[Amended by Ord. No. 1534-98]
It shall be unlawful for any person who owns, keeps or harbors a dog or dogs to permit the same to run at large or be upon the streets, highways or other public places, or upon private property other than that of the owner or designated by the Township as a dog run, in the Township, unless accompanied by a responsible individual and controlled by a leash, not to exceed six feet in length, securely fastened to the dog's collar or harness. This chapter shall not be considered as prohibiting the exercising or training of dogs as permitted by N.J.S.A. 23:4-25, nor to hunting dogs lawfully used during hunting seasons while under the control of the owner, lessee or custodian.
[Amended 7-15-2014 by Ord. No. 2189-14]
Violations and penalties.
Dogs allowed to run at large, penalty.
First offense, minimum $50.
Second offense, minimum penalty: $100.
Third offense for allowing dog to run at large: court action to have dog impounded for a period of 15 days at the owner's expense, a minimum $500 fine, or 30 days imprisonment, or both, in addition to court costs.
[Amended by Ord. No. 1392-94]
Any person other than a visually handicapped handler of a guide dog who has charge of a dog shall be responsible for the prompt and efficient removal and sanitary disposition of the feces of the dog from any public place or any private place unless otherwise expressly permitted by the owner. Where the violation shall occur in the absence of an identifiable handler, each person who shall be an owner of the dog shall be deemed to be in violation of this subsection.
Penalty. Any person who violates any provision of this subsection shall be prosecuted upon the complaint timely filed by any person or by any officer or employee of the Township and shall subject the violator, upon conviction, to the fines and penalties prescribed for under Chapter 1, Article III, of the Township Code.
[Amended by Ord. No. 1534-95]
Use regulations. It shall be the obligation of the handler of a dog when utilizing a Township designated dog run to comply with the following regulations:
All dogs shall be licensed, vaccinated, healthy (have no contagious condition or disease), and parasite-free (both internally and externally).
Puppies under four months of age are prohibited.
Handlers are responsible for the actions of their dog(s) and shall remain inside the exercise area.
Dogs in season are prohibited.
A handler may not have more than three dogs at a time in the run.
Handlers shall clean up after their dog(s).
Handlers shall stop their dog(s) from digging and fill any holes created by their dog(s).
Aggressive dogs are not permitted.
Should a dog act aggressively, the handler shall remove it immediately.
Children under the age of 12 are prohibited in the exercise area.
Food is prohibited in the exercise area.
Dogs shall be leashed when not in the dog run.
All pinch (prong) and spike collars are prohibited.
Penalties. Any person who violates any provision of this subsection shall be prosecuted upon the complaint timely filed by any person or by an officer or employee of the Township and shall subject the violator, upon conviction, to the fines and penalties prescribed for violations under Chapter 1, Article III, of the Township Code.