[Adopted 10-18-2016 by Ord. No. 2016-12]
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
A vehicle that is fully covered with a tarp or car cover.
Contained within a building or structure consisting of a roof and four walls; or behind a solid, maintained fence so that it cannot be seen from a public right-of-way.
A vehicle that a resident works on or tinkers with as a hobby.
A vehicle that is currently incapable of its intended use. The following examples are illustrative and not meant to be exclusive or limiting:
The engine or motor is inoperative.
Any one or more of the wheels are removed from the vehicle.
Two or more tires are deflated.
Major operating components are missing or in such condition to make the vehicle inoperable.
The vehicle does not have current registration, if required.
An automobile, car, truck, bus, self-powered recreational vehicle, tractor truck or other object designed and constructed for travel upon the roads of this state, or subject to licensing for travel, or intended as a carrier for goods or persons from point to point. "Vehicle" does not include bicycles, scooters, motorized bicycles, motor-driven cycles, motorcycles, boats, trailers or other towable implements.
[Adopted 10-18-2016 by Ord. No. 2016-12]
It shall be unlawful for any person to keep, maintain or allow an inoperable vehicle upon their real property within the City limits of the City of Lincoln.
[Adopted 10-18-2016 by Ord. No. 2016-12]
The following are exempt from the requirements of this chapter:
Vehicles located at businesses where the sale or repair of vehicles is carried out, or at salvage yards/junkyards; provided that such business is operating in an appropriate zoning district or under a conditional use permit, and such business holds a valid City business license.
Enclosed vehicles.
Temporarily inoperable vehicles. For purposes of this section, "temporarily inoperable vehicle" means vehicles that are inoperable for less than 60 continuous days; or no more than 90 days during any calendar year. No more than one temporarily inoperable vehicle is allowed at any one time.
One unenclosed hobby car is allowed per residence in residential zones.
A race car on its trailer.
Antique automobiles, provided the vehicle has an antique license as allowed by law.
[Adopted 10-18-2016 by Ord. No. 2016-12]
Violations of this chapter are punishable by a fine of not less than $25 nor more than $100. Each day of violation shall be considered a separate offense.