[Adopted BOS 5-19-1993; amended in its entirety BOS 10-13-2004]
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Any gravel, brick, cement, asphalt, or other material constructed or paved as a path or walkway use for the convenience and safety of the general public, except for sidewalks located in private residential and business areas such as condominium complexes, elderly housing complexes, commercial business complexes, and apartment buildings. This exception shall not apply to sidewalks that adjoin public streets and such aforementioned properties.
All owners, entities, or persons in possession and control of property that adjoins any public sidewalk shall remove the snow and ice accumulated on it within 24 hours after the cessation of a snow or ice storm. Property owners, with a business located within the property and which are located along Main Street from West Street to South Street, may petition the Director of Public Works for snow and ice to be placed in a location as determined by the Director of Public Works that is not hazardous or potentially injurious to motorists or pedestrians. Ice that has formed on a public sidewalk due to refreezing of standing water or moisture shall be removed or the slippery condition abated within 24 hours of such refreezing of water or moisture. Such snow and ice shall be removed the entire length of the sidewalk to a full width of the sidewalk or four feet, whichever is less.
[Amended BOS 4-14-2010; TC 6-16-2014]
The Public Works Department shall ensure that snow and ice is removed from all sidewalks abutting Town-owned property, except for the Board of Education properties and highways and streets that abut sidewalks, in accordance with this article. Where the property owner, entity, or person in control of property abutting a public sidewalk has failed to remove snow and ice twenty-four hours after the cessation of a snow or ice storm, the Police Department shall notify the Director of Public Works to cause to have such snow and ice removed from said sidewalks, with the cost of such removal being charged to the property owner, person, or entity in possession and control of property abutting said public sidewalk. The Director of Public Works (with respect to the removal of snow or ice on a sidewalk in violation of this article) shall take into account department manpower and equipment concerns and may hire private contractors to facilitate the removal of snow and ice in a timely manner.
If the property owner, person, or entity in possession and control of property abutting a public sidewalk fails to remove or abate the snow or ice 24 hours after the cessation of a snow or ice storm or the refreezing of standing water or moisture from such public sidewalk, such person may be fined $50 for each day the snow or ice is not removed. If the Department of Public Works removes the snow or ice, as provided in § 204-21, the adjoining property owner shall be billed for the expense of said removal in addition to the penalties provided in this section.