[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Wawarsing as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Notification of defects — See Ch. 80.
[Adopted 2-18-1999 by L.L. No. 1-1999]
Any owner or occupant of any house or other building, and every owner or person entitled to possession of any vacant lot and every person having charge of any church or other public building in the Town of Wawarsing, during the winter months and during the time the snow remains on the ground, shall keep the sidewalks, walkways and pathways in front of such house, building or lot free from obstruction by snow or ice, and shall also at all times keep said sidewalks, walkways and pathways in good and safe repair and free from dirt and weeds or other obstructions or encumbrances.
Upon the failure of any owner or occupant to comply with Subsection A above, the Town of Wawarsing reserves the right to cause such compliance and to bill the owner or occupant of the premises the expense thereof and, if not paid, to add the expense to the tax roll of the owner or occupant.
Snow and ice shall be removed within 24 hours after the end of the snowfall. Sidewalks in front of commercial establishments and commercial parking lots or in the commercial area of the Town shall be kept free of snow and ice between the hours of 9:00, a.m. and 5:00 p.m.
In case snow and ice on any sidewalk shall be frozen so hard that it cannot be removed without injury to the sidewalk, it shall, within the time specified above, be strewn and kept strewn with ashes, sand, salt, sawdust or other suitable material so as to minimize the danger to life and limb. As soon as possible thereafter, the sidewalk shall be completely cleared of snow, ice and other materials strewn thereon.
The imposition and collection of any fine or penalty described in other parts of this article shall not bar the right of the Town to collect the cost of removal as provided for herein, together with reasonable attorney fees incurred by the Town.
It shall at all times be the obligation and responsibility of the property owner and occupant of every parcel of real property adjoining a public sidewalk to maintain the sidewalk adjoining such parcel in good repair and free of snow and ice. The property owner and occupant shall be responsible for injuries sustained by third parties resulting from their failure to properly do so. Notwithstanding the fact that the Town may remove or cause to be removed the snow and ice from the sidewalk if the property owner or occupant shall fail to do so, the nonfeasance or malfeasance of the Town to remove the snow and ice or otherwise properly maintain the sidewalks shall not create any liability on behalf of the Town.
No person, firm or corporation shall deposit, throw, place or strew, nor shall any person, firm or corporation cause to be deposited, thrown, placed or strewn, any snow or ice upon any street, avenue or roadway within the Town of Wawarsing.
Any person, firm or corporation violating any provisions of this article shall be guilty of a violation and upon a first conviction pay a fine not to exceed $100. For each offense thereafter, the fine shall not exceed $250 for each such offense. For purposes of this section, each day shall constitute a separate violation.
Any and all repairs to sidewalks within the Town of Wawarsing shall be under the supervision and approval of the Town of Wawarsing Highway Department or its representatives.