[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Wawarsing 11-3-2011 by L.L. No. 2-2011. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Zoning — See Ch. 112.
It shall be unlawful, without obtaining a license from the Town Clerk, for any person, firm of corporation, either as owner, tenant or agent, to run, operate or maintain in the Town of Wawarsing a hotel, motel, boardinghouse or bed-and-breakfast or any building or part of a building used in the business of renting rooms or furnishing meals with accommodations for more boarders or roomers than allowed as of right in a single-family dwelling.
All applications for licenses or renewals thereof shall be made in writing, in duplicate, containing the information called for, on forms furnished by the Town Building Inspector/Code Enforcement Officer, and shall be sworn to by the applicant or his or its duly authorized agent or representative. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the applicant is specifically required to represent on the application the maximum occupancy limits of each room or dwelling unit offered for public occupancy.
Petition for relief from license. Any person or corporation, either as owner, tenant or agent, seeking to operate or maintain a facility listed herein within the Town may submit a petition to the Town Board requesting relief from the requirement to gain a license before allowing occupancy of said facility. Such petition shall be subject to approval by the Town Board, and no occupancy shall be allowed without a license unless approval of the Town Board has been previously obtained.
The Town Board, in making a determination to grant relief to a person or corporation acting as owner, tenant or agent, may consider, in reaching a decision on such request, any item that the Town Board deems appropriate, including, but not limited to, the following: whether the occupant is a victim of displacement of his/her primary residence due to fire, flood, or other catastrophe; whether the occupancy will be temporary in nature; whether the occupant is acting in the capacity of property manager of the facility; whether the occupant is an immediate family member of the owner, tenant or agent in control of the facility, etc. The Town Board may also consider such other terms and conditions as the Town Board deems appropriate.
Applications under this section are required for all facilities in existence at or prior to the adoption of this chapter by the Town Board, as well as all facilities hereinafter that seek to operate after the adoption hereof.
Obtain and maintain photo identification of the guest.[1]
Editor's Note: Per Town, this wording may have been unintentional.
No license shall be issued or renewed except after the application has been investigated and the premises inspected by the Building Inspector/Code Enforcement Officer and except where the applicant keeps and maintains, and agrees during the term of the license to keep and maintain, in the entrance hall, lobby or reception room, a bound register, with pages numbered consecutively, in which shall be plainly written, in the English language:
The name of each guest spending the night or taking a room;
The permanent residence of said guest;
The hour of the day, month and year at which such guest arrived and departed from the premises in question and the number of the room assigned to such guest.
The establishment shall obtain and retain proof of identification of each guest.
No license shall be issued or renewed for a longer period than one year and all licenses shall expire on December 31 of each year. All applications, properly filled out, must be filed at least 30 days before applicant intends to commence operations.
Fees for the issue of a license hereunder or subsequent renewals thereof shall be as set forth from time to time by resolution of the Town Board.
No license shall be issued except where the applicant has satisfied the Building Inspector/Code Enforcement Officer, after inspection by him, that toilet and sewerage facilities are adequate and proper for taking care of the number of guests for which the applicant proposes to take out a license, and that an adequate supply of potable and wholesome drinking water is at all times available, and hot water for bathing and dish washing; also that the building is structurally safe and properly protected from fire, and that the rooms are adequate as to size and ventilation.
Any and all licenses or renewals thereof issued hereunder may be revoked by resolution of the Town Board upon proof being made to its satisfaction that any of the terms and conditions under which such license is issued have been violated, or that any statements made in the application are false. In case of revocation, no license fee will be returned. Before the Town Board revokes any such license, it will be required to give the licensee five days' notice of a hearing, which notice may be served by mail on the licensee at the address designated in the application upon which the license or renewal was issued. Where a license has once been revoked, no further license for the same premises shall be issued until the owner or owners of said premises satisfy the Town Board that the cause of revocation of said license has been removed and that said premises in the future can and will be operated in compliance therewith.
Any and all licenses or renewals thereof may also be revoked by the Town Board upon proof being made to its satisfaction that the owner, manager and/or agent of the hotel, motel, boardinghouse or bed-and-breakfast has, with or without actual knowledge or intent, permitted the occupancy of any building, room or part thereof by the same guest, customer, invitee, or permittee for more than 30 consecutive days or 90 total days in any individual calendar year, whichever occurs first, under the same revocation proceedings as set forth previously in this section.
All licenses issued hereunder must be permanently displayed under glass over the desk or table where the register is kept.
Every violation of this chapter shall be punished by a fine of $200 for each offense. Each day that the premises are operated in violation of this chapter constitutes a separate and distinct offense, requiring the payment of a separate, additional fine.
In addition to the penalty above provided, the Town Board also ordains that a violation of this chapter shall constitute disorderly conduct and that the person violating the same shall be a disorderly person.
The Town Board may also enforce obedience to this chapter and restrain violations thereof by injunction and may proceed against all violators hereof by any and every other means or method provided by law, although not herein specifically referred to.
This chapter is enacted by authority of § 20, Subdivision 5, of the Municipal Home Rule Law and any other law referenced herein as authority herefore.
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
As otherwise defined and described in the Code of the Town of Wawarsing.[1]
A guest or customer of a hotel, motel, boardinghouse or bed-and-breakfast, the nature of which the term of stay is limited to no more than 30 consecutive days or 90 total days in any individual calendar year.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 112, Zoning.