[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Pelham 10-2-1984 as L.L. No. 8-1984. Amendments noted where applicable.]
It shall be the duty of the owner of every lot or piece of land in the Village of Pelham to keep the sidewalks in front of the premises owned by him, them or it at all times in good repair and in a safe condition for public use and free from all obstructions or encumbrances so as to permit the public use thereof in an easy and commodious manner.
[Amended 4-8-2008 by L.L. No. 4-2008]
When in the judgment of the Village Administrator, any sidewalk and/or curb in the Village requires repair or replacement, the Village shall notify the owner of the property adjoining such sidewalk and/or curb that the sidewalk and/or curb must be repaired or replaced. Such written notice shall be served on the property owner personally or by mail. Where there are two or more owners, service upon one of them shall be sufficient.
Within 45 days from the service of the notice to repair or replace a sidewalk and/or curb, the owner or owners of the property must obtain a permit to repair or replace such sidewalk and/or curb, pay the permit fee and refundable deposit set by resolution of the Board of Trustees, and complete the necessary repairs and/or replacement in accordance with the specifications on file in the office of the Building Department. After the Building Inspector has conducted an inspection and approved all the work done, the deposit will be refunded.
If any owner or owners shall neglect or refuse to repair or improve such sidewalk and/or curb within the time limited therefor by said notice, the Village of Pelham shall forthwith make such repairs or improvements in such manner as it shall deem proper and suitable and shall file a certificate of the expense thereof, together with a description of the property in front of which such improvement or repairs were made, with the Village Clerk-Treasurer who shall certify the same to the Board of Trustees at the next regular meeting thereafter. The expense of making such improvement or repairs shall be paid by the owner of the property abutting on the sidewalk and/or curb so improved or repaired and may be collected in an action at law or assessed upon the adjoining land. Such assessments shall be made and taxes levied as provided by the Village Law.
The Village Board may, be resolution and without further public hearing, assume such percentage of the cost of any sidewalk and/or a curb repair under such program as the Board, in its sole judgment, should decide; and further, that although the village may determine the amount which the taxpayer will pay and the amount the village will pay, in no event will there be assessed to the taxpayer an amount in excess of what he would pay under a voluntary program on a 50/50 basis as described below. Said 50/50 program or any other sharing of the percentage of the cost of repair or improvements of sidewalks and/or curbs shall apply only to sidewalks and curbs which adjoin or abut commercial or rental residential properties within the village.
The voluntary 50/50 cost sharing program shall be as follows:
Where only a sidewalk is to be repaired, the village will pay fifty percent (50%) and the owner will pay fifty percent (50%) of the cost of such sidewalk repair.
Where a sidewalk and curb of same property are to be repaired, the village will pay 50% and the owner will pay 50% of the cost of such sidewalk and curb repair.
Where only a curb is to be repaired, either because no sidewalk exists on the property or if it does so exist, it has been determined by the Village Engineer that repairs to the sidewalk are not needed, then the village will pay 50% and the owner will pay 50% of the cost of such curb repair.
The voluntary 50/50 cost sharing program shall be administered under the direction and discretion of the Village Administrator; provided, however, that if insufficient funds are available in the current yearly budget to complete repairs for all interested applicants, the Board of Trustees shall have the sole power and discretion to determine priorities thereof.
The Board of Trustees shall by general resolution establish a fee schedule fixing the amount to be paid to the village for repair of sidewalks and curbs. Such fee schedule so established may be amended from time to time by resolution of the Board of Trustees.
This chapter shall take effect immediately upon filing with the Secretary of State.