Specific intent. It is the purpose of this district to provide an area for commercial uses which service the day to day needs of surrounding residential areas and which will not have adverse effects on those residential areas.
Uses permitted by right. Land and buildings served by public water and public/community sewer in an NC District may be used for the following purposes and no others, unless a special exception as provided for in Subsection C or conditional use as provided for in Subsection D is granted:
Retail sales (except adult bookstores).
Business, professional or governmental office or studio.
Banks, savings and loan associations, finance companies or similar types of businesses.
Restaurants, taverns or similar types of establishments, except cabarets.
Personal and household service establishments, such as, but not limited to, barbershops, beauty shops, laundromats, laundry and dry cleaning shops, tailor and seamstress shops, and shoe and appliance repair shops.
Municipal use.
Forestry activities, including, but not limited to, timber harvesting per § 390-56.
Accessory uses and structures to the above-permitted uses when on the same lot as the permitted use per §§ 390-29 and 390-30.
Yard sale per § 390-64.
Boarding kennel (short term) subject to § 390-71.1.
Passive agriculture, subject to compliance with all applicable provisions of § 390-32A.
[Added 6-13-2011 by Ord. No. 713]
Non-tower wireless communications facilities, provided the collocation, modification, or replacement does not result in a substantial change, and per § 390-71.8 regulations.
[Added 8-10-2020 by Ord. No. 835]
Small wireless communications facilities, per § 390-71.8 regulations.
[Added 8-10-2020 by Ord. No. 835]
Uses permitted by special exception. The following uses are permitted when special exceptions are granted by the Zoning Hearing Board in accordance with § 390-96H:
State licensed nursery school, public school, elementary school, middle school, junior high school, senior high school, charter school, or day-care centers.
Schools shall be allowed a height limit of 50 feet.
Convenience store (no fueling stations).
Accessory uses and structures to the above-permitted uses when on the same lot as the permitted use per §§ 390-29 and 390-30.
Uses permitted by conditional use. The following uses are permitted when a conditional use is approved by the Board of Supervisors in accordance with § 390-94:
Bed-and-breakfast per § 390-63.
Accessory uses and structures to the above permitted uses when on the same lot as the permitted use per §§ 390-29 and 390-30.
Non-tower wireless communications facilities when the collocation, modification, or replacement results in a substantial change and per § 390-71.8 regulations.
[Added 8-10-2020 by Ord. No. 835]
Area, yard and height regulations.
[Amended 11-26-2018 by Ord. No. 812]
Neighborhood Commercial District
Maximum Permitted
Building height — principal building
50 feet
Maximum impervious coverage
Building length
70% of lot width
Minimum Requirements
Lot size
Per separately deeded parcel or combination of parcels
12,000 square feet
Per leased pad site
4,000 square feet
Building setback
20 feet
Lot width
At street line
60 feet
At building setback
60 feet
Open area
Side yard
20 feet
One side
12 feet
Rear yard
20 feet
Improvement setback
10 feet
Distance between buildings
20 feet
Distance between highway access points
50 feet
Performance standards. In addition to the applicable performance standards of § 390-35, the following performance standards shall apply:
No more than 10% of the floor area devoted to retail sales shall be permitted on display outside a building.
Design standards. The design standards defined in § 390-34 shall apply to all uses in an NC District.
[Added 11-26-2018 by Ord. No. 810]
Eligibility for the Neighborhood Village Overlay Conditional Use District (NVO) is extended by the properties designated as such on the Township Zoning Map.[1]
Specific intent. The NVO will permit the creation of commerce within the district, while conserving the Township's residential character. That expansion shall be incidental to the residential character of the district. The objectives of the NVO shall be:
To conserve the residential character of the Township by providing restrictions on the expansion of commerce and limiting its impact. The NVO will also conserve traditional structures within the Township through flexible use/adaptive reuse and flexible designs which are consistent with existing structures.
To permit commerce that is incidental to the residential character of the Township by expanding the district to permit businesses that are consistent and compatible in scale, density, setbacks, size, design and overall character of the existing neighborhood village uses.
To accommodate limited expansion of the neighborhood village while maintaining the residential neighborhood village concept and a reasonable balance of residential and low-impact commercial uses within the NVO.
Uses permitted by conditional use. To the extent that conditional uses are provided for in Subsection B herein, any such conditional use shall comply with the requirements of Chapter 390 and shall be subject to the limitations and restrictions in Subsection C:
Personal service uses to include the following uses and no others:
Hairdresser/beauty shops/barber shops;
Tailor/seamstress shops;
Massage therapy shops;
Personal training studio;
Yoga instruction studio;
Pet grooming salon;
Martial arts studio.
Retail uses to include the following and no others:
Boutique clothing store;
Shoe and accessory shop;
Musical instrument sales and lessons;
Fabric and yarn shop;
Art studio;
Book store;
Camera/photography shop;
Craft shop;
Jewelry store;
Childrenswear store;
Candy and confectionary store;
Printing/photocopy shop;
Leather goods store;
Baby products shop;
Bridal shop;
Gift/card shop;
Graphic design and website design shop;
Antique shop;
Farm and feed store.
Restaurant and food service uses, to include the following uses and no others:
Coffee shops/cafes;
Bakery shop;
Convenience store;
Luncheonette/pizzeria with table service for maximum occupancy of 25 people;
Pub or bar.
Professional and business offices uses, to include the following uses and no others:
Insurance brokers;
Real estate agents;
Financial planners;
Tax preparers;
Licensed therapists;
Travel agents;
Engineers and architects;
Computer programmers and software design;
Graphic designers;
Home furnishings;
Doctor or dentist office.
Restrictions on the Neighborhood Village Conditional Use Overlay District. Each NVO use shall be limited and restricted as follows:
Drive-through sales are prohibited.
Vehicle fueling operations are prohibited.
Identifying signage shall be consistent with the intent and purpose of the NVO District.
Each individual NVO use in an NVO Conditional Use District shall be restricted to a lot or lots located at the intersection of two or more streets and shall extend for a length of no more than 150 feet parallel to the street(s) or shall include the entire lot, whichever is greater, but in no case shall exceed 250 feet.
If a lot is larger than the 250-foot limit, then all required yard setbacks shall be measured from the 250-foot limit line.
In the case of an existing building that is located within 150 feet of a corner and extends beyond the 250-foot limit, the NVO use is permitted within the full length of the building.
Each lot that is conditionally approved for an NVO use shall have a maximum of two uses.
Each NVO District shall be located within 300 feet of any Neighborhood Commercial, Highway Commercial, Restricted Office Commercial or Township Commons District's closest boundary line.
Outdoor dining and alcoholic beverage consumption subject to the terms of the Zoning Ordinance and state and local regulations shall be permitted as accessory uses to restaurant/food service uses only upon securing a zoning permit and use and occupancy permit. Outdoor dining must comply with the requirements of the Township Noise Ordinance No. 692 (Chapter 257).
Review of NVO uses. The following shall apply to each proposed NVO use before a conditional use approval is granted:
Each applicant for an NVO use shall submit at least the following as a part of the NVO conditional use application:
A sketch plan in accordance with the Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance[2] as follows:
Section 330-12A(1) through (13);
Section 330-12B(2), (4), (5), (6), (7);
Additional materials shall include:
Detailed, rendered elevations of building facades that face public streets with materials and colors noted;
Landscape plan with types of proposed plant materials indicated and that, as a minimum, meets Township requirements and that shows proposed screening, outdoor trash storage areas and all other proposed site features;
Elevations of all proposed signage that meets Township requirements;
Any proposed site lighting.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 330, Subdivision and Land Development.
All proposed NVO uses shall be reviewed by the Township Planning Commission.
The Planning Commission shall provide an opinion on whether or not the scale, design, size, density, landscaping and setbacks for the proposed NVO use are consistent and compatible with the character of the existing village neighborhood, the existing residential establishments, the general welfare of Township residents, and the maintenance of Township property values; and
The Planning Commission may provide recommended changes or modifications to the proposed plan.
After considering the recommendations of the Planning Commission regarding a proposed NVO conditional use application, and any comments and input from the applicant, the Township Board of Supervisors shall act upon the proposed NVO conditional use application.
Parking regulations. The existing parking regulation per the Zoning Ordinance shall remain applicable unless otherwise indicated below.
The total number of off-street parking and loading spaces for each use may be reduced by up to 30% of the minimum requirements specified under this Zoning Ordinance, provided that the applicant demonstrates that common or shared off-street parking and loading spaces shall be capable of accommodating the peak demands for employees and patrons. The applicant shall provide documentation support developed by a professional engineer in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania who specializes in traffic planning, that the use can function safely with the reduced number of off-street parking and loading spaces.
Alternatively, in lieu of off-street parking requirements under Subsection E(1) above, the Township may consider on-street parking for up to 25% of required parking. On-street parking spaces utilized in this manner shall be within 250 feet of the principal proposed use, as long as applicant can show to the satisfaction of the Township that it does not adversely affect either existing on-street parking or existing and projected commercial street traffic.
Lighting. In order to primarily be used to provide safety and secondarily to accent the building and landscape features, all exterior lighting shall conform to the Township Lighting Ordinance No. 784,[3] but only the following sections of that ordinance: § 235-6, Lighting criteria, Subsections A, E(1), (4), (6), (7), (8), (9), (12), (13) and (14).
Editor's Note: See Ch. 235, Lighting, Outdoor.
All proposed signs shall comply with the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance. The total number and size of all signs shall be limited to avoid clutter and to serve the basic needs of the permitted use.
All permitted signs shall be professionally made and constructed out of durable material such as wood, metal (copper, brass, galvanized steel) or stone, which shall be considered as an enhanced feature of the use. The design, material, color, size, location and illumination of the sign shall be selected considering the architecture of the buildings and streetscape characteristics.
Primary signs shall be flat against the facade, or mounted projecting from the facade.
Signs that project from buildings shall have at least 10 feet of clearance from the ground level.
Signs shall be externally lit from the front. Backlighting of signs shall not be permitted.
Neon, flashing signs, moving signs and roof signs shall not be used.
Temporary signs with a specific date of expiration, such as sandwich boards, shall be allowed, only after approval by the Zoning Enforcement Officer.
Area, yard and height regulations. The following minimum and maximum dimensional requirements shall be applied to all lots, which are intended to be designed and occupied by permitted use of the NVO. The following minimum lot area requirements shall apply to the permitted uses within the Neighborhood Village Overlay District:
A minimum lot area in the NVO Overlay District shall be governed by the underlying zoning district.
The minimum lot width of the underlying zoning district shall be required for all uses within the Neighborhood Village Overlay District.
All accessory uses shall be located on a conforming lot.
All area, yard and height regulations shall be as per the underlying zoning district.
Maximum impervious coverage can be increased by 10% of underlying zoning district requirement. Minimum open area requirement is therefore decreased by the same percentage. (As an example, if 40% and 60% are the existing maximum impervious coverage and minimum open area, respectively, and the impervious coverage is increased to 50% for the NVO use, the open area is then decreased to 50%.)
Design standards. See § 390-34.
Environmental performance standards. In addition to the applicable performance standards of § 390-35, the following performance standards shall apply:
No more than 5% of the floor area devoted to retail sales shall be permitted on display outside a building.
Editor's Note: The Zoning Map is on file in the Township offices.
Specific intent. It is the purpose of this district to provide an area which, in addition to providing for uses which service the day-to-day needs of surrounding residential areas, service other commercial uses which are advantageously located near a major highway, serve highway uses or serve greater geographical areas either as individual uses, a combination of uses or as part of a shopping center which may consist of one or more buildings either under common ownership or unified control.
Uses permitted by right. Land and buildings served by public water and/or public/community sewer, or otherwise served by on-site water supply and/or on-site sewage disposal at the time of the adoption of the ordinance,[1] may be used for the following purposes and no other:
[Amended 6-13-2011 by Ord. No. 713; 7-9-2018 by Ord. No. 793]
Retail and wholesale sale of goods, prepared foods and services, except adult bookstores.
Business, professional or governmental office or studio.
Banks, savings and loan associations, finance companies or similar types of businesses.
Municipal use.
Funeral home/crematorium.
Commercial school for the teaching of trades, arts or skills.
Personal service.
Fire company.
Plant nursery.
Motels and hotels.
Restaurants, taverns and similar types of establishments, except cabarets.
Brew pub.
Farmers market as an event or occasional use as permitted by the Exeter Code.
Offices of plumbers, masons, carpenters, heating contractors, homebuilders and similar personnel.
Club or lodge for fraternal or social purposes provided that all activities shall be conducted within buildings or structures.
Indoor theater and place of indoor amusement or recreation.
Lumber and building materials supply establishments.
Golf course, driving range or miniature golf course, or tennis courts.
Motor vehicle service station, subject to:
All automobile parts, dismantled vehicles and similar articles shall be stored within a building. All repair activities shall be carried out within a building.
Repair garage, subject to:
All repair activities shall be performed within a building.
All outdoor storage of dismantled vehicles; automobile parts and similar items shall be screened from view in such a manner that the outdoor storage of materials is not visible from adjoining properties or public streets.
Car wash, subject to:
No water used in the washing of cars shall be discharged onto public roads or onto other properties.
Car washing activities shall be carried out within a building.
An approach drive or parking area to accommodate a minimum of four cars per bay shall be constructed, except that in the case of a facility where only one is provided the approach drive or parking area shall be constructed to accommodate a minimum of 10 cars.
Non-tower wireless communications facilities, per § 390-71.8 regulations.
[Amended 8-10-2020 by Ord. No. 835]
Office of veterinarian.
Hospital/surgical center.
Diagnostic laboratory testing facility.
Diagnostic imaging center.
Medical office building.
Medical or dental clinic.
Jr. college/college/university.
Convenience store with fueling stations.
Auto sales lot subject to § 390-34.
Shopping center subject to § 390-23 (Township Commons District).
Forestry activities, including, but not limited to, timber harvesting per § 390-56.
Yard sales per § 390-64.
Boarding kennel (short-term) subject to § 390-71.1.
Passive agriculture, subject to compliance with all applicable provisions of § 390-32A.
Churches or similar places of worship.
Nursing home, convalescent home, personal care home or retirement home.
State-licensed day-care centers and nursery schools.
State-licensed adult day-care center.
Bed-and-breakfast per § 390-63.
Accessory uses and structures to the above-permitted uses when on the same lot as the permitted use per §§ 390-29 and 390-30.
Small wireless communications facilities, per § 390-71.8 regulations.
[Added 8-10-2020 by Ord. No. 835]
Editor's Note: Refers to Ord. No. 793, adopted 7-9-2018.
Area, yard and height regulations.
[Amended 7-9-2018 by Ord. No. 793[2]; 11-26-2018 by Ord. No. 812]
Highway Commercial District
Building height - principal
50 feet
Maximum impervious coverage
Lot size
Per separately deeded parcel or combination of parcels
10,000 square feet
Per leased pad site
5,000 square feet
Building setback
30 feet
Lot width
At street line
100 feet
At building setback line
100 feet
Open area
20% of lot area
Side yard
60 feet
Total 1 side
30 feet
Rear yard
30 feet
Improvement setback
20 feet
Distance between buildings
50 feet
Self-storage units
30 feet
Distance between highway access points
150 feet
Editor's Note: This ordinance also repealed former Subsection C, Uses permitted by special exception, and Subsection D, Uses permitted by conditional use. This ordinance redesignated former Subsections E through G as Subsection C through E.
Performance standards. In addition to the applicable performance standards of § 390-35 the following performance standards shall apply:
When the side and/or rear yard of a lot adjoins land zoned other than commercial or industrial, or used for residential purposes, a twenty-foot buffer strip suitably landscaped to provide a screen, and in which no paved areas or structures, except retaining walls and/or fences are permitted, shall be provided within the side and/or rear yard adjoining the land not zoned commercial or industrial or used for residential purposes.
Drive-through service is permissible, provided it can be conducted with a safe and orderly traffic pattern with sufficient waiting area for vehicles waiting to place and pick up orders, as demonstrated by traffic plans and studies submitted by the applicant. Drive-through service must be ten feet from the property line. Covered drive-through must meet setbacks.
Design standards. The design standards defined in § 390-34 apply to all uses in a Highway Commercial District. Additionally, all permitted uses shall comply with Exeter Township Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance (Chapter 330 of the Exeter Township Code), Article V, Design Standards, for the Township Commons District (TCD), Highway Commercial District (HCD) and Flex Industrial District (FID) as amended.
[Amended 7-9-2018 by Ord. No. 793]
Uses permitted by condition. The following uses are permitted when a conditional use is granted by the Township Supervisors in accordance with § 390-90:
[Added 8-10-2020 by Ord. No. 835]
Non-tower wireless communications facilities when the collocation, modification, or replacement results in a substantial change and per § 390 -71.8 regulations.
[Added 7-9-2018 by Ord. No. 792;[1] amended 11-26-2018 by Ord. No. 812; 8-10-2020 by Ord. No. 835; 6-26-2023 by Ord. No. 859]
Specific intent. It is the purpose of a Township Commons District (TCD) to:
Provide a range of commercial and related uses;
Minimize excessive paved areas and numerous curb cuts;
Encourage the consolidation of driveways, parking area and curb cuts to provide more efficient access to parking;
Encourage a unified pedestrian path system to create efficient pedestrian access between lots and uses and to surrounding neighborhoods;
Discourage overdevelopment through reasonable permitted lot coverages and paved areas;
Encourage attractive and appropriate site and architectural design in order to maintain and enhance TCD and nearby neighborhood property values; and
Encourage the redevelopment of older commercial properties.
Uses permitted by right. Land and buildings served by public water and/or public/community sewer, or otherwise served by on-site water supply and/or on-site sewage disposal at the time of the adoption of the ordinance, may be used for the following purposes and no other:
Retail and wholesale sale of goods, prepared foods and services, except automobile tires, parts sales, and repair services, as well as adult bookstores.
Business, professional or governmental office or studio.
Banks, savings and loan associations, finance companies or similar types of businesses.
Municipal use.
Funeral home/crematorium.
Commercial school for the teaching of trades, arts or skills.
Personal service.
Fire company.
Motels and hotels.
Restaurants, taverns and similar types of establishments, except cabarets.
Brew pub.
Farmers market as an event or occasional use as permitted by the Exeter Township Code.
Club or lodge for fraternal or social purposes provided that all activities shall be conducted within buildings or structures.
Indoor theater and place of indoor amusement or recreation.
Convenience stores without fueling stations.
Golf course, driving range or miniature golf course, or tennis courts.
Swimming pool, subject to § 390-33.
Nontower wireless communications facilities, per § 390-71.8 regulations.
Office of veterinarian.
Hospital/surgical center.
Diagnostic laboratory testing facility.
Diagnostic imaging center.
Medical office building.
Medical or dental clinic.
Jr. college/college/university.
Trade school.
Forestry activities, including, but not limited to, timber harvesting per § 390-56.
Yard sales but only in lots that have residential uses per § 390-64.
Shopping center pursuant to Subsection F.
State-licensed nursery school and child day-care center.
State-licensed adult day-care center.
No-impact home-based business, but only for existing residential uses that exist at the time of adoption of this ordinance.
Accessory uses and structures to the above-permitted uses when on the same lot as the permitted use per § 390-30A, B(1), and B(3).
Small wireless communications facilities, per § 390-71.8 regulations.
Area, yard and height regulations.
Building height - principal building
45 feet
Maximum impervious coverage
Lot size
Per separately deeded parcel or combination of parcels
10,000 square feet
Per leased pad site
5,000 square feet
Building setback (FY)
30 feet
Lot width
At street line
100 feet
At building setback line
100 feet
Open area
Side yard
60 feet
One side
30 feet
Rear yard
30 feet
Improvement setback
25 feet
Distance between buildings
50 feet
Distance between highway access points
150 feet
Performance standards. In addition to the applicable environmental performance standards of § 390-35, the following performance standards shall also apply:
Drive-through service is permissible provided it can be conducted with a safe and orderly traffic pattern, with sufficient waiting area for vehicles waiting to place and pick up orders. Such safe and orderly traffic patterns shall be demonstrated by traffic plans and studies submitted by the applicant. Drive-through service must be 10 feet from the property line. Covered drive-through must meet setbacks.
Buffers. The landscaping/screening standards defined in § 390-31 apply to all uses in a TCD that abut residential zoning districts or residential uses.
Design standards. The design standards defined in § 390-34 apply to all uses in a TCD. Additionally, all permitted uses shall comply with Exeter Township Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance (Chapter 330 of the Exeter Township Code), Article V(A), Design Standards, for the Township Commons District (TCD), Highway Commercial District (HCD) and Flex Industrial District (FID) as amended.
Shopping centers ownership and control.
Shopping centers shall be held under single ownership or under a unified management control plan. If the Exeter Township Board of Supervisors has approved development plans for a shopping center in accordance with the SALDO, the subsequent division of the shopping center shall contain covenants requiring the owner(s) thereof, and their successors and assigns, at all times, to operate and maintain such lots or parts of the shopping center in good order and repair and in a clean and sanitary condition; that cross-easements for parking areas and all appurtenant ways, pedestrian access and utilities shall be maintained between all lots; and that any owner of any lot, parcel or other real estate in shopping center shall covenant and agree to be bound by the conditions set forth in this subsection.
When the side and/or rear of a lot adjoin land zoned other than commercial or industrial, or used for residential purposes, the adjoining portion(s) of the lot shall provide a twenty-foot buffer strip suitably landscaped to provide a screen, and in which no paved areas or structures are permitted.
Uses permitted by condition.
The following uses are permitted when a conditional use is granted by the Township Supervisors in accordance with § 390-90:
Nontower wireless communications facilities when the collocation, modification, or replacement results in a substantial change and per § 390-71.8 regulations.
The following uses shall be permitted upon approval as a conditional use provided that public water and sewer is available:
Apartments and townhouses. Apartment buildings shall meet the following requirements:
One- and two-bedroom units must comprise at least 80% of the total residential units.
Forty percent of all units must provide outdoor balconies, does not include Juliet balconies, false balconies or balconet. May also include individual unit patios or porches.
Covered outdoor or indoor bicycle parking/storage in the building or in the parking structure shall be provided for at least 15% of the total dwelling units.
Connections for laundry facilities shall be provided in each dwelling unit.
Apartment buildings with less than 30 dwelling units shall incorporate at least one or more of the below common amenities. Apartment buildings with 30 or more dwelling units shall incorporate at least two or more of the below common amenities:
Landscaped common open space (at ground floor level or on rooftop);
Fitness center.
Swimming pool.
Business center.
Community room.
Walking trail.
Gated dog run.
Apartment buildings with 30 or more dwelling units may incorporate the below commercial uses on the first floor only:
Personal service uses to include the following and similar uses:
Hairdresser/beauty shop/barber shop.
Tailor/seamstress shop.
Dry cleaning shop.
Retail uses to include the following and no others:
Post office.
Food service uses, to include the following uses and no others:
Coffee shop/cafe.
Convenience store without fueling station.
Low impact professional and business offices uses.
A package center shall be provided in each apartment building.
Condominiums in apartment-style buildings shall meet the requirements listed in Subsection H(2)(a)[1] through [7].
Independent living facility.
Assisted living facility/personal care facility.
Continuing care retirement community.
Mixed-use, where business, office, retail and residential uses may occupy the same building, provided that:
With the exception of legal no-impact home-based businesses, business, entertainment, office use or retail business shall be located on the first floor.
No floor may be used in whole or in part for business or office use or retail business on a floor located above a floor used for residential purposes.
Where there are non-residential and residential uses in a building, the residential uses shall be provided with separate, private entrances.
Parking shall meet §§ 330A-18 and 390-37 of the Exeter Township Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance.
Accessory uses and structures to the above permitted uses when on the same lot as the permitted use per § 390-30(A), (B)(1), and (B)(3).
Supplemental requirements for independent living facilities and assisted living facilities.
The facility shall include the following supporting uses:
Common leisure and/or recreational areas.
Common dining area.
In addition, the facility shall include one or more of the uses listed under Subsection H(2)(a)[1] and [7].
Declaration of age qualification. Subsequent to the approval of the plan for the first phase of the development, but prior to the recording of the plan, the developer shall record a declaration against property being developed, in a form acceptable to the Township Solicitor, binding the property and owners to the minimum age restriction of 55 years and older, which will be applicable to the project and in accordance with both federal and state fair housing regulations.
Supplemental requirements for continuing care retirement communities.
No such use shall be operated without approval and, where appropriate, licensing by such agencies as the Pennsylvania Department of Social Services, the Pennsylvania Department of Health, and other such appropriate local, state, and federal agencies which may have authority in a particular case.
Location. No such use shall be established in any area until local emergency services has determined that adequate emergency medical service and fire protection is available in short response time.
All such uses shall be designed to accommodate service vehicles with access to the building at a side or rear entrance.
The proposed use including all structures, roads and landscaping shall be sited, designed and constructed in a manner, which minimizes the impact of the development on the neighborhood.
Declaration of age qualification. Subsequent to the approval of the plan for the first phase of the development, but prior to the recording of the plan, the developer shall record a declaration against the property being developed, in a form acceptable to the Township Solicitor, binding the property and owners to the minimum age restriction of 55 years and older, which will be applicable to the project and in accordance with both federal and state fair housing regulations.
Sidewalks shall be required along all street frontages and interval driveways, per the requirements of § 330-54 of the Exeter Township Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance and as required by the Township, in an effort toward creating a completely linked network of sidewalks connecting commercial centers, institutional facilities and residential buildings, including common open space areas for parking.
Area, yard and height regulations as conditional use.
Nonresidential Buildings, Townhouse/Condominium/Multifamily Buildings
Independent Living Facility Assisted Living Facility/Continuing Care Retirement Community
Building height-principal building
45 feet
45 feet
Impervious coverage
80% of lot area
80% of lot area
Building length
200 feet
200 feet
Building depth
80 feet
Lot size (per leased pad site)
10 acre
10 acre
Building setback
20 feet
20 feet
Lot width
At street line
80 feet
200 feet
At building setback line
80 feet
200 feet
Open area
20% of lot area
20% of lot area
Side yard
30 feet
30 feet
One side
15 feet or 12 feet per residential end unit
15 feet
Rear yard
20 feet
30 feet
Improvement setback
10 feet
15 feet
Distance between buildings
50 feet
50 feet
Distance between highway access points
150 feet
150 feet
Retaining wall setback from property line (up to 12 feet high)
10 feet
10 feet
No more than eight townhouses shall be in a continuous row.
No more than four continuous townhouses/apartments shall have the same front setback and the variations in front setback shall be at least two feet.
A system for pedestrian circulation throughout the development shall be provided.
Dwelling unit size and maximum density as conditional use.
A minimum of 1,200 square feet for three or more bedroom units;
A minimum of 900 square feet for two-bedroom units;
A minimum of 750 square feet for one-bedroom units, and
A minimum of 460 square feet for studio/efficiency units.
Maximum density.
Housing Type
Maximum Dwelling Units Per Acre
Mid-rise apartment
Low-rise apartment
Townhouses, condominiums
Independent living/assisted living facility/continuing care retirement community
Height bonus.
In order to achieve a building height greater than the base height of 45 feet, buildings located within the district shall be eligible for a height increase of an additional 10 feet (for a maximum height of 55 feet) if at least one of the usable open space areas listed below is provided. Buildings located within the district shall be eligible for a height increase of an additional 20 feet (for a maximum height of 65 feet) if at least two of the usable open space areas listed below are provided.
General usable open area standards are as follows:
Usable open areas shall be focal points of the community and key public assets. These areas must be visible and accessible from a public walkway or sidewalk and shall not be in utility areas and stormwater management areas.
Usable open areas shall include connections to outdoor cafes, restaurants or building entrances and have maximum direct sunlight. Necessary shade shall be provided by trees, canopies, trellises, building walls or tables with umbrellas.
Usable open areas shall be deed restricted to permanently preserve the area and to guarantee permanent public and/or resident access, as appropriate.
Rooftop mechanical equipment, including elevators, parapets, roof forms and decorative elements not intended for occupancy, shall be excluded from the total structural height where such features are screened or installed consistent with applicable design standards. All structures shall conform to the building design standards in Article VA of the Exeter Township Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance.
For lots abutting residential zoning districts or residential uses, rear yards shall be a minimum of 50 feet and side yards shall be a minimum of 30 feet each for the first 10 feet of increased height, up to 55 feet for every one foot of increased height above 55 feet, rear and side yard setbacks shall increase by two feet each.
Parking regulations for confitional use.
Off-street parking shall be provided per below:
Minimum Requirements
Assisted living facility
One space per two assisted living units
Independent living facility
One space per independent living unit
Continuing care retirement community
One space per independent apartment unit
Guest parking for above senior residential uses
One space per three units
Two spaces per unit, may include garages
Three spaces per unit, not to include garages
Guest parking for above residential uses
One space per five units
Calculated by adding together the parking required for each use, including any residential component
Cross-access easements and a shared parking maintenance agreement are required for adjacent lots with connected parking lots pursuant to the requirements of § 390-37S.
Access drive centerlines shall be located a minimum of 50 feet from the intersections of local street centerlines and 150 feet from the centerline of any other street classification.
All other parking requirements shall be provided per § 390-37 of the Zoning Ordinance.
Use requirements by tract sizes.
Developments shall meet the following mix of use requirements:
Tract sizes of less than one acre in size:
No mixing requirement. Developments can consist of one use only (per site).
Tract sizes of one to less than 10 acres in size:
Developments shall include at least two of the uses listed under Subsection H(2)(a) with each use compromising at least 10% of the development's total building floor area. In addition, retail and restaurant uses may not compromise more than 35% of the development's total building floor area.
Tract sizes of 10 or more acres in size:
Office, entertainment and institutional uses:
Minimum percentage of building floor area: 5%.
Maximum percentage of building floor area: 70%.
Retail and restaurant uses:
Minimum percentage of building floor area: 5%.
Maximum percentage of building floor area: 50%.
Residential uses:
Minimum percentage of building floor area: 20%.
Maximum percentage of building floor area: 85%.
In any development with single-family attached dwellings as part of an age-restricted development:
No more than four dwelling units shall be attached.
Dwellings shall reflect, in architecture and site design, the character of a single-family residences and shall not have the appearance of townhouses.
Editor's Note: This ordinance also repealed former § 390-23, SCC — Shopping Center Commercial District, as amended 6-13-2011 by Ord. No. 713.
Specific intent. It is the purpose of this district to provide an area in which a variety of industrial uses may locate, provided that they will not adversely affect the public health, safety and general welfare of the residents and inhabitants of the Township. To accomplish this, performance standards are established.
Uses permitted by right. Land and buildings in an LI District may be used for the following purposes and no others, unless a special exception as provided for in Subsection C or conditional use as provided for in Subsection D is granted:
Office buildings.
Wholesaling and warehousing activities, subject to:
All roadways, parking and loading areas shall be paved.
No loading shall be permitted between the building setback line and the street line.
All loading shall be conducted within or adjacent to a building.
Printing and publishing activities.
Research activities.
Municipal use.
Parks, except amusement parks and conservation areas.
Self-storage units.
Testing, production, packaging, fabrication, processing, assembly, manufacture, compounding and bottling of foods, goods and materials, and repair and cleaning activities related thereto, provided that:
All such activities shall be carried on within a building, with the exception of such outdoor activities that are ancillary to the foregoing permitted uses, which shall comply with all other applicable requirements of this chapter and all other Township ordinances.
[Amended 12-10-2012 by Ord. No. 733]
An environmental assessment, as provided for in § 390-55, shall be submitted to the Township.
Electric power production, pursuant to § 390-67.
Trade school.
Junior college/college/university.
Non-tower wireless communications facilities, per § 390-71.8 regulations.
[Amended 7-13-2020 by Ord. No. 832; 8-10-2020 by Ord. No. 835]
Small wireless communications facilities, per § 390-71.8 regulations.
[Amended 8-10-2020 by Ord. No. 835]
Forestry activities, including, but not limited to, timber harvesting per § 390-56.
Accessory uses and structures to the above-permitted uses when on the same lot as the permitted use per §§ 390-29 and 390-30.
Yard sales per § 390-64.
Boarding kennel (short-term) subject to § 390-71.1.
Passive agriculture, subject to compliance with all applicable provisions of § 390-32A.
[Added 6-13-2011 by Ord. No. 713]
Uses permitted by special exception. The following uses are permitted when special exceptions are granted by the Zoning Hearing Board in accordance with § 390-96H:
Convenience store without fueling stations.
Retail sale of goods produced on the premises.
State licensed nursery school, public school, elementary school, middle school, junior high school, senior high school, charter school and day-care center.
Schools shall be allowed a height limit of 50 feet.
Airport/heliport, private.
Amusement park.
Drive-in movie theater.
The movies shown on the movie screen shall not be visible from public roads.
No access point shall be permitted to U.S. Route 422. All access points shall be to a road which intersects U.S. Route 422 at a traffic light.
The drive-in theater shall be surrounded by a twenty-foot buffer yard in which shall be placed a year-round screen of a minimum height of eight feet.
Indoor recreation.
Group home, pursuant to § 390-71.3.
Group institution, pursuant to § 390-71.4.
Accessory uses and structures to the above permitted uses when on the same lot as the permitted use per §§ 390-29 and 390-30.
Uses permitted by conditional use. The following uses are permitted when a conditional use is approved by the Board of Supervisors in accordance with § 390-90:
Flea market.
Medical marijuana grower/processor facility, subject to § 390-71.5.
[Added 2-25-2019 by Ord. No. 823]
Medical marijuana delivery vehicle office, subject to § 390-71.6.
[Added 2-25-2019 by Ord. No. 823]
Medical marijuana dispensary, subject to § 390-71.7.
[Added 2-25-2019 by Ord. No. 823]
Non-tower wireless communications facilities when the collocation, modification, or replacement results in a substantial change and per § 390-71.8 regulations.
[Added 8-10-2020 by Ord. No. 835]
Tower-based wireless communications facilities, per § 390-71.8 regulations.
[Added 8-10-2020 by Ord. No. 835]
Area, yard and height regulations (all uses except electric power production per §§ 390-67 and 390-68).
[Amended 11-26-2018 by Ord. No. 812]
Light Industrial District
Maximum Permitted
Building height (except for stack) — principal building
80 feet
Maximum impervious coverage
Minimum Requirements
Lot size
2 acres
Building setback
50 feet
Lot width
At street line
150 feet
At building setback line
200 feet
Open area
Side yard
100 feet
One side
50 feet
Rear yard
50 feet
Improvement setback
20 feet
Distance between buildings
50 feet
Self-storage units
30 feet
Distance between highway access points
100 feet
Performance standards. See § 390-35.
Design standards. See § 390-34.
[Added 2-25-2019 by Ord. No. 820]
Specific intent. The Flex Industrial District is intended to accomplish the following goals:
Provide for business, office and light industrial development in a unified, attractive, campus-like environment. Multiple uses on a single tract shall be permitted and encouraged.
Promote high-quality, visually attractive, and environmentally responsible site and building design, while providing for maximum flexibility.
Incorporate design standards requiring maximum attention to proper site design, including the location and design of structures, parking areas, environmentally sensitive areas, vehicular and pedestrian circulation facilities, stormwater management facilities, landscaping, etc.
Encourage business, office and light industrial development that will provide an economic base and high quality jobs for Exeter Township.
Provide for business, office and light industrial development uses that will have minimum impact on the environment and adjacent residential uses.
Promote opportunities for small and expanding light industrial businesses through incubators through the development of new buildings or the conversion of older structures into incubator spaces for small light industrial uses.
Uses permitted by right. The following uses, as a single principal use or as uses in combination and their accessory uses, shall be permitted by right in the Flex Industrial District, provided that all applicable requirements of this section have been satisfied:
Business, professional or governmental offices.
Light metal manufacturing processes, including metal finishing, grinding, polishing and heat treatment, metal stamping and extrusion of small products, the assembly, manufacture, repair and/or servicing of small electrical and/or electronic appliances, equipment and supplies, and the manufacture of light machinery such as business and office machines.
Light manufacturing of paper and wood products, ceramic products and plastic and/or rubber products.
Light manufacturing, compounding, assembly, processing, packaging and bottling of food products and beverages, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, medicine and personal care products (excluding cleaning solutions), and products from previously prepared materials (excluding dyeing, chemical treatment, chemical preservation or concrete or asphalt product manufacturing).
Handicraft/custom manufacturing.
Printing, binding and publishing facilities.
Laboratory for scientific or industrial research, testing, experimentation and/or development.
State-licensed adult day care and child day care.
Fire station and emergency medical services facility.
Business services such as copying, office equipment sales/service and printing.
Warehouse and distribution facilities, if operated in conjunction with another use permitted by right within this section and operating within the Flex Industrial District. Stand-alone truck terminal and fuel distribution are not permitted.
Dry cleaning, laundry and clothes pressing plants.
Trade school.
Jr. college/college/university.
Incubator space(s) as defined herein for permitted uses.
Restaurant containing no more than 1,500 gross square feet.
Non-tower wireless communications facilities, per § 390-71.8 regulations.
[Amended 8-10-2020 by Ord. No. 835]
Accessory uses and structures to the above permitted uses when on the same lot as the permitted use per § 390-30A, B(1), and B(3).
Small wireless communications facilities, per § 390-71.8 regulations.
[Added 8-10-2020 by Ord. No. 835]
Uses permitted by conditional use. The following uses are permitted in the Flex Industrial District when a conditional use is granted by the Board of Supervisors in accordance with § 390-90.
Heliport, Subject to § 390-53 if operated in conjunction with another use permitted by right in this section and operating within the Flex Industrial District. The heliport itself shall be subject to all area, yard and height regulations set forth in this section and all other provisions of the Exeter Township Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance.
Dispensary, subject to § 390-71.7.
Grower/processor facility, subject to § 390-71.5.
Medical marijuana delivery vehicle office, subject to § 390-71.6.
Non-tower wireless communications facilities when the collocation, modification, or replacement results in a substantial change and per § 390-71.8 regulations.
[Added 8-10-2020 by Ord. No. 835]
Tower-based wireless communications facilities, per § 390-71.8 regulations.
[Added 8-10-2020 by Ord. No. 835]
Area, yard and height regulations. Each of the following minimum and maximum requirements shall apply to each tract of land developed in the Flex Industrial District, except as specifically provided for in this chapter.
Area, Yard and Height Regulations
(Comparable to existing LI regulations)
Lot size
1.5 acres
Building setback
50 feet
Lot width
At street line
150 feet
At building setback line
200 feet
Open area
20% of lot area
Side yard
100 feet
One side
50 feet
Rear yard
50 feet
Improvement setback
20 feet
Distance between buildings
50 feet
Distance between highway access points
100 feet
Building height
75 feet
Lot coverage
50% of lot area
Paved area
70% of lot area
General development regulation. The following additional requirements shall apply to developments within the Flex Industrial District.
The development shall be consistent with the purpose of this chapter and shall not adversely affect the health, safety, and general welfare of the Township.
The development shall consist of a harmonious selection of uses and groupings of buildings, services, and parking areas, traffic circulation, and open spaces, planned, and designed as an integrated unit in such manner as to constitute a safe, efficient, and accessible development.
Provision shall be made for safe and efficient ingress and egress to and from existing public streets servicing the development and to internal streets without undue congestion to or interference with normal traffic flow.
All buildings shall be served by a public sanitary disposal system and public water supply.
The development shall, wherever possible, preserve or incorporate natural features such as woods, streams and open space areas add to the overall cohesive development of the Flex Industrial District and the overall Township development. An overall landscaping plan shall be subject to approval by the Township in accordance with the provisions of the Exeter Township Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance.[1]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 330, Subdivision and Land Development.
Buffers: The landscaping/screening standards defined in § 390-31 apply to all uses in a Flex Industrial District that abut residential zoning districts or residential uses.
Design standards. The design standards defined in § 390-34 apply to all uses in a Flex Industrial District. Additionally, all permitted uses shall comply with the design standards as contained in Exeter Township Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance (Chapter 330 of the Exeter Township Code) Article VB, Design Standards for the Flex Industrial District (FID), as amended.
Performance standards. See § 390-35.
Specific intent. It is the purpose of this district to provide an area in which a variety of industrial uses may locate provided that they will not adversely affect the public health, safety and general welfare of the residents and inhabitants of the Township. To accomplish this, performance standards are established. In addition, certain open land uses are permitted if conditional uses can be secured.
Uses permitted by right. Land and buildings in a GI District may be used for the following purposes and no others, unless a conditional use as provided for in Subsection C or a special exception as provided for in Subsection D is granted:
Administrative offices for the use permitted in Subsection B(2) through (6) below.
Wholesaling and warehousing activities, subject to:
All roadways, parking and loading areas shall be paved.
No loading shall be permitted between the building setback line and the street line.
All loading shall be conducted within or adjacent to buildings.
Printing and publishing activities.
Research activities.
Municipal use.
Testing, production, packaging, fabrication, processing, assembly, manufacture, compounding and bottling of foods, goods and materials, and repair and cleaning activities related thereto, provided that:
All such activities shall be carried on within a building, with the exception of such outdoor activities that are ancillary to the foregoing permitted uses, which shall comply with all other applicable requirements of this chapter and all other Township ordinances.
[Amended 12-10-2012 by Ord. No. 733]
An environmental assessment statement, as provided for in § 390-55 shall be submitted to the Township.
Railroad terminal, subject to:
All areas used for storage or rolling equipment, classification yards and freight or passenger loading shall be surrounded by a fence at least six feet in height.
All crossing of tracks at grade for pedestrians shall be posted and vehicle crossing shall utilize warning lights.
Non-tower wireless communications facilities, per § 390-71.8 regulations.
[Amended 8-10-2020 by Ord. No. 835]
Truck terminals.
Small wireless communications facilities, per § 390-71.8 regulations.
[Amended 8-10-2020 by Ord. No. 835]
Electric power production pursuant to § 390-67.
Cogeneration electric power production, pursuant to § 390-68, as an accessory use to a sanitary landfill.
Forestry activities, including, but not limited to, timber harvesting per § 390-56.
Accessory uses and structures to the above-permitted uses when on the same lot as the permitted use per § 390-30.
Boarding kennel (short-term) subject to § 390-71.1.
Passive agriculture, subject to compliance with all applicable provisions of § 390-32A.
[Added 6-13-2011 by Ord. No. 713]
Uses permitted by conditional use. The following uses are permitted when a conditional use is granted by the Township Supervisors in accordance with § 390-90.
Junkyard, subject to:
The premises shall be maintained so as not to constitute a nuisance or a menace to the health of the residents and inhabitants of the Township and shall be maintained so as not to constitute a place for the breeding of rodents and vermin.
No garbage or organic waste shall be stored.
Whenever any motor vehicle or part thereof shall be received in the junkyard, and shall not be held for resale as an operating unit, all gasoline and oil shall be removed from the motor vehicle or part thereof.
The manner of storage and arrangement of materials shall be such as to provide for adequate access for fire-fighting purposes.
The manner of storage, arrangement of materials and drainage facilities shall be such as to prevent the accumulation of stagnant water upon the premises.
No open burning shall be permitted.
All junkyards shall be completely enclosed, except at entrances, by an evergreen planting screen of a minimum height of six feet which shall be backed by a fence at least six feet in height. The fence shall contain gates at all entrances which shall be locked except during operating hours.
No materials shall be stored less than 50 feet from any street outside the lot on which the junkyard is located and no materials shall be stored less than 50 feet from a lot line of the lot on which the junkyard is located.
No materials stored within the junkyard shall be stacked to a height exceeding the height of the evergreen planting screen enclosing the junkyard, provided that in no cases shall materials be stacked to a height exceeding 10 feet.
Sanitary landfill, subject to the Exeter Township Landfill Ordinance (Chapter 316, Article I) or its successors and any and all current regulations of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection.
Surface mining activities, subject to:
The filing with the Township of a copy of a complete and detailed plan for the reclamation of the land affected, which has been filed by the operator with and has received approval of any and all Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and federal governmental agencies having regulatory jurisdiction over such matters. All copies of amendments and supplements thereto shall thereafter be filed with the Township. Said plans shall show or describe the following:
The use to which the land was put prior to the commencement of surface mining.
The use which is proposed to be made of the land following reclamation.
The manner in which topsoil and subsoil will be conserved and restored.
Where the proposed land use so requires, the manner in which compaction of the soil and fill will be accomplished.
A complete landscaping program.
A timetable for the accomplishment of each major step in the reclamation plan.
The periodic filing with the Township of copies of any and all reports which set forth the current status of reclamation work performed and activities undertaken to implement stormwater management and erosion and sediment control plans which the operator is required to file with the aforesaid governmental agencies. When verified in writing by the governmental agency or body having jurisdiction, noncompliance with any approved reclamation plan, erosion and sediment control plan, or storm management plan shall be grounds for issuance of a stop order under § 390-87 of this chapter, until such noncompliance is corrected.
An erosion and sediment control plan and a stormwater management plan shall be submitted to and approved by the Township Supervisors. Such plans shall be designed to prevent adverse effects from water runoff, erosion and sedimentation on adjoining streams, properties and streets and the stagnation of water. Any plans submitted to and approved by the aforesaid governmental agencies shall be received in lieu of such plans if they have been prepared cover such subject matter.
A plan indicating the location and proposed construction materials used on roadways within the property lines of the mining operation which will be used by trucks entering and leaving the site shall be submitted to the Township Supervisors. The plan shall state that all such roadways shall be maintained and constructed by the operator so that trucks leaving the mining operation will not deposit excessive or accumulating amounts of mining products, dirt, mud or other such substances on public roads.
No surface mining operations which will result in the creation of an elevation difference in excess of 10 feet between the surface of the mine and any adjacent property or public road shall be carried out within 200 feet of such a property, nor within 200 feet of such public road.
No storage of products, by-products, overburden or cover material shall be permitted to reach a height in excess of 50 feet. No such storage shall be permitted within 150 feet of a property line of the mining operation or a public road.
All blasting operations shall conform with the regulations enforced by the aforesaid agencies of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the federal government within a radius of 3/4 of a mile of the location of blasting. Blasting shall not be permitted on Sundays and legal holidays. Notice of all blasting operations shall be given to the Township and the occupants of all properties within a radius of 3/4 of a mile of the location of blasting at least 24 hours prior to the commencement of blasting.
All other state and federal requirements pertaining to surface mining activities, air pollution and noise shall be complied with. When a license is required from the state, a copy of such license shall be filed with the Township along with evidence that any bond required for completion of the reclamation plan has been filed with the state.
The minimum lot size for any surface mining operation shall be 10 acres.
No operations shall be carried out on Sundays or legal holidays, nor between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m.
Planting screens to screen mining operations from adjoining exclusively residential properties shall be placed along the property lines of the mining operations.
Removal of materials from the site shall be done in such a manner that undue amounts of spillage will not be deposited on any public road or other properties.
Crushing and processing operations of the minerals, rock and other products of the earth mined on the premises shall be permitted so long as the physical or chemical properties of same are not changed and so long as such crushing or processing operations do not involve the manufacture of cement or concrete, asphalt materials and products or any other form of manufacturing or fabrication.
No substance which can harm persons, animals, vegetation or other forms of property shall be dispersed beyond the property lines of the mining operation.
When required by the Township Board of Supervisors, a hydrogeologic study shall be submitted to the Township, which shall indicate the impact of the surface mining activity on groundwater supplies and quality in the area of the operations. Surface mining activities shall not endanger groundwater levels and quality in the area, nor adversely affect groundwater supplies of nearby properties. Any surface mining operator who affects a public or private water supply by contamination or diminution shall restore or replace the affected supply with an alternate source of water adequate in quantity and quality for the purposes served by the supply.
"Surface mining" shall be defined as the extraction of minerals, rock and other products of the earth by activities conducted upon the surface of the which require the removal of the overburden, strata or material overlying, above or between, the minerals, rock or other products of the earth, or by otherwise exposing and retrieving the minerals from the surface. Mining activities carried out beneath the surface by means of shafts, tunnels or other underground mining openings are not included in this definition.
Adult bookstores, adult motion-picture theaters, cabarets and massage parlors.
No building containing an adult motion-picture theater, cabaret, adult bookstore, or massage parlor shall be located within a five-hundred-foot radius of any building housing a school or church, a playground or other recreational area, or RC, SR0, SR1, SR2, SR3, AP, R, NC, HC, SCC or UR Districts.
Motorcycle, ATV recreational and race tracks. Race tracks, or facilities when approved as a conditional use with the following restrictions:
The entire site shall be enclosed with a minimum six-foot high opaque fence to minimize noise and distractions to traffic.
Noise levels shall not exceed 55 dB(A) at any time, measured at the property line.
No dust shall leave the site.
Parks, except amusement parks and conservation areas.
Undefined land uses or other land uses, subject to § 390-71.2 of the Code.
Medical marijuana grower/processor facility, subject to § 390-71.5.
[Added 2-25-2019 by Ord. No. 823]
Medical marijuana delivery vehicle office, subject to § 390-71.6.
[Added 2-25-2019 by Ord. No. 823]
Medical marijuana dispensary, subject to § 390-71.7.
[Added 2-25-2019 by Ord. No. 823]
Non-tower wireless communications facilities when the collocation, modification, or replacement results in a substantial change and per § 390-71.8 regulations.
[Amended 8-10-2020 by Ord. No. 835]
Tower-based wireless communications facilities, per § 390-71.8 regulations.
[Amended 8-10-2020 by Ord. No. 835]
Uses permitted by special exception. The following uses are permitted when special exceptions are granted by the Zoning Hearing Board in accordance with § 390-96H:
State licensed nursery school, public school, elementary school, middle school, junior high school, senior high school, charter school and day-care center.
Schools shall be allowed a height limit of 50 feet.
Tank farm/fuel depot subject to § 390-65.
Airport/heliport subject to § 390-53.
Area, yard and height regulations.
[Amended 11-26-2018 by Ord. No. 812]
General Industrial District
Maximum Permitted
Building height (except stacks) — principal building
80 feet
Maximum impervious coverage
Minimum Requirements
Lot size
5 acres
Building setback
100 feet
Lot width
At street line
300 feet
At building setback line
300 feet
Open area
Side yard
200 feet
One side
100 feet
Rear yard
100 feet
Improvement setback
50 feet
Distance between buildings
50 feet
Distance between highway access points
100 feet
Performance standards. See § 390-35.
Design standards. See § 390-34.
Specific intent. It is the purpose of this district to provide an area for commercial uses which service the day-to-day needs of surrounding residential areas and which will not have adverse effects on those residential areas.
[Amended 8-26-2013 by Ord. No. 742]
Uses permitted by right. Land and buildings served by public water and public/community sewer in an ROC District may be used for the following purposes and no others, unless a special exception as provided for in Subsection C or conditional use as provided for in Subsection D is granted:
[Amended 6-13-2011 by Ord. No. 713; 8-26-2013 by Ord. No. 742; 12-23-2013 by Ord. No. 745]
Single-family detached dwelling.
Any use permitted by right within the NC Neighborhood Commercial Zoning District, § 390-21B, excepting that drive-throughs shall not be permitted.
Accessory uses and structures to the above permitted uses when on the same lot as the permitted use per §§ 390-29 and 390-30.
No-impact home-based business, subject to § 390-39.
Non-tower wireless communications facilities, provided the collocation, modification, or replacement does not result in a substantial change, and per § 390-71.8 regulations.
[Added 8-10-2020 by Ord. No. 835]
Small wireless communications facilities, per § 390-71.8 regulations.
[Amended 8-10-2020 by Ord. No. 835]
Uses permitted by special exception. The following uses are permitted when special exceptions are granted by the Zoning Hearing Board in accordance with § 390-96H:
[Amended 8-26-2013 by Ord. No. 742]
State-licensed nursery school, public school, elementary school, middle school, junior high school, senior high school, charter school, or day-care center.
Schools shall be allowed a height limit of 50 feet.
Accessory uses and structures to the above permitted uses when on the same lot as the permitted use per §§ 390-29 and 390-30.
Uses permitted by conditional use. The following uses are permitted when a conditional use is approved by the Board of Supervisors in accordance with § 390-90:
[Amended 8-26-2013 by Ord. No. 742]
Bed-and-breakfast per § 390-63.
Accessory uses and structures to the above permitted uses when on the same lot as the permitted use per §§ 390-29 and 390-30.
Non-tower wireless communications facilities when the collocation, modification, or replacement results in a substantial change and per § 390-71.8 regulations.
[Added 8-10-2020 by Ord. No. 835]
Area, yard and height regulations.
[Amended 11-26-2018 by Ord. No. 812]
Restricted Office Commercial District
Maximum Permitted
Building height — principal building
35 feet
Maximum impervious coverage
Building length
70% of Lot Widths
Minimum Requirements
Lot size
Per separately deeded parcel or combination of parcels
12,000 square feet
Per leased pad site
4,000 square feet
Building setback
20 feet
Lot width
At street line
60 feet
At building setback line
60 feet
Open area
Side yard
20 feet
One side
12 feet
Rear yard
20 feet
Improvement setback
10 feet
Distance between buildings
20 feet
Distance between highway access points
50 feet
Performance standards. See § 390-35.
Design standards. The design standards defined in § 390-34 shall apply to all uses in a ROC District.