The legislative powers of the Town shall be vested in a town meeting open to all registered voters.
All sessions of town meeting will be presided over by a Moderator elected as provided in Article 3. Annually, at the Annual Town Meeting the Moderator will appoint a Deputy Moderator subject to ratification by the Town Meeting. The Deputy Moderator shall serve as acting Moderator in the temporary absence or disability of the Moderator. The Deputy Moderator shall while presiding at Town Meeting sessions have all the powers and duties of the Moderator but shall have no other powers or duties of the Moderator. In the absence of the Moderator and the Deputy Moderator the Town Clerk will act as Moderator until Town Meeting elects an Acting Moderator, Article 3, Section 3-4.
The Moderator shall regulate the proceedings, decide all questions of order, make public declaration of all votes, and exercise all the powers and duties given to Moderators under the Constitution and the laws of the Commonwealth. Additional powers and duties may be authorized by this Charter, by By-law, or by other vote of town meeting.
Finance Committee – There shall be a Finance Committee appointed by the Moderator in accordance with Town By-law and the laws of the Commonwealth.
Capital Planning Committee – There shall be a Capital Planning Committee appointed by the Moderator in accordance with Town By-law and the laws of the Commonwealth.
The Annual Town Meeting shall be held on such date or dates as may from time to time be fixed by By-law.
Special Town Meetings shall be held at the call of the Board of Selectmen at such times as they deem necessary, or desirable, in order to transact the legislative business of the Town in an orderly manner. Special Town Meetings may also be held on the petition of two hundred (200) or more registered voters, in accordance with the procedures made available by the laws of the Commonwealth.
Every Town Meeting shall be called by a Warrant issued by the Board of Selectmen which shall state the time and place at which the meeting is to convene and, by separate Articles, the subject matter to be acted upon. The publication and posting of the Warrant for every Town Meeting shall be in accordance with Town By-law.
Initiation – The Selectmen shall receive at any time all petitions which request submission of any matter to the Town Meeting, which are filed by any elected Town Official, any multiple member Town Body acting by a majority of its members, any ten registered voters for the Annual town Meeting or a petition of one hundred voters for a Special Town Meeting.
A voter may request at a regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen that a matter be placed on the Town Meeting Warrant in lieu of a written petition. The Selectmen may, at their discretion, accept the request and place it on the warrant under their sponsorship, or they may refuse and request that the matter be submitted by a written petition of the required number of voters.
Inclusion – The Board of Selectmen shall include on the Annual Town Meeting Warrant all matters which were submitted by the date set by By-law for the submission of Articles. When a Special Town Meeting is to be called, the Selectmen shall give public notice of the Special Town Meeting at a regular Selectmen's Meeting, they may cause additional public notice to be given pursuant to the laws of the Commonwealth or Town By-law in any form they deem necessary, any and all public notice shall include the date of the close of the Warrant. The Board of Selectmen shall include on a Special Town Meeting Warrant the subject matter of all petitions which are received in their office by 5:00 P.M. on the day set by the Selectmen for the close of the Warrant.
Every town agency shall designate at least one representative to attend all sessions of Town Meeting at which Warrant Articles pertinent to that agency are or may be taken up, for the purpose of providing information to the meeting pertinent to the Articles. If a person designated as a representative is not a town resident, they shall notwithstanding, be allowed to speak to provide the meeting with pertinent information.
The Town clerk shall serve as clerk of the Town Meeting, recording all votes and shall preserve as public records all proceedings of the Town Meeting sessions, give notice of all adjourned sessions thereof, and perform such duties in connection therewith as may be provided by town by-law, this charter, or the laws of the Commonwealth.
If at a Town Meeting the office of Town Clerk is vacant, the Moderator shall appoint a clerk pro tempore. In the event of the unavoidable absence of the Town Clerk, the Town Clerk shall designate a substitute, if the Town Clerk fails to name a substitute, then the Moderator shall also be empowered to appoint a clerk pro tempore.
The Town Meeting shall be run in accordance with the accepted edition of the book "Town Meeting Time."
Town Meeting may by By-law, establish and from time to time amend, revise or repeal, rules governing Town Meeting. A procedural change would become effective in governing the next Annual and succeeding Town Meetings following the procedural change.