[Amended 2-20-2008]
The Orleans Zoning Board of Appeals shall consist of five regular members and three associate members. Each of the members shall be appointed by the Selectmen for three-year overlapping terms, or the unfulfilled portion of a departing member's term. At least one, but not more than two, regular member's term shall expire each year.
Associate member' terms are also three years in length or unfulfilled portions thereof.
[Amended 5-21-2008]
[Amended 2-20-2008]
All members may vote on issues concerning organizational and internal matters, and rules and regulations. All such issues shall be decided in conjunction with a regular or special meeting. The vote of a majority of the members voting shall prevail.
Only five members may vote on issues concerning petitions, applications, or appeals pending before the Board. Regular members always are entitled to vote on such issues. If a regular member is absent or for some reason elects not to vote, an associate member shall be appointed by the Chairman to vote in the place of that member. All members in attendance at a meeting, whether voting or not, may enter into discussions of the Board prior to a vote, except as stated in Subsection C below.
If a member has a conflict of interest or has withdrawn because of possible prejudice, that member shall not participate in the Board discussion or the vote, and that member's position or conflict should be stated upon the call of the case giving rise to the conflict.
[Amended 2-20-2008]
In conjunction with the last regular meeting of the Board in June of each year, the Board shall elect a Chairman, Vice Chairman, and Clerk from among the regular members to serve a one-year term. Any such elected person may be removed by a vote of any four regular members in attendance at a duly called meeting.
The Chairman shall preside at all meetings of the Board and shall decide all points of order.
The Chairman may be overruled by a majority of those then sitting at that session.
The Chairman may vote on all matters before the Board.
The Chairman shall supervise the work of the Clerk and Secretary and shall generally transact the business of the Board. In the absence or illness of the Clerk, the Chairman may assume the Clerk's duties or appoint any member, or the Secretary, to temporarily carry on the Clerk's duties.
When the Chairman shall be unable to act for whatever reason, the duties and responsibilities of the Chairman shall become those of the Vice Chairman.
[Amended 2-20-2008]
In the absence of the Chairman and Vice Chairman, the Clerk shall preside at meetings of the Board. The Clerk shall supervise all the written communications of the Board with the public, including by co-signing the written decisions.
[Amended 2-20-2008]
The Board shall employ a Secretary to the Board and any other clerical assistants, as needed, subject to appropriation.
Unless otherwise stated or prohibited by law, three members shall constitute a quorum for all internal matters; four members shall constitute a quorum for voting upon all petitions, appeals or variances.
[Amended 2-20-2008]
Regular meetings generally are held in the Town offices on the first and third Wednesday of each month, except August. Unless otherwise duly noticed, the meetings are scheduled to commence at 7:00 p.m. The date and starting time for a regular meeting may be scheduled at other times if duly noticed.
Special meetings may be called by either the Chairman or the Clerk or any other two members on forty-eight-hour's notice, provided that six of the eight members be contacted in person or by phone and that at least five of the eight members attend. No member who attends a special meeting may protest the lack of proper notice.