Zoning districts where permitted
CD; also permitted on a public property in any zoning district
CD; permitted on any public property in any zoning district;
permitted on any nonresidential building in any zoning district; permitted
on any residential building of 4 or more stories in any zoning district
Permitted types
Monopoles, lattice towers, and guyed towers,
Roof-mounted only
Maximum height
120 feet
15 feet
Minimum setback
200 feet from any zoning district that has a residential use
as a listed permitted use
15 feet from the roof edge or building parapet wall
Equipment shelter house must meet all standards for an accessory
use in the C Zoning District
None permitted
Vehicular access to the equipment shelter shall be provided
via existing circulation system on the property and be paved with
asphalt or concrete
Access required to rooftop