[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Pelham 5-21-2002 by L.L. No. 1-2002; amended in its entirety 4-10-2014 by L.L. No. 2-2014. Subsequent amendments noted where applicable.]
Building construction — See Ch. 34.
Zoning — See Ch. 98.
The Telecommunications Act of 1996 has affirmed the authority of the Village of Pelham with respect to the placement, construction and modification of wireless telecommunications facilities. The Village has received and expects to receive requests to site wireless telecommunications facilities within its municipal boundaries. It is the intent of the Village to protect and promote the health, safety and general welfare of its residents, in a manner consistent with the Telecommunications Act of 1996, by establishing an orderly process for regulating the siting of wireless telecommunications facilities while balancing the need for adequate service levels. The purposes of this chapter, therefore, are to define the process by which the Village will consider requests to site wireless telecommunications facilities and to establish standards for the safe provision of wireless telecommunications facilities within the Village, consistent with applicable state and federal law, which will minimize the adverse impact of wireless telecommunications facilities through proper design, site placement, height limitation and vegetative screening, and thereby will retain the residential character of the Village, will promote the safety and welfare of Village residents, will maintain property values and will encourage the shared use of wireless telecommunications facilities. In furtherance of these goals, the Village will give consideration to the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Map, existing land uses and environmentally sensitive areas in approving sites for the location of wireless telecommunications facilities.
This chapter shall be known and cited as the "Wireless Telecommunications Facilities Siting Law for the Village of Pelham."
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
One or more rods, panels, discs, nodes or similar devices used for the transmission and/or reception of radio frequency signals, electromagnetic waves or other wireless signals which may include omnidirectional antennas (whip), directional antennas (panel) and parabolic antennas (disc).
An antenna array that is attached to an existing structure which structure does not have as its primary purpose the provision of wireless telecommunications services, together with any accompanying device which attaches the antenna array to the existing structure, connection cables and any equipment facility which may be located either inside or outside of the attachment structure.
The structure to which an attached wireless telecommunications facility is attached.
A structure constructed or erected on the ground, with a roof supported by columns or walls. Structures divided by unpierced masonry division walls extending from the ground through the roof shall be deemed to be separate buildings.
The mounting or installation of an antenna array at an existing wireless telecommunications facility for the purpose of transmitting and/or receiving radio frequency signals, electromagnetic waves or other wireless signals for wireless telecommunications purposes.
Any structure, including cabinets, shelters and the build-out of an existing structure, which is used to contain equipment as part of a wireless telecommunications facility.
An unstaffed facility for the transmission and/or reception of wireless telecommunications services, usually consisting of one or more antenna arrays, connection cables, equipment facility, and a support structure to achieve the necessary elevation. This includes a wireless tower or base station within the meaning of 47 U.S.C. § 1455(a).
A change to a permitted wireless telecommunications facility that alters the physical appearance or transmission power of the permitted wireless telecommunications facility, replacement of equipment or removal of equipment.
A single tube structure that is designed and is, or would be, available for use by utilities, telecommunications service providers, and cable systems, and has as its sole or primary purpose to support antennas and their associated facilities.
The approval granted by the Board of Trustees to the applicant to construct and use wireless telecommunications facilities within the Village, in accordance with the terms of this chapter.
An individual, corporation, trust, partnership, joint-stock company, association of two or more persons having a joint common interest or any other entity.
The shortest horizontal distance from a lot line to the part of a support structure or an equipment facility which is nearest to the lot line.
Anything constructed or erected on or under the ground or upon another structure or building.
Structure designed and constructed specifically to support an antenna array, including self-supporting lattice towers, guy-wire support towers or monopole towers; and
Utility pole.
The commercial provision of personal wireless service as defined in the Federal Telecommunications Act of 1996.
An attached wireless telecommunications facility or a freestanding wireless telecommunications facility.
A pole that is designed and is, or would be, available for use by utilities, telecommunications service providers, and cable systems, but not a structure that has as its sole or primary purpose to support antennas and their associated facilities.
No person may install a wireless telecommunications facility without a permit granted by the Board of Trustees. If the wireless telecommunications facility is proposed to be located in the public right-of-way or on any other Village property, the facility will also require a license or franchise granted by the Board of Trustees for the use of public property.
The Board of Trustees may grant a permit to install a new wireless telecommunications facility in accordance with the procedures set forth in § 87-6 and the standards set forth in § 87-8. The Board of Trustees may grant a permit to install a new wireless telecommunications facility in the public right-of-way or on Village property in accordance with § 87-9. The Board of Trustees may grant a permit to renew or modify an existing permit for a wireless telecommunications facility in accordance with § 87-7.
A permit granted under this chapter may not be assigned or otherwise transferred except upon the approval of the Board of Trustees, unless the assignment or other transfer is to a corporate affiliate or successor of the permit holder, in which case the permit holder need only notify the Board of Trustees of the assignment as soon as practical, but not more than 30 days after the assignment or other transfer. The Board of Trustees will approve an assignment or other transfer upon proof that the assignee or transferee is capable of complying with the obligations imposed by the permit.
The Board of Trustees will review and act upon an application for a permit under this chapter within a reasonable period of time after the application is complete. An application is complete when the Board of Trustees determines that it contains all the information required by this chapter.
A permit under this chapter will be valid for five years, but may be terminated at any time, subject to reapplication by the permit holder, if the permit holder violates the terms and conditions of the permit.
The Board of Trustees may modify a permit that it has granted under this chapter in any manner that it deems appropriate and that is consistent with this chapter.
If the Board of Trustees denies an application for a permit under this chapter it will provide written notice to the applicant setting forth the reasons for the rejection.
Each applicant for a permit under this chapter will provide the following information:
The name and address of:
The owner of the proposed wireless telecommunications facility; and
The owner of the property on which the facility is proposed to be located.
The name and address of:
A person who shall be designated as the managing agent in control of and responsible for the maintenance of the facility; and
A person who resides or has a place of business in Westchester County who shall be designated as the person upon whom process may be served as agent of the applicant.
A depiction of the proposed design, height, location, bulk, and size of the wireless telecommunications facility and a declaration that the proposed facility satisfies the requirements of this chapter.
A full environmental assessment form (EAF), Part I, and the visual EAF addendum (Appendix A and Appendix B, 6 NYCRR Part 617.20), including graphic information in the form of photographs or computer-generated images with the proposed wireless telecommunications facility superimposed, that portrays the visual impact of the proposed facility from various vantage points.
A report signed by a professional engineer licensed by the State of New York with expertise in radio communication facilities setting forth the following:
The number, type and design of the proposed antenna array(s);
The make, model and manufacturer of the proposed antenna array(s);
A description of the proposed antenna array(s) and all related fixtures, structures, appurtenances and apparatus, including height above grade, materials and lighting;
The frequency, modulation and class of service;
The transmission and maximum effective radiated power;
The direction of maximum lobes and associated radiation; and
Certification that the facility will comply with all applicable standards for radiofrequency emissions, whether considered individually or in conjunction with other sources of radiofrequency emissions whose effects are to be considered in determining compliance with applicable laws and regulations, together with a declaration describing the manner in which the radiofrequency emissions for the facility were calculated and the results of those calculations.
A report signed by a professional engineer licensed by the State of New York with expertise in structural engineering setting forth the following:
In the case of an attached wireless telecommunications facility, documentation of the ability of the attachment structure to accept the antenna array(s), the proposed method of affixing the antenna array(s) to the attachment structure and the precise point at which the antenna array(s) shall be mounted.
In the case of a freestanding wireless telecommunications facility, documentation that the proposed support structure is capable of sustaining wind pressure and overturning moment in accordance with New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code, and is provided with lightning protection in accordance with New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code and National Electrical Code, and a description of the support structure's capacity, including the number of antenna arrays it can accommodate and the precise point at which the antenna array(s) shall be mounted.
Documentation of the additional capacity for future shared use of the proposed wireless telecommunications facility and certification that the additional capacity will be available to future applicants providing utility services, including wireless telecommunication services, subject to good-faith negotiations, or certification and supporting evidence that collocation is not feasible.
A statement of anticipated on-site service needs, including frequency of service visits and types of vehicles used for service.
Except with respect to an application for an attached wireless telecommunications facility, a landscape plan in compliance with § 87-8J delineating the existing trees to be preserved; the location and dimensions of proposed planting areas; the size, type and number of trees and shrubs to be planted; buffers; and fences screening elevations of fences, and materials used, unless landscaping is not required by § 87-8J.
A map depicting and listing:
All existing wireless telecommunications facilities within the Village and bordering communities; and
All potential sites for wireless telecommunications facilities in the Village and bordering communities that are known to or contemplated by the applicant.
Application for a permit under this chapter must be submitted to the Board of Trustees through the Building Department, together with the fee as established by the Board of Trustees.
Where the proposed wireless telecommunications facility requires site plan approval, such as an equipment facility which is a building, the Board of Trustees will be the reviewing and approving authority with respect to site plan review, as well.
The Board of Trustees may delegate certain aspects of the review and approval process to the Planning Board or the Architectural Review Board for advisory review, if and as appropriate.
All statements made in the application, as well as any representations made by the applicant or any representative of the applicant to the Board of Trustees or other Village officials in the course of the application process, whether written or verbal, will be deemed to be a part of the application and may be relied upon in good faith by the Village.
The Board of Trustees will determine within a reasonable time if the application is complete. If the Board of Trustees determines that the application is not complete it will advise the applicant of those aspects of the application that are incomplete. Upon determining that the application is complete, the Board of Trustees will schedule a public hearing with respect to the application. The applicant will publish notice of the public hearing in the official newspaper of the Village not less than 15 calendar days prior to the scheduled date of the public hearing and will provide notice of the public hearing by certified mail to the owner of each property located within 1,500 feet of the property on which the new wireless telecommunications facility is proposed to be located. Proof of delivery of such notice shall be provided to the Board of Trustees prior to the public hearing.
Where a wireless telecommunications facility is part of a network of wireless telecommunications facilities that will be installed contemporaneously, a single application will be submitted for all facilities that would individually require a permit under this chapter. The denial of a permit for some of the facilities for which the application is submitted does not require denial of the permit for all proposed facilities included in the application. Permits may be conditioned so that the wireless telecommunications facilities within the Village that are part of the network, considered together, are the least intrusive means necessary to fill a significant gap in service in the Village of Pelham.
When additional expertise is needed, the Board of Trustees may retain, at the applicant's expense, any consultants and/or experts that the Board of Trustees requires for the review and evaluation of the application for an initial permit under this chapter or for renewal or modification of an existing permit. The applicant will deposit with the Village funds sufficient to reimburse the Village for the reasonable costs of such evaluation(s).
Within 60 days of completing construction, an applicant may be required to submit reports certified by independent, qualified experts confirming that the facility as constructed complies with the terms and conditions of the permit.
An application to renew or modify a permit granted under this chapter must be submitted not less than six months prior to the expiration of the permit and must provide the following information:
The name of the permit holder.
The date on which the original permit was granted and any date(s) on which the permit was renewed.
If the wireless telecommunications facility has been modified since the original permit was granted, a statement of the manner in which the wireless telecommunications facility was modified and proof that the modification was authorized by the Board of Trustees.
Certification that the wireless telecommunications facility complies with the existing permit and all applicable statutes, laws, rules and regulations.
Certification by a professional engineer licensed by the State of New York with expertise in structural engineering that the support structure or attachment structure is structurally sound and continues to satisfy the requirements of § 87-6A(6), as well as all applicable local, state and federal structural requirements.
Proof that the wireless telecommunications facility continues to fill a significant gap in current wireless telecommunications services in the Village of Pelham, in accordance with § 87-8A.
Proof that the wireless telecommunications facility continues to be the least intrusive means of filling the significant gap in current wireless telecommunications services in the Village of Pelham, in accordance with § 87-8B.
Where the applicant requests only to renew the permit, without any change in the wireless telecommunications facility, the Board of Trustees, after reviewing the application, will grant the application if it determines that the wireless telecommunications facility complies with the existing permit and that the applicant has satisfied the requirements of § 87-7A.
Where the applicant requests that the permit be modified, the Board of Trustees, after reviewing the application:
Will grant the application if it determines that:
The proposed modification is necessary for the collocation of new transmission equipment, the removal of transmission equipment or the replacement of transmission equipment, as long as the modification does not substantially change the physical dimensions of the support or attachment structure; or
The wireless telecommunications facility complies with the terms of the existing permit, satisfies the standards established by § 87-8, and is otherwise eligible for a permit under this chapter, and the applicant has satisfied the requirements of § 87-7A; or
Will deny the application if it determines that the wireless telecommunications facility does not comply with the terms of the existing permit, or does not satisfy the standards established by § 87-8 or is otherwise ineligible for a permit under this chapter or that the applicant has not satisfied the requirements of § 87-7A.
If the Board of Trustees determines that any term or condition of the existing permit is no longer fully enforceable as a matter of law, or must be modified or extended to other installations in order to provide for the nondiscriminatory treatment of wireless telecommunications facilities, it may deny the application to renew the permit and allow the applicant to apply for a new permit.
The Board of Trustees will have the same authority with respect to an application to renew or modify an existing permit as it does with respect to the initial permit, except as may be limited by this section.
The following standards will apply to an application for a permit under this chapter.
Necessity of service. The proposed wireless telecommunications facility must fill a significant gap in current wireless telecommunications services in the Village of Pelham. A significant gap may be demonstrated only by actual in-kind survey data in the area of the proposed installation. For example, if the significant gap is within a building or buildings, then the survey data must be measured inside the building or buildings in the survey area. Aggregated data purchased from a third party is not sufficient to establish a gap in service.
Least intrusive means. The proposed wireless telecommunications facility must be the least intrusive means of filling the significant gap in current wireless telecommunications services in the Village of Pelham. In determining whether a proposed wireless telecommunications facility is the least intrusive means of closing a significant gap in service, the Board of Trustees will consider the feasibility of locating the proposed facility in the following locations, in the specified order of priority:
On an existing support structure located on Village property in a commercially zoned area without increasing the height of the support structure;
On an attachment structure in a commercially zoned area without increasing the height of the attachment structure; and
On a property in a commercially zoned area.
Operation and security.
Every wireless telecommunications facility must be designed, constructed, maintained and operated in a manner that minimizes noise and traffic to surrounding areas and ensures the security of the facility.
Every wireless telecommunications facility must be protected against unauthorized access. If the protection is provided by means of a fence or other enclosure, the design must be approved by the Board of Trustees.
No use ancillary to the wireless telecommunications facility, such as a business office, maintenance depot or vehicle and equipment storage, is permitted.
Radiofrequency emissions. The proposed wireless telecommunications facility, considered both individually and in conjunction with other sources of radiofrequency emissions whose effects are to be considered in determining compliance with applicable laws and regulations, must comply with applicable standards for environmental effects of radiofrequency emissions. When calculating radio frequency emission levels, the applicant must use the general population standards (as such term is defined by the Federal Communications Commission) and clearly disclose the minimum distance upon which the calculations are based and establish that the distance specified is the closest distance any member of the public could come to the proposed facility.
Collocation and use of existing structures. Collocation is required unless the applicant demonstrates that reasonable efforts to collocate have been unsuccessful. The use of a utility pole or an attachment structure to locate a wireless telecommunications facility is required unless the applicant demonstrates that no attachment structure is suitable for the location of the wireless telecommunications facility.
New support structure. A new support structure is permissible only if use of an existing structure is not feasible and a new support structure is the least intrusive means to fill the significant gap in current wireless telecommunications service in the Village of Pelham. Every new support structure must be a utility pole, unless the applicant demonstrates that the use of a utility pole would be infeasible, in which case the new support structure must be a monopole, rather than a self-supporting lattice or guy-wire support tower, unless the applicant demonstrates that the use of a monopole would be infeasible.
Height. The total height of any support structure, attachment structure, equipment facility and antenna must be the least necessary to fill the significant gap in current wireless telecommunications service in the Village of Pelham.
Attached wireless telecommunications facility. The antenna array(s) and attachment device for an attached wireless telecommunications facility may not be higher than the maximum permissible height of a building in the zoning district in which the facility is proposed to be located, without regard to the provisions of § 98-102. An antenna array attached to the side of the attachment structure may not extend above the highest point of the attachment structure.
Freestanding wireless telecommunications facility. The maximum height of a freestanding wireless telecommunications facility may not be greater than the maximum height permitted for a building in the zoning district in which the facility is proposed to be located, when measured from unimproved ground level to the highest point of the antenna array.
Setback standards.
An antenna array for an attached wireless telecommunications facility is exempt from the setback requirements for the zoning district in which the attachment structure is located. An antenna array attached to the side of an attachment structure may extend up to five feet horizontally from the side of the attachment structure, provided that the antenna array does not encroach upon an adjoining parcel.
Unless infeasible, a freestanding wireless telecommunications facility must:
Comply with the setback requirements applicable to a principal building in the zoning district in which the facility is located; and
Be set back from the property line a sufficient distance:
That any debris resulting from support structure failure or ice-fall will be contained on the site; and
To preserve the privacy of adjoining private and public property.
Visual impact. A wireless telecommunications facility shall be sited to have minimum adverse visual impact on surrounding areas, parks and roadways.
The antenna array(s) of an attached wireless telecommunications facility must be of colors that are harmonious with the exterior of the attachment structure.
The antenna array(s) and support structure of a freestanding wireless telecommunication facility must be of a neutral color that is harmonious with the surrounding natural features, buildings and structures.
An equipment facility must be sited to minimize adverse visual impact on surrounding areas, parks and roadways, even if that requires that the equipment facility be located completely or partially below grade or within an existing building or structure. An equipment facility not located within an existing building or structure must be treated in an architectural manner compatible with the buildings and structures in the vicinity using architecture, materials, colors and textures designed to blend with the surrounding buildings and structures and/or natural surroundings.
Landscaping. Landscaping must be provided for each freestanding wireless telecommunications facility, sufficient to minimize the visual impact of the wireless telecommunications facility, and as follows. No additional landscaping is required for collocation on an existing freestanding wireless telecommunications facility unless necessary to minimize the visual impact of the new facility.
The area surrounding the facility must be landscaped and maintained with paving, trees, shrubs and ground cover consistent with the surrounding community character, considering the visual impact of the wireless telecommunications facility in its setting with regard to immediate proximity of observers and the sight lines from major viewing points.
When a fence is required to secure a wireless telecommunications facility, the outside of such fencing must be landscaped with trees, shrubs or climbing material on the fencing satisfactory to the Board of Trustees.
An existing natural vegetative buffer which meets or exceeds the above requirements may be retained to meet the landscape requirements set forth above.
Access. The accessway to a wireless telecommunications facility must provide an adequate turning radius for vehicles servicing the wireless telecommunications facility to enter and leave the site without reversing, but is not required to satisfy the standards for width and construction applicable to a public road.
Lighting. No signal lights or illumination is permitted unless required:
By applicable law or regulations; or
By the Board of Trustees for the purpose of maintaining the public safety.
Signage. No signage is permitted unless required:
By applicable law or regulations; or
By the Board of Trustees for the purpose of maintaining the public safety.
No person may install a wireless telecommunications facility in the public right-of-way or on other property of the Village of Pelham except upon:
The consent of the Board of Trustees, as expressed in a license or franchise agreement; and
A permit pursuant to this chapter.
The requirements of this chapter are in addition to the requirements in any license or franchise agreement, and the issuance of a permit under this chapter does not authorize the installation of any wireless telecommunications facility that is not authorized by, or is in violation of, the terms or conditions of any license or franchise agreement.
Any permit granted for the installation of a wireless telecommunications facility in the right-of-way or on other property of the Village of Pelham terminates automatically on the revocation or expiration of the license or franchise agreement for the facility.
The Board of Trustees may issue a permit for the installation of a wireless telecommunications facility in the public right-of-way or on other property of the Village of Pelham if the applicant satisfies the standards of § 87-8 and the following standards, unless the applicant demonstrates that the application of these standards will effectively prohibit the installation of a facility that is necessary to fill a significant gap in current wireless telecommunications service in the Village of Pelham and is the least intrusive means of closing that significant gap:
The wireless telecommunications facility will be comparable in size to or smaller than other wireless telecommunications facilities in the area and will be installed above ground or below ground consistent with the requirements for the area in which the facility is to be located;
Unless collocated, the proposed antenna array(s) will be located at least 1,200 feet from any existing antenna array associated with any other wireless telecommunications facility, or if less, 1,200 feet minus a distance required to avoid placement of the proposed antenna array(s) in the front of a residential unit on the same side of the street as the existing antenna array, with the distance being measured along the street line, and not along a radius;
All portions of the wireless telecommunications facility (other than the support structure and ground-mounted equipment) must be located at least eight feet above ground level and must be designed to provide adequate roadway clearance, to prevent interference or hazard to pedestrians, vehicular traffic, or other property in the roadway, and to minimize the visual impact of the facility to adjoining properties.
Any facility installed on an attachment structure or using an existing support structure must be flush-mounted. Antennas are treated as flush-mounted if the point of attachment is to the structure or a vertical extension of the structure. The design, placement and physical dimensions of the antenna array(s), equipment facility and associated connection or attachment devices must be consistent with the design, placement and physical dimensions of the structure to which it is to be attached, and in any event may not:
Require an expansion of the footprint of the structure (including any guy wires) of more than 10%;
Use an antenna other than an omnidirectional, whip or panel antenna, or result in an extension in the height of the structure (including the vertical height of the antennas) of more than eight feet above the top of the structure for omni-directional or whip antennas, or more than four feet for panel antennas;
Result in an expansion of more than 10% in the circumference or width of the structure.
Intrude on any sidewalk or vehicular roadway, pedestrian walkway or create a significant additional hazard for the same;
Have more than one antenna array with three antennas, with no antenna extending more than 12 inches horizontally from the face of the structure, or, where mounted on a utility pole, a single omnidirectional antenna whose diameter does not exceed the diameter of the utility pole; or
Require installation of other equipment on the structure that exceeds four feet in height or the lesser of three feet in width or three times the width of the structure at the point of attachment.
Any new support structure and its footprint will be of a design and have physical dimensions consistent with existing utility poles in the area where it will be located, unless infeasible, and will not intrude on any sidewalk or vehicular roadway, or pedestrian walkway, or create a significant additional hazard for the same.
References to specific dimensions, distances and locations in this section do not limit the authority of the Board of Trustees to impose additional conditions on the grant of the permit where warranted to minimize visual impacts or provide for the public safety.
The proposed location of the wireless telecommunications facility may not:
Conflict with safety and safety-related codes and requirements;
Conflict with the nature or character of a neighborhood, park or historic district;
Be contrary to an already stated purpose of a specific zoning or land use designation;
Create an unacceptable risk, or the reasonable probability of such, to residents, the public, employees and agents of the Village, or employees of the service provider or other service providers; or
Conflict with the provisions of this chapter.
The Board of Trustees may impose such terms and conditions on a permit under this chapter as may be necessary to compel compliance with this chapter, including the following:
A wireless telecommunications facility must at all times comply with the applicable individual facility and cumulative standards for environmental effects of radiofrequency emissions based on general population limits (and not occupational limits) as such terms are defined by the Federal Communications Commission and must demonstrate compliance with those standards upon request. The Board of Trustees may require that the applicant deposit with the Village, and maintain on deposit throughout the term of the permit, funds sufficient to reimburse the Village for the reasonable costs of a regular review by an appropriate expert of the facility's compliance with these standards.
The permit may allow the permit holder to make subsequent modifications to the wireless telecommunications facility upon notice to the Village but without further application to the Board of Trustees; but the specification of such permitted modifications does not relieve the applicant of its obligation to apply for and obtain permits, authorizations or inspections required from other Village departments in connection with the modifications.
To the extent that applicable rules, regulations, standards, and provisions of any state or federal agency, including but not limited to, the Federal Aviation Administration and the Federal Communications Commission, and specifically including any rules and regulations regarding height, lighting, and security are changed and/or are modified during the duration of a permit for wireless telecommunications facilities, then the holder of such a permit shall conform the permitted wireless telecommunications facilities to the applicable changed and/or modified rule, regulation, standard, or provision within a maximum of 24 months of the effective date of the applicable changed and/or modified rule, regulation, standard, or provision, or sooner as may be required by the issuing entity.
The permit must require the applicant to secure and maintain throughout the duration of the permit public liability insurance for personal injuries, death and property damage, and umbrella insurance coverage in accordance with the following provisions:
The policy will provide coverage in the following amounts:
Commercial general liability insurance covering personal injuries, death and property damage in the amount of $1,000,000 per occurrence and $2,000,000 in the aggregate;
Automobile liability insurance in the amounts of $1,000,000 per occurrence and $2,000,000 in the aggregate; and
Workers compensation liability and disability insurance in the amounts required by statute.
The commercial general liability insurance policy shall specifically include in an endorsement the Village and its officers, boards, employees, committee members, attorneys, agents and consultants as additional named insureds.
The insurance policies shall be issued by an agent or representative of an insurance company licensed to do business in the State of New York and with a Best's rating of at least A. The insurance policies shall contain an endorsement obligating the insurer to furnish the Village with at least 30 days' prior written notice in advance of the cancellation of the insurance.
Before construction of a permitted wireless telecommunications facility is initiated, but in no case later than 15 days after the grant of the permit, the holder of the permit must deliver to the Village a copy of each of the policies or certificates representing the insurance in the required amounts.
Renewal or replacement policies or certificates shall be delivered to the Village at least 15 days before the expiration of the insurance that such policies are to renew or replace.
The applicant, to the greatest extent permitted by the law, will at all times defend, indemnify, protect, save, hold harmless, and exempt the Village, and its officers, boards, employees, committee members, attorneys, agents, and consultants from any and all penalties, damages, costs, or charges arising out of any and all claims, suits, demands, causes of action, or award of damages, whether compensatory or punitive, or expenses arising therefrom, either at law or in equity, which might arise out of, or are caused by, the placement, construction, erection, modification, location, products performance, use, operation, maintenance, repair, installation, replacement, removal, or restoration of said facility, excepting, however, any portion of such claims, suits, demands, causes of action or award of damages as may be attributable to the negligent or intentional acts or omissions of the Village, or its servants or agents. With respect to the penalties, damages or charges referenced herein, reasonable attorneys' fees, consultants' fees, and expert witness fees are included in those costs that are recoverable by the Village.
The applicant will provide and maintain throughout the term of the permit a bond in an amount at least $75,000, in a form acceptable to the Village Attorney. The bond will be in an amount sufficient to ensure the safe and timely removal of the wireless telecommunications facility in case of abandonment, and/or to restore the site to a condition comparable to that which existed prior to the issuance of the permit. The bond shall remain in effect throughout the term of the permit and shall be renewed annually.
A wireless telecommunications facility not used for the provision of personal wireless services for a continuous period of 12 months or more may be deemed by the Village to be abandoned. Upon receipt of notice of a determination of abandonment from the Village, the permit holder shall remove the wireless telecommunications facility within 90 days.
When the permit holder or the operator has filed with the Federal Communications Commission a notice of intent to cease operations, the permit holder must provide the Village with a copy of the notice within 30 days. The permit holder must remove its wireless telecommunications facility within 90 days of filing such notice with the Federal Communications Commission.
When a permit holder has failed to remove an abandoned wireless telecommunications facility within the time prescribed by this section, the Village may remove such facility and obtain reimbursement for costs under the terms and conditions of the bond required under § 87-10F.
The Board of Trustees may revoke or suspend a permit granted under this chapter if the permit holder violates any term of this chapter (including those related to procedural requirements) or any condition of the permit and the permit holder fails to abate any violation within 10 days after written notice has been sent to the business address for service shown on the application for a permit. The permit holder is responsible to notify the Village of any change in the name, address and telephone number of the person to whom notice may be sent under this chapter.
A violation of this chapter is punishable by a fine not exceeding $1,000 per day per occurrence or imprisonment for a period not to exceed 15 days. Each day's continued violation shall constitute a separate offense. The Village may also seek injunctive relief to enforce the requirements of this chapter or any permit issued pursuant to this chapter.