[HISTORY: Adopted by the Common Council of the City of Montello 6-27-2013; amended in its entirety 1-20-2021. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Administrative determinations review — See Ch. 6.
Pursuant to Chapter 755, Wis. Stats., there is hereby created and established a Municipal Court designated "Joint Municipal Court for the City of Montello, Village of Oxford, Village of Westfield and Village of Neshkoro" (hereinafter a.k.a. "Joint Municipal Court" or "Marquette County Joint Municipal Court") presided over by a Municipal Judge.
Composition. The Municipal Court Committee shall be comprised of one representative of each member municipality who shall be appointed by the Mayor, President or Chairman of the member municipality, subject to confirmation by the respective governing body. In order to assure participation and continuity of representation, each member municipality may appoint an alternate representative who shall act on Committee matters in the absence of the representative.
Pursuant to Chapter 755, Wis. Stats., the Office of Municipal Judge is hereby created. Eligibility for the Office of Municipal Judge shall be as follows: To be eligible for the Office of Municipal Judge, a person must be a qualified elector in the City of Montello, Village of Oxford, Village of Westfield or the Village of Neshkoro.
The appointed Judge must run for the election at large the following spring election, for a four-year term, commencing on May 1 succeeding his or her election. Electors of the City of Montello, the Village of Oxford, Village of Westfield, and Village of Neshkoro shall be eligible to vote for the Municipal Judge of the Joint Municipal Court.
Pursuant to Chapter 755, Wis. Stats., the Office of the Clerk of the Municipal Court is hereby created. Said Clerk shall take the position upon hire by the Municipal Court Committee and written appointment by the Judge. Training and compensation of said Clerk shall be as determined by the governing bodies of member municipalities.
The Municipal Judge shall receive a fixed salary and Municipal Judge's training pursuant to § 755.18, Wis. Stats., the salary to be determined by the governing bodies of member municipalities, subject to § 755.04, Wis. Stats., which shall be in lieu of fees and costs. The salary shall be paid quarterly. No salary shall be paid to the Municipal Judge for any time during his or her term for which he or she has not executed and filed the official bond and oath as required by § 32-7 of this chapter.
The Municipal Judge shall, after election or appointment to fill a vacancy, take and file the official oath as prescribed in § 757.02(1), Wis. Stats., pursuant to § 755.03, Wis. Stats., with the Clerk of Circuit Court for Marquette County, and at the same time shall execute and file an official bond.
The Municipal Court Clerk shall, before entering upon the duties of the office, take and file the official oath as prescribed in § 19.01 Wis. Stats., with the City Clerk of the City of Montello and at the same time shall execute and file an official bond. The City of Montello Clerk will provide file copies to the other two communities.
The Municipal Judge shall have jurisdiction as provided by Statutes and Laws of the State of Wisconsin and pursuant to § 755.045, Wis. Stats.
The Joint Municipal Court's location and time shall be determined by order of the Municipal Judge.
The procedure in Joint Municipal Court shall be provided by the Statutes and Laws of Wisconsin.
The Court Clerk or his/her designee shall make daily deposits of all forfeitures, fees, penalties, assessment and costs collected in any action or proceeding before the Joint Municipal Court. These deposits will be made to a designated bank account as determined by the Joint Municipal Court Committee.
The Municipal Judge may impose a sanction as authorized under § 800.12(2) Wis. Stats., for contempt of court as defined in § 785.01(1), Wis. Stats., in accordance with the procedures under § 785.03, Wis. Stats.