[Adopted 2-2-2010 by Ord. No. 2-2010]
This policy defines procedures for service requests related to digital information that is contained within the County's GIS database and printed output thereof. Digital and/or hard copy maps of the information in the GIS database will be made available to any member of the general public upon completion of a signed request form, signed data sharing agreement and/or payment of the appropriate fee. The general public includes the public and private sector, consultants, utility companies, nonprofit organizations, etc. All digital data will be in the NAD83 State Plane coordinate system with the units of measure being feet, or the current projection and units recognized by the Atlantic County Office of GIS. It should be noted that any use of this product with respect to accuracy and precision shall be the sole responsibility of the user, as these products are intended only for display and planning purposes.
Fees are established by this article adopted by the Board of County Commissioners. Payment shall be made at the time the applicant files the request form. An application will not be considered complete unless payment in the correct amount and in an approved form is received. The approved forms of payment are certified check, cashier's check, money order, and bank check. No third party checks or personal checks will be accepted. All checks shall be made payable to the Atlantic County Treasurer.
Maps or data will be supplied as soon as possible upon request and submission of the correct fee. Mail-in requests will be accepted with completed application and fee. The results can be picked up in person by the requestor or express mailed if the requestor makes payment arrangements with the express mail service. Data requested may be provided in hard media or via e-mail or download. Digital transfer of data files is the preferred delivery method.
The only exemptions from paying fees will be for municipalities or their consultants working on municipal projects, consultants working for the County, and federal/state agencies. In the case of such exemptions, the signing of a data-sharing agreement will be the only requirement. However, only a limited quantity of hard copies will be available. In the event that a consultant for a municipal project requests data, all information, hard copy or digital, will be sent to the municipality first, unless otherwise directed by the participating municipality.
Requests for exemptions from the fees will be accepted. Requests should be related to a specific municipal project where use of the data will result in cost savings or improved efficiency for the municipality. The request should be made to the Atlantic County Office of GIS.
Where a consultant (architect, engineer, surveyor, attorney, etc.) is doing a project for the County and use of the data will save money on the project cost, data will be made available as needed. Only a limited number of hard copies will be produced. Data is generally granted for the life of the project.
Notwithstanding any of the aforementioned policy provisions to the contrary, all requests for digital information that are contained within the Atlantic County GIS data base shall comply with the New Jersey Public Records Act (N.J.S.A. 47:1A-1 et seq.) and shall be subject to the exemptions from public access contained within said statute; any other statute; resolution of either or both Houses of the Legislature; regulations promulgated under the authority of any statute or Executive Order of the Governor; Rules of Court; any federal law, federal regulation or federal order.
The County's fee schedule for GIS product services is hereby set forth as follows:
Plot Size
Black Ink Plot
Color Ink Plot
Aerial Photo (Color)
41" x 41"
34" x 44"
22" x 34"
17" x 22"
11" x 17"
8 1/2" x 14"
8 1/2" x 11"
Mailing Tubes
Tube size
With the exception as set forth above, custom plots requested will be priced based on a per square inch calculation using the same methodology as devised for the above fee schedule.
The Office of GIS does not charge clients for electronic data; however; the cost of postage will not be encumbered by the Office of GIS.
Any product that is e-mailed (electronic data or map product) is free of charge, if the data and map product are small enough in size to be sent through both the County e-mail system and the client e-mail system.
If the product is too large to be sent via e-mail, the following fees will be charged.
Data DVD: $2, plus postage.
Data CD: $1, plus postage.
Aerial maps (blueprint copies) priced at $6 are no longer available.