[HISTORY: Adopted by the City Council of the City of Pottsville 5-21-1966 by Ord. No. 72-66 as Art. 905 of the 1966 Code. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Building construction — See Ch. 95.
Streets and sidewalks — See Ch. 194.
Subdivision of land — See Ch. 197.
Zoning — See Ch. 220.
All dwelling houses, offices, stores or other places of business shall be numbered in accordance with the following plan, such numbers to be plain and durable figures, placed upon the transom or top of the frame of the front door thereof or other conspicuous place.
The city shall be divided by Norwegian and Centre Streets. One hundred (100) numbers shall be allotted to each block north and south of Norwegian Street, and one hundred (100) numbers shall be allotted to each block east and west from Centre Street, so that all houses between Centre and Second Streets shall be numbered from 100 to 200 and the houses east of Centre Street, between Centre Street and Railroad Street, shall be numbered from 100 to 200, and the numbers shall be applied to each block north and south of Norwegian Street, commencing with number 1. A number shall be allotted for each twenty (20) feet of ground. Even numbers shall be used on the north and east sides of the streets and odd numbers on the south and west sides.
The City Engineer shall make the allotment of the proper number to each house upon the system aforesaid and make and keep a record of the same. Upon application by any resident, the City Engineer shall furnish such applicant with the number of his house, office, store or other place of business.
It shall be the duty of the City Engineer to cause notices to be served on every person who shall not have complied with such requirements. If any person shall neglect or refuse, within ten (10) days after notice, to place the number mentioned in the notice upon the house, office, store or other place of business owned or occupied by him, the City Engineer shall cause the proper number to be placed thereon, and the expenses thereof shall be paid by the owner of the premises.