No person shall operate or conduct a food or beverage vending machine within this Borough except in compliance with the rules and regulations of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Health and Agriculture pertaining to food vending machines.
Applications for permits shall be on forms provided by the Board of Health[1] which shall set forth the name, residence and business address of the applicant, the names of the persons operating the establishment or establishments from which the prepared or perishable food will be obtained and the manufacturer and model number of each vending machine.
Editor's Note: The Board of Health of the Borough of Media was dissolved 12-15-2022 by Ord. No. 1157. It stated "To the extent any duties performed by the Board of Health are not assumed by the County Department of Health, such duties shall be assumed by the Borough Health Officer or the Borough Code Enforcement Officer or his or her designee."
No person shall sell or distribute to the public prepared or perishable food from any type of vending machine without obtaining a permit from the Board of Health. A license will not be issued to any person until the Media Health Officer or agent of Borough has inspected and approved the establishment from which prepared or perishable foods are to be obtained. Written permission for the Health Officer to inspect or reinspect such establishment shall be secured by the applicant. Any such provisions of Article I of this chapter. The name, address and number of the operator's permit shall at all times be kept posted prominently in or at each machine location. Unless previously revoked or suspended, all permits shall expire on the August 31 following their issuance.
Each applicant, at the time of applying for a permit to operate vending machines in the Borough, shall pay an annual license fee of $25 for each machine.