Authorizing the lease of 0.4305 acres of surplus land as parking facilities to the Mason Dixon Lines, Inc.
Accepting the offer for dedication of a portion of a collector sewer system constructed by Curvin J. Beshore and Ruth W. Beshore, his wife, known as Evunbreth Heights
R. 1976-4
Accepting an offer of approximately 52 acres and 40 perches of land located in Manchester Township from Morgan E. Cousler, Robert E. Hirschman and Constance H. Shorb, copartners, trading and doing business as the Hel Coal Company for a recreation area to be known in perpetuity as the Moran E. Cousler Park and Recreation Area
R. 1979-5
Accepting the dedication of the fire hydrant located on the property of Keltrol Enterprises, Inc., Rose Court R.D. #5, Tax Map LH; Parcel 8M into the Township's fire protection system
R. 1981-3
Authorizing the Secretary/Treasurer to transfer $112 from the Capital Reserve Fund to the Manchester Township General Fund for the purchase of a right-of-way from Emaline Melhorn, 2750 Lewisberry Road, conveying 112 square feet of her property to Manchester Township
Designating land purchased by Manchester Township from the heirs of Mamie Becker located adjacent to Morgan Cousler Township Park to be made a part of said Morgan Cousler Township Park
Designating a tract of land located at Lewisberry and Rain-tree Roads, dedicated to Manchester Township by Deed of Dedication from the York Water Company dated August 12, 1992, shall hereby become and is hereby made a part of the Manchester Township park system named Mountain View Park
Designating a tract of land dedicated to Manchester Township by Deed of Dedication from Elam G. Stoltzfus, Jr., Inc., dated November 16, 1992, shall hereby become and is hereby made a part of the Manchester Township park system and named Nittany Park
Designating a tract of land known as Lot 1 on a plan for the Ridings at Manchester recorded in the Officer of the Recorder of Deed of York County, Pennsylvania, in Plan Book NN, page 122 and dedicated to Manchester Township by Deed of Dedication from NSC/MGM Joint Venture dated September 27, 1995, shall hereby become and is hereby made a part of the Manchester Township park system and shall be named Ridings Recreation Area
R. 1995-13
Authorizing the sale of one used tailgate mounted chipper-type spreader to Hellam Township for $125
R. 1995-17
Authorizing the Township Manager to sell one used 165 gallon portable tar kettle, mounted, Model No: KEB165PS, Ser. No: 1103, to Hellam Township for $300
Designating a tract of land located at 2985 Lewisberry Road, devised to Manchester Township in the last will and testament of Janet L. Johnston and deeded to Manchester Township by the executors of her estate, shall hereby become and is hereby made a part of the Manchester Township park system and shall be named Johnston's Park
Designating a tract of land located along Kayla Boulevard and Susquehanna Trail granted to Manchester Township by deed of dedication from Manchester Venture, LLP, dated November 17, 1998, shall hereby become and is hereby made a part of the Manchester Township park system and shall be named Stillmeadow Park
Designating a tract of land located adjacent to Mountain View Park granted to Manchester Township by deed of dedication from the Rutt Family Sonshine Limited Partnership dated June 3, 1999, shall hereby become and is hereby made a part of the Manchester Township park system and shall be incorporated into Mountain View Park
R. 2001-03
Resolving that the staff is hereby authorized to prepare bidding specifications and advertise for any project, vehicle or equipment purchase which exceeds $10,000 and that the Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay the costs of the aforementioned vehicles, equipment and projects from the Manchester Township Capital Reserve Fund
Designating a certain parcel of land located adjacent to Cousler Park granted to Manchester Township by deed of dedication from In Suk Pak and Young Sook Pak, dated September 18, 2001, shall hereby become and is made a part of the Manchester Township park system
Designating a certain parcel land located adjacent to Cousler Park granted to Manchester Township by deed from Edward and Leonore Rogers, dated July 8, 2002, shall become and is made part of the Manchester Township park system
R. 2003-04
Authorizing and directing to sign an agreement of sale for providing right-of-way from the Township-owned property at 1004 Greenbriar Road (tax map KH; parcel 96A) to the Department of Transportation of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Designating a certain parcel land located adjacent to Cousler Park granted to Manchester Township by deed of dedication from Charlotte Mueller, John Mueller and Hummel Limited Partnership, dated December 27, 2002, shall become and is made part of the Manchester Township park system
Designating certain tracts of land located adjacent to Cousler Park granted to Manchester Township by deed from Thomas E Baker and Tammy S. Edwards, dated April 26, 2004, and by deed from Mildred L. Spangler, dated August 17, 2004, to be made a part of the Manchester Township park system and to be incorporated into Cousler Park
R. 2004-25
Authorizing the execution of a quitclaim deed releasing and quitclaiming to Blaine N. Rentzel any interest Manchester Township may have had in the bed of unopened Acme Street
R. 2005-17
Authorizing the sale various items of surplus personal property, including a 1992 Ford F350 truck with eight-foot snowplow
R. 2008-15
Sale of property authorization
Accepting the land for Eagle's View Park