[HISTORY: Adopted by the Municipal Council of the City of Taunton as Rev. Ords. 1964, §§ 1-12 and 1-13 (§§ 1-11 and 1-12 of the 2010 Code). Amendments noted where applicable.]
The design of the City Seal shall be a circle; in the centre, a shield, on which is represented the original purchase of the territory by Elizabeth Poole; above the shield on the scroll the motto "Dux femina facti"; below, the word "Cohannet"; on the right, a railroad, depot, cars and machine shops; on the left, Taunton Great River, shipping and warehouses; in the upper border "Taunton"; and in the lower "A town 1639, a city 1864"; the device thereof being on file in the City Clerk's office.
All deeds or other legal instruments made, given or entered into by the City by order of the Municipal Council, requiring a Seal, shall be sealed with the City Seal and shall be signed and acknowledged in behalf of the City by the Mayor.