[Ord. No. 757 §24-122, 12-15-1987]
Except when necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic, or in compliance with law or the directions of a Police Officer or official traffic control device, no person shall.
Stop, stand or park a vehicle:
On the roadway side of any vehicle stopped or parked at the edge or curb of a street;
On a sidewalk;
Within an intersection;
On a crosswalk;
Alongside or opposite any street excavation or obstruction when stopping, standing, or parking would obstruct traffic;
At any place where official signs prohibit stopping;
In front of a public or private driveway;
Within fifteen (15) feet of a fire hydrant;
Within twenty (20) feet of a crosswalk at an intersection or an intersection;
Within thirty (30) feet upon the approach of any flashing signal, stop sign, or traffic control device located at the side of a roadway.
State Law Reference — For similar provisions, RSMo. §300.440.
[Ord. No. 757 §24.123, 12-15-1987]
No person shall park any vehicle upon a street, other than an alley, in such a manner or under such conditions as to leave available less than ten (10) feet of the width of the roadway for free movement of vehicular traffic.
State Law Reference — For similar provisions, RSMo. §300.445.
[Ord. No. 757 §24.124, 12-15-1987]
Where signs are erected in each block giving notice thereof, no person shall stop, stand, or park a vehicle between the hours specified by ordinance or direction through appropriate City Official of any day except Sundays and public holidays within the district or upon any of the streets described by ordinance.
State Law Reference — For similar provisions, see RSMo. §300.535.
[Ord. No. 757 §24-125, 12-15-1987]
Penalty for violation of Sections 355.010 through 355.030 is a fine of not less than ten dollars ($10.00), or more than fifty dollars ($50.00) per day, or for each infraction thereof.
[CC 1971 §24-1; RSMo. 300.450]
No person shall park a vehicle within an alley in such a manner or under such conditions as to leave available less than ten (10) feet of the width of the roadway for the free movement of vehicular traffic, and no person shall stop, stand, or park a vehicle within an alley in such position as to block the driveway entrance to any abutting property.
[CC 1971 §24-1; RSMo. 300.455]
No person shall park a vehicle upon a roadway for the principal purpose of:
Displaying such vehicle for sale; or
Repair such vehicle except repairs necessitated by an emergency.
[CC 1971 §24-1; RSMo. 300.460]
The City Traffic Engineer is hereby authorized to erect signs indicating no parking upon either or both sides of any street adjacent to any school property when such parking would, in his opinion, interfere with traffic or create a hazardous situation.
When official signs are erected indicating no parking upon either side of a street adjacent to any school property as authorized herein, no person shall park a vehicle in any such designated place.
[CC 1971 §24-1; RSMo. 300.465]
The City Traffic Engineer is authorized to erect signs indicating no parking upon any street when the width of the roadway does not exceed twenty (20) feet, or upon one side of a street as indicated by such signs when the width of the roadway does not exceed thirty (30) feet.
When official signs prohibiting parking are erected upon narrow streets as authorized herein, no person shall park a vehicle upon any such street in violation of any such sign.
[CC 1971 §24-1; RSMo. 300.470]
The City Traffic Engineer is authorized to erect signs upon the left-hand side of any one-way street to prohibit the standing or parking of vehicles, and when such signs are in place, no person shall stand or park a vehicle upon such left-hand side in violation of any such sign.
[CC 1971 §24-1; RSMo. 300.475]
In the event a highway includes two (2) or more separate roadways and traffic is restricted to one direction upon any such roadway, no person shall stand or park a vehicle upon the left-hand side of such one-way roadway unless signs are erected to permit such standing or parking. The City Traffic Engineer is authorized to determine when standing or parking may be permitted upon the left-hand side of any such one-way roadway and to erect signs giving notice thereof.
[CC 1971 §24-1; RSMo. 300.480]
The City Traffic Engineer is hereby authorized to determine and designate by proper signs places not exceeding one hundred (100) feet in length in which the stopping, standing, or parking of vehicles would create an especially hazardous condition or would cause unusual delay to traffic.
When official signs are erected at hazardous or congested places as authorized herein, no person shall stop, stand, or park a vehicle in any such designated place.
[Ord. No. 753 §24.109, 10-20-1987]
It shall be unlawful for any person to park a motor vehicle in excess of twenty-two (22) feet on any City street for a period of longer than forty-eight (48) hours.
Any person violating this Section shall, upon conviction be guilty of a misdemeanor with a fine not to exceed twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per day.
[Ord. No. 1084 §§1 — 3, 2-16-2011]
Whenever there has been an accumulation of snow or ice or freezing rain within the City of Rock Port, there shall be no parking on any part of any street within the City until the snow, ice, or freezing rain has been cleared to such a point as to permit the movement on the street of emergency vehicles, including Police cars, fire trucks and ambulances.
Nothing herein shall preclude any person charged with the violation of this Section from defending said charge on the grounds that such person was unable to park on any adjoining property, by reason of the snow or ice condition, or for lack of space thereon, including with the driveway or garage, if any.
Any person violating the provisions of this Section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be subject to the penalties provided for violation of City ordinances, provided that the fine for the first (1st) offense shall be twenty-five dollars ($25.00) and an additional twenty-five dollars ($25.00) for each offense after the first (1st) offense.