Cross Reference — Administration, Ch. 105.
State Law References — Election of officers, RSMo. 79.030; conduct of elections generally, RSMo. Ch. 115.
[CC 1971 §8-1]
Except as otherwise provided in this Chapter, the General Election laws of the State, insofar as the same are applicable, shall apply to and govern all elections held within the City.
[CC 1971 §8-2; Ord. No. 2 §1, 10-29-1891; Ord. No. 864 §1, 1-14-1997]
There shall be elected by the qualified voters of the City, on the first Tuesday in April, A.D., 1893, and every two (2) years thereafter, a Mayor, who shall hold his/her office, when duly qualified, for the term of two (2) years or until his/her successor is elected and qualified.
State Law Reference — Elective officers, terms, RSMo. 79.050.
[CC 1971 §8-3; Ord. No. 2 §2, 10-29-1891]
There shall be elected by the qualified voters of the City, on the first Tuesday in April, A.D., 1892, and every year thereafter, one (1) Aldermen in each Ward of said City, who shall hold his office when duly qualified, for a term of two (2) years or until his successor is elected and qualified.
[Ord. No. 1205, 1-10-2020[1]]
The City of Rock Port, Missouri, is hereby authorized to forgo annual elections if the number of candidates who have filed for a particular office is equal to the number of positions in the office to be filled by the election.
The municipality shall conduct its municipal elections for the following six (6) years immediately following the election held on June 2, 2020, in accordance with Section 115.124, RSMo. At the end of such six-year period it shall be prohibited from conducting elections in such a manner unless another election is held and the issue is again approved by the majority of the qualified voters.
If no election is held for such office as provided in this Section the election authority shall publish a notice containing the names of the candidates that shall assume the responsibilities of office under this Section. Such notice shall be published in at least one (1) newspaper of general circulation as defined in Section 493.050, RSMo., by the first of the month in which the election would have occurred, had it been contested.
Editor's Note: This provision passed by a majority of the electorate at the postponed April 2020 election held on June 2, 2020.
[CC 1971 §8-8]
All that part of the City lying north of the center of Cass Street and the extension thereof to the east and west boundary lines of the City shall constitute the north Ward of the City.
All that part of the City lying south of the center of Cass Street and the extension thereof to the east and west boundary lines of the City shall constitute the south Ward of the City.