[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Newstead as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Adopted 4-24-1997 by L.L. No. 1-1997 (Ch. 60 of the 1988 Code)]
The purpose of this article is to establish a maximum compensation for damage to mailboxes.
The Town Board recognizes that due to adverse weather conditions the Town Highway Department, in the course of their normal maintenance and snow removal activities, may cause damage to mailboxes along Town rights-of-way or other rights-of-way maintained by the Town of Newstead. The Town of Newstead therefore specifies that no mailbox having a replacement cost in excess of the amount set by the Town Board by resolution shall be placed within the Town rights-of-way. Any compensation for damage to any mailbox shall be limited to the amount so established. If any owner wishes to have a mailbox having a replacement value in excess of such amount, in the event that the Town of Newstead, its employees and or agents should cause damage to such mailboxes, the Town shall only compensate the owner of such mailbox for the cost of replacement of such mailbox up to the maximum amount specified by the Town Board in its resolution.