsection shall not permit prosecution under this chapter of any offense for which an imprisonment penalty or fine may be imposed upon the defendant.
Forfeitures for parking violations.
Forfeitures for uniform statewide parking, stopping and standing offenses. Minimum and maximum forfeitures for violation of the offenses described in §§ 346.51 to 346.55, Wis. Stats., adopted by reference in § 323-1 of this chapter, shall be as follows:
§ 346.51(1)
Improper parking on/off roadway
§ 346.52(1)
Stopping/standing in prohibited areas
Second conviction within 1 year
§ 346.52(2)
Stopping/standing on highway by grade school
§ 346.53
Parking/standing where prohibited
Second conviction within 1 year
§ 346.54
Improper parking/standing of vehicle
Second conviction within 1 year
§ 346.55(1)
Parking on left side of highway
§ 346.55(3)
Parking on posted private property
Second conviction within 1 year
Overtime parking. The forfeiture for violations of the provisions of this chapter relating to limited time parking shall be $5. If the same is not paid within seven days of the issuance of said ticket, said forfeiture shall automatically increase to $10.
[Amended 4-7-1986; 7-6-1998]
Penalty for other parking violations. The penalty for all other parking violations not included under Subsection D(1) and (2) above shall be a forfeiture of $25. If said forfeiture is not paid within seven days, thereby necessitating further notices, the forfeiture will automatically be increased to $35. If said forfeiture of $35 is not paid within 14 days of notice, the City shall issue a complaint and summons under the provisions of § 345.28(4), Wis. Stats.
[Amended 4-7-1986]
Enforcement according to statutes. This chapter shall be enforced in accordance with the provisions of the Wisconsin Statutes and this section.
Applicable court procedures. Except where otherwise specifically provided by the laws of the State of Wisconsin or this Code, the traffic regulations in this Code shall be enforced in the Circuit Court of Marquette County in accordance with the provisions of the Wisconsin Statutes.
Uniform citation and complaint. The Wisconsin Uniform Traffic Citation and Complaint described and defined in the Wisconsin Statutes shall be used for enforcement of all provisions of this chapter except those provisions which describe or define nonmoving traffic violations and violations of §§ 346.71 through 346.73, Wis. Stats. Violations of §§ 346.71 through 346.73, Wis. Stats., shall be reported to the District Attorney and the Wisconsin Uniform Traffic Citation shall not be used in such cases except upon written request of the District Attorney.
Parking citations. The Chief of Police shall recommend a citation for use in enforcing the nonmoving traffic offenses in this chapter. When approved by the Common Council, such citation shall be used for enforcement of nonmoving traffic regulations created or adopted by this chapter, including violations of nonmoving traffic regulations defined and described in the Wisconsin Statutes adopted by reference in § 323-1. The citation for nonmoving traffic violations shall contain a notice that the person cited may discharge the forfeiture for violation of a nonmoving traffic regulation and penalty thereof by complying with Subsection D(2) of this section. Nonmoving traffic citations may be issued by law enforcement officers or by civilian employees of the Police Department.
Deposits and stipulations.
Uniform traffic offenses.
Who may make. Persons arrested or cited for violation of moving traffic offenses created by this chapter shall be permitted to make deposits and stipulations of no contest or released by the arresting officer in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Wisconsin Statutes.
Delivery or mailing of deposit and stipulation. The deposit and stipulation shall be delivered personally by the person cited or mailed to the office of the City of Montello Police Department.
Receipt required. The official or person receiving the deposit shall furnish and deliver or mail an original receipt for such deposit to the alleged violator and shall deliver the deposit and stipulation and a copy of the receipt within five days to the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Marquette County.
Nonmoving traffic offenses.
Direct payment of penalty permitted. Persons cited for violation of nonmoving traffic offenses described and defined in this chapter may discharge the penalty thereof and avoid court prosecution by forwarding, within 10 days of the issuance of the citation, to the City Clerk-Treasurer the minimum penalty specified for the violation. If not so forwarded, the penalty may be discharged by forwarding within 15 days of the date of the citation to the above-named office the amount of $10. When payment is made as provided in this subsection, no court costs shall be charged.
Court prosecution. If the alleged violator does not deliver or mail a deposit as provided in Subsection D(2)(a) above within 15 days of the date of the citation, the Chief of Police shall forward a copy of the citation to the City Attorney for prosecution pursuant to law.
Deposits returned to Clerk-Treasurer. Officers receiving deposits for nonmoving traffic violations under this subsection shall pay over such deposits to the City Clerk-Treasurer within seven days of receipt. Such payment shall be accompanied by an itemized statement for each deposit of the offense charged and the name of the depositor.