[HISTORY: Adopted by the Legislature of the County of Putnam 12-4-2001 by L.L. No. 22-2001. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Charter — Article 12, Title II.
Except as may otherwise be provided in this chapter, the Commissioner of the Bureau of Emergency Services shall, with respect to County Emergency Services matters:
Establish a liaison with neighboring counties for the development of mutual aid programs and develop, administer and update a County Mutual Aid Plan for Fire and Emergency Response;
Plan programs to carry out emergency preparedness responsibilities required by state and federal laws, including the participation in Power Authority and Indian Point drills, and prepare written reports as required, including the preparation of documents necessary for submission after emergency declarations by state or federal officials;
Insure proper emergency response to all natural and man-made emergencies including those of enemy attacks and acts of terrorism and assume the duties of Incident Commander when acting as Regional Fire Administrator or during declared emergencies;
Direct and administer County Emergency Response Teams and insure an effective LEPC program in order to insure a proper response to local emergencies;
Direct the implementation of sheltering programs to protect County residents as necessary. Oversee the county-wide emergency communications system, assign frequencies, purchase the necessary equipment and insure compliance with all FCC regulations;
Recruit volunteers for emergency preparedness from the general public, establish a workable and practical emergency preparedness warning and information system capable of receiving warnings of impending enemy attack or impending natural disasters and disseminate information to key officials and the public;
Operate the County Fire Training Center and Emergency Operations Center and insure that proper supplies are on hand, provide instruction relative to proper use of facilities, maintain a County inventory of plans and equipment required for the preparedness program and maintain a general County inventory of emergency services manpower and equipment;
Promote programs of fire prevention, access to proper prehospital care and emergency preparedness through educational programs and distribution of printed materials;
Monitor and administer the state fire and EMS training programs, including scheduling and hiring of instructional staff, and meet regularly with EMS and fire authorities relative to training, procedures, protocols and regional requirements;
Keep abreast of changing technology and ideas relative to fire, EMS and emergency planning and develop plans and estimates for the procurement of specialized equipment;
Act as a liaison between the County Legislature, the Fire Advisory Board, various fire and EMS agencies, the County Executive and other County officials; and
Perform such other and related duties as may be required by the Administrative Code, local law or the County Executive.