The budget shall be prepared by the Mayor with the assistance of the Business Administrator, the Township Chief Financial Officer and other applicable Directors. During the month of November, the Mayor shall require all Directors to submit requests for appropriations for the ensuing budget year and to appear at public hearings before the Mayor and/or Business Administrator about the various requests.
The Business Administrator, with the assistance of the Chief Financial Officer, shall prepare all estimates of nonproperty tax revenues anticipated for the support of each annual budget.
The budget document shall be prepared in such form as is required by law for municipal budgets and in accordance with the Charter. There shall be appended to the budget a detailed analysis of all items of expenditure and revenue.
On or before the date determined by the Division of Local Government Services for transmittal of the budget, the Mayor shall submit to the Council the recommended budget, together with such explanatory comment or statement as deemed desirable. At this time the budget shall become the Council's budget (N.J.S.A. 40:69A-46 et seq.).
[Amended 12-16-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-37; 11-27-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-20]
Council may reduce any item or items in the Mayor's budget by a vote of the majority of the Council, but any increase in any item or items shall become effective only upon an affirmative vote of 2/3 of the entire membership of the Council.
After consultation with the Chief Financial Officer, the Mayor may establish quarterly or other periodic allotment of appropriations as may be deemed necessary. Each department shall plan and administer its expenditure program within the limits of these allotments.
If at any time during the budget year the Mayor shall ascertain that the Township government is faced with the probability of incurring a cash deficit for the current year, the Mayor shall reconsider the work programs and allotments of the several departments. Upon such reconsideration and with the approval of the Council, the Mayor may revise budget allotments so as to forestall, as far as possible, the making of commitments and expenditures in excess of the revenues to be realized during the fiscal year. The Mayor shall file with the Chief Financial Officer a copy of such revised allotments, and the Chief Financial Officer shall control all expenditures within the limits thereof.
Public bids received pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:11-1 et seq. may be received at a time and place designated by the Mayor and/or designee. Public bid openings shall be attended by, at least, a representative of the Business Administrator and the Township Clerk.
The Mayor is empowered to prepare specifications for the performance of work or the purchases or furnishing or hiring of any materials, supplies or services needed by the Township to publicly advertise for and receive bids on the aforesaid, to require bidding deposits made in conjunction with the bids and performance security from contractors who are awarded bids and, when desirable, to establish regulations for the qualification of prospective bidders, to require standard questionnaires for prospective bidders and classify and reclassify prospective bidders, all in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40A:11-1 et seq.
All advertisements for the bids shall be published at least once, 10 calendar days prior to the date fixed to receive bids, in a newspaper of general circulation within the Township of West Windsor. All bids requiring public advertisement shall designate the manner of submitting bids, the method of receiving bids and the time and place for receipt of bids.
Bids received in advance shall remain sealed and shall only be opened for examination at the time and place fixed for the receipt of bids. At the time and place set for the receipt of bids, all bids tendered shall be publicly received and immediately unsealed and their contents announced publicly in the presence of any present bidding parties or their agents. The price and terms of the bids shall become incorporated as a part of the minutes of the Council meeting at which the Council takes action thereon.
The Council shall award the contract by authorizing the Mayor and Township Clerk to execute such or reject all bids within 60 calendar days after receipt. The Council shall reserve the right at all times to reject any and all bids received.
The security delivered with the bids shall be returned to the unsuccessful bidders within three days, Saturdays, Sundays and holidays excepted. The security of the successful bidder shall be retained until a contract is executed and any performance security has been submitted.
If an award of contract cannot be made within the sixty-day period, the three lowest responsible bidders may agree to an extension in making the award, which shall not exceed an additional 30 calendar days.
In awarding the bid, any authorized formal contract shall be executed by the Mayor, attested to by the Township Clerk and the seal of the Township affixed thereto. In lieu of a formal contract, the Business Administrator or Mayor may issue a purchase order to the successful bidder for the required purchase for amounts up to the required bid minimum in any fiscal year, pursuant to the Local Public Contracts Law.[1] The successful bidder shall then be required to perform in accordance with the terms set forth in the specifications for such items.
Editor's Note: See N.J.S.A. 40A:11-1 et seq.
A certification from the Chief Financial Officer that a sufficient unencumbered balance of appropriation is available to pay therefor shall accompany each contract/bid award.
[Added 3-3-2003 by Ord. No. 2003-02; amended 3-17-2003 by Ord. No. 2003-09]
Prohibition of awarding public contracts to certain contributors.
Any other provision of law to the contrary notwithstanding, the Township or any of its purchasing agents or agencies or those of its independent authorities, as the case may be, shall not enter into an agreement or otherwise contract to procure services from any professional service provider if that provider has solicited or made any contribution of money or pledge of a contribution, including in-kind contributions, to a campaign committee of any West Windsor Township candidate or holder of public office within the Township having responsibility for the award of the contract or to any West Windsor Township or Mercer County Party Committee over $200 within one calendar year immediately preceding the date of the contract or agreement.
[Amended 11-27-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-18]
No professional service provider which enters into negotiations for or agrees to any contract or agreement with the Township or any department or agency thereof or of its independent authorities for the rendition of professional services shall knowingly solicit or make any contribution of money or pledge of a contribution including in-kind contributions, to any West Windsor Township candidate or holder of public office within the Township having responsibility for the award of the contract or to any West Windsor Township or Mercer County Party Committee between the time of first communications between that service provider and the Township regarding a specific professional services agreement and the later of the termination of negotiations or the completion of the contract or agreement over $200.
[Amended 11-27-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-18]
For purposes of this section, a "professional service provider" seeking a public contract means an individual, including the individual's spouse, if any, and any child living at home; person; firm; corporation; professional corporation; partnership; organization; or association. The definition of a service provider includes all principals who own 1% or more of the equity in the corporation or business trust, partners and officers in the aggregate employed by the provider as well as any subsidiaries directly controlled by the service provider.
For purposes of this section, the office that is considered to have responsibility for the award of the contract shall be:
The West Windsor Township Council if the contract requires approval or appropriation from the Council or a public officer who is responsible for the award of a contract if that public officer is appointed by Council; or
The Mayor of West Windsor Township if the contract requires the approval of the Mayor or a public officer who is responsible for the award of contract if that public officer is appointed by the Mayor; or
Both of the above.
Contributions made prior to the effective date. No contribution of money or any other thing of value, including in-kind contributions, made by a professional business entity to any West Windsor Township candidate for Mayor or Township Council or West Windsor Township party committee shall be deemed a violation of this section nor shall an agreement for property, goods or services of any kind whatsoever be disqualified thereby if that contribution or agreement was made by the professional business entity prior to the effective date of this section.
Contribution statement by professional business entity.
Prior to awarding any contract or agreement to procure services with any professional service provider, the Township or any of its purchasing agents or agencies or independent authorities, as the case may be, shall receive a sworn statement from the professional business entity made under penalty of perjury that the professional service provider has not made a contribution in violation of Subsection A hereof.
The professional service provider shall have a continuing duty to report any violations of this section that may occur during the negotiation or duration of a contract. The certification required under this subsection shall be made prior to entry into the contract or agreement with the Township and shall be in addition to any other certifications that may be required by any other provision of law.
All Township of West Windsor professional service agreements shall provide that it shall be a breach of the terms of the government contract for a professional service provider, as defined in Subsection A(3), to violate Subsection A(2) or to knowingly conceal or misrepresent contributions given or received or to make or solicit contributions through intermediaries or any Mercer County Party Committee for the purpose of concealing or misrepresenting the source of the contribution.
Any professional service provider, as defined in Subsection A(3) who knowingly fails to reveal a contribution made in violation of this section or who knowingly makes or solicits contributions through intermediaries, including but not limited to Mercer County Party Committee, for the purpose of concealing or misrepresenting the source of the contribution shall be disqualified from eligibility for future Township contracts for a period of four calendar years from the date of the violation.
[Added 4-10-2006 by Ord. No. 2006-05]
Prohibition of awarding contracts for redevelopment work to certain contributors.
Any other provision of law to the contrary notwithstanding, the Township or any of its purchasing agents or agencies or those of its independent authorities, as the case may be, shall not enter into an agreement or otherwise contract with any private party for the planning, replanning, construction or undertaking of any project or redevelopment work, including the acquisition or leasing of any public property in conjunction with the redevelopment of any area within the Township of West Windsor pursuant to the Local Redevelopment and Housing Law (LRHL, N.J.S.A. 40A:12A-1 et seq.), if that redeveloper has solicited or made any contribution of money or pledge of a contribution, including in-kind contributions, to a campaign committee of any West Windsor Township candidate or holder of public office within the Township having responsibility for the awarding of such contracts or to any West Windsor Township political party campaign committee for West Windsor Township election or political party campaign committees at the county level within one calendar year preceding the date of the contract or agreement.
No redeveloper who enters into negotiations for or agrees to any contract or agreement with the Township or any department or agency thereof or of its independent authorities for the rendition of redevelopment work under the LRHL shall knowingly solicit or make any contribution of money or pledge of a contribution, including in-kind contributions, to any West Windsor Township candidate or holder of public office within the Township having responsibility for the award of the contract or to any West Windsor Township political party campaign committee for West Windsor Township election or political party campaign committees at the county level within one calendar year preceding the date of the contract or agreement between that redeveloper and the Township regarding a specific agreement for redevelopment work and the later of the termination of negotiations or the completion of the contract or agreement.
For purposes of this section, a "redeveloper" means an individual, including the individual's spouse, if any, and any child living at home, a person, firm, corporation, professional corporation, partnership, organization or association seeking or obtaining redevelopment work as defined above. The definition of a redeveloper includes all principals who own 1% or more of the equity in the corporation or business trust, partners and officers in the aggregate employed by the provider as well as any subsidiaries directly controlled by the redeveloper.
For the purposes of this section, the office that is considered to have responsibility for the award of the contract under the Act shall be:
The West Windsor Township Council if the contract requires approval or appropriation from the Council or a public officer who is responsible for the award of a contract if that public officer is appointed by Council; or
The Mayor of West Windsor Township if the contract requires the approval of the Mayor or a public officer who is responsible for the award of contract if that public officer is appointed by the Mayor; or
Both of the above.
Contributions made prior to the effective date. No contribution of money or any other thing of value, including in-kind contributions, made by a redeveloper to any West Windsor Township candidate for Mayor or Township Council or West Windsor Township or Mercer County party political campaign committee shall be deemed a violation of this section nor shall an agreement for property, goods or services of any kind whatsoever be disqualified thereby if that contribution or agreement was made by the redeveloper prior to the effective date of this section.
Contribution statement by redeveloper.
Prior to awarding any contract or agreement to procure services with any redeveloper, the Township or any of its purchasing agents or agencies or independent authorities, as the case may be, shall receive a sworn statement from the redeveloper that the redeveloper has not made a contribution in violation of Subsection A hereof.
The redeveloper shall have a continuing duty to report any violations of this section that may occur during the negotiation or duration of a contract. The certification required under this subsection shall be made prior to entry into the contract or agreement with the Township and shall be in addition to any other certifications that may be required by any other provision of law.
All redevelopment contracts, leases or other undertaking shall provide that it shall be a breach of terms of such agreements, as defined in Subsection A(3), to violate Subsection A(2) or to knowingly conceal or misrepresent contributions given or received or to make or solicit contributions through any intermediaries for the purpose of concealing or misrepresenting the source of the contribution.
Any redeveloper, as defined in Subsection A(3), who knowingly fails to reveal a contribution made in violation of this section or who knowingly makes or solicits contributions through any intermediaries for the purpose of concealing or misrepresenting the source of the contribution shall be disqualified from eligibility for future redevelopment contracts for a period of four calendar years from the date of the violation.
The Mayor and the Business Administrator shall establish and approve uniform standards for requisitions and purchases. The Department of Administration, in consultation with other appropriate department directors, shall control the delivery of all supplies, materials, equipment and other items purchased and may make or cause to be made proper test checks and inspections thereof. The Department of Administration, in consultation with other appropriate department directors, shall ascertain whether the supplies, materials, equipment and other items purchased comply with the specifications and shall cause laboratory or other tests to be made whenever in the opinion of the applicable director it is necessary to determine whether the materials or supplies are of a quality and standard required.
Purchase controls. All purchases of any supplies, materials or equipment or contractual services for the Township's account shall be made by the Department of Administration, with a copy given to the Chief Financial Officer, pursuant to a written requisition from the director of the department whose appropriation will be charged.
[Amended 4-19-1999 by Ord. No. 99-07]
Each department shall follow such procedure and use such forms for purchasing as the Business Administrator or designee shall prescribe. Upon request of the Mayor, each director shall submit a complete statement of the work and labor under contract and the materials, supplies and equipment which will be required by the department during the ensuing year, half year or quarter year as the Mayor may determine according to the best estimate of the director. Such statement shall be in such form and detail as the Mayor or Business Administrator may require.
A certification from the Chief Financial Officer that a sufficient unencumbered balance of appropriation is available to pay therefor shall accompany each purchase order.
Where purchases in excess of $1,000 are made without competitive bidding, the Department of Administration or other appropriate department director shall obtain and record, wherever possible, at least three price quotations for the item or items of purchase. Whenever circumstances permit, the purchase shall be made from the lowest responsible vendor providing such quotations, price and other factors considered, pursuant to the Local Public Contracts Law.[1]
Editor's Note: See N.J.S.A. 40A:11-1 et seq.
The Business Administrator or designee shall establish a procedure for the purchase of any item required for the immediate protection, public health, safety or welfare of the Township, which will permit such emergency purchases to be made for specific purposes in accordance with the Local Public Contracts Law, in a manner other than that prescribed by this section.
[Amended 5-13-1996 by Ord. No. 96-10]
Except as the Mayor, or such other officer as the Business Administrator may designate, may authorize in case of emergency, no purchase shall be made and no bill, claim or voucher shall be approved unless the procedures prescribed by or pursuant to the Charter, the Local Public Contracts Law and this code have been followed.
[Amended 5-13-1996 by Ord. No. 96-10]
Immediately upon delivery of any purchased item, the director or the division head so designated by the director shall certify receipt thereof on the voucher properly prepared and executed by the vendor, which shall be submitted to the Chief Financial Officer or the Treasurer, if so designated, who shall not authorize payment unless and until the Chief Financial Officer is satisfied that the items billed were properly authorized and delivered in accordance with a duly issued purchase order authorized by the Department of Administration.
[Amended 5-13-1996 by Ord. No. 96-10]
The method of disbursement of funds for any purpose shall be on a check drawn on the Division of Finance and after being signed by the Mayor, countersigned by the Chief Financial Officer.
Editor's Note: Former § 4-26, Swimming Pool Utility, added 5-1-1995 by Ord. No. 95-19, as amended, was repealed 3-22-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-07.