[Adopted 2-22-1971 by L.L. No. 1-1971 as Ch. 111, Art. VI, of the 1971 Code]
[Amended 12-3-2012 by L.L. No. 4-2012; 5-7-2018 by L.L. No. 4-2018]
Except as provided in Chapter 118, Building Drains, or in Article XII of Chapter 287 of this Code, no person shall install, construct, place or maintain, or permit to be installed, constructed, placed or maintained, in the area between the curb and property line of premises owned or occupied by him, adjoining any street, parking field or parking field walk, any structure, masonry, stones, sprinkler pipes, sprinkler heads, garbage receptacles or any similar devices or fixtures. Notwithstanding the foregoing, sprinkler pipes and sprinkler heads may be located in such area with the written permission of the Superintendent of Public Works, provided that any such permission shall be granted only on condition that the Village shall not be responsible for any damage to such sprinkler pipes and sprinkler heads, or costs to replace or repair the same, or any other consequential damages resulting from any Village maintenance or repair activity conducted in the area of such sprinkler pipes or sprinkler heads.
Any owner or occupant of any house, store and other building, or any person or corporation owning or being entitled to possession of any vacant lot or unimproved property or occupied property, who has been notified by the Village Clerk or the Superintendent of Public Works that the premises are in violation of § 287-15 hereof and shall fail to correct the condition within five days of the sending of such notice by mail to his last known address shall be in violation of this article. In addition to the penalties otherwise enforceable, the Village may thereafter correct the prohibited conditions and assess the cost thereof against the owner of the property. Such costs, if not paid, shall be assessable against the property as a tax thereon.