In all districts, at the time any new building is erected, any existing building enlarged, or new or changed use of either land or structure established, permanent off-street parking and loading space shall be provided in accordance with the minimum standards set forth below.
Required number of off-street parking spaces. The minimum number of off-street parking spaces required shall be calculated using the standards outlined in the table below. The Planning Board shall determine the parking requirement for any use not listed or where it is given the discretion to do so.
Minimum Parking Space Requirements
Residential Uses
Single-family dwellings
2 spaces per dwelling unit
Two-family dwellings
2 spaces per dwelling unit
Multifamily dwellings, including apartments and condominiums
2 spaces per dwelling unit
Home occupations
1 for each employee and, if the occupation requires any customers and/or clients to visit the premises, at least 2 additional spaces shall be provided
Commercial Uses
1 per employee
Gasoline stations
5 parking spaces
Hotels and bed-and-breakfasts
1 space for each unit
Offices and banks
1 per 250 square feet of gross space and 1 space for every 4 employees
Restaurants and bars
1 space for every 4 seats and 1 space for every 2 employees
Retail stores, shops and services
1 space for every 250 square feet of floor area and 1 space for every 4 employees
Industrial Uses
Light manufacturing and industry
1 space for each 2 employees based on peak employment hours and space to accommodate all trucks and other vehicles used in connection therewith
Research and development facilities and laboratories
1 per 300 square feet of gross floor area
Warehousing, distribution and storage
1 space for each 2 employees based on peak employment hours and space to accommodate all trucks and other vehicles used in connection therewith
Wholesale establishments
1 space for each 2 employees based on peak employment hours and space to accommodate all trucks and other vehicles used in connection therewith
Places of Assembly
Places of worship
1 for every 4 seats
1 for every 4 seats
Recreational Uses
1 per boat slip
Yacht clubs
1 per boat slip and 1 space per member
Institutional Uses
Schools and child care facilities
1 space for each employee
Nursing care/assisted living facilities
1 space for every 2 beds
Vocational and business schools
1 for each 6 students, plus 1 for each staff member
For uses not specifically listed, the requirement shall be the same as for the most similar use listed as determined by the Planning Board where site plan authorization is required.
Maximum parking standards. The maximum number of off-street parking spaces for any building or use located in the use district shall not exceed more than 120% of the number of spaces required above.
In the case of a combination of uses on a single parcel, the requirement for off-street parking spaces shall be the sum of the requirements for the various individual uses, unless it can be established by the applicant to the satisfaction of the Planning Board that staggered hours of use would permit reduction of this requirement. In particular, up to 50% of the parking spaces required for churches, theatres, and similar places of public assembly with peak attendance on Sundays and/or evenings may be assigned to a use, or uses, which will be closed on Sundays and/or evenings, as applicable. An agreement establishing joint use of a parking area, approved by the Planning Board, shall be recorded with the Town Clerk. Such agreements shall run with the land for all properties with joint use of parking areas and require Town approval for any change or termination.
Design standards for off-street parking spaces.
Each parking space shall comply in size and dimension with the following standards:
Minimum Parking Space and Aisle Dimensions
Parking Angle
Stall Width
Curb Length
Aisle Width
(1 Way)
Aisle Width
(2 Way)
Stall Depth
0 (parallel)
Definitions for letters in parenthesis appear in the figure below.
Dimensions of parking spaces for the disabled are regulated by Section 1106 of the Building Code of New York State.
Handicap accessible parking shall be provided in accordance with Section 1106 of the Building Code of New York State.
Required off-street loading berths. Off-street loading which is designed logically, conveniently located for bulk pickups and deliveries, scaled to delivery vehicles anticipated, and accessible to said vehicles when required off-street parking spaces are filled, shall be considered for all commercial and industrial uses and provided as deemed necessary by the Planning Board during site plan review.