[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Barton 4-13-2009 by L.L. No. 2-2009.[1] Amendments noted where applicable.]
Editor's Note: This local law also provided for the repeal of former Ch. 123, Street Specifications, adopted 3-31-1989.
Except where specifically defined herein, all words used in this chapter shall carry their customary meanings.
For the purposes of this chapter, certain words used herein are defined as follows:
Any public way for vehicular traffic which affords the principal means of access to abutting properties.
A line midway between and parallel to two street property lines.
A street which carries traffic from minor streets to a major system of arterial highways.
A street with only one vehicular traffic outlet.
A street used primarily for fast or heavy traffic, usually with complete or partial control over access from abutting properties.
A minor street parallel to and adjacent to a major street, which provides access to abutting properties.
A street used primarily for access to the abutting properties.
The paved surface of the roadway between curbs, used for vehicular traffic.
A street used primarily for access to the abutting properties located in a subdivision of lots not less than five acres and not connecting to a street having curbs and gutters.
The width of the right-of-way measured at right angles to the center line of the street.
Streets shall be designed in accordance with the following:
Major Street
Minor, Marginal and Rural Access Street
(turn- around 50-foot radius)
Minimum right-of-way width (feet)
Minimum pavement width, minor/marginal (feet)
Minimum pavement width, rural (feet)
Maximum grade
Minimum grade from center line to gutter
Minimum radius of curves, inner street (feet)
Angle at intersection of street center lines (degrees)
85 to 95
85 to 95
85 to 95
Streets shall be improved in accordance with the following:
Major streets: minimum pavement width of 34 feet, measured between the face of curbs.
Minor streets: minimum pavement width of 34 feet, measured between the face of curbs.
Rural streets: minimum pavement width of 34 feet, plus four-foot shoulders on each side, measured between the faces of the ditches.
Cul-de-sac streets:
Minimum pavement width: 34 feet.
Minimum radius from center of turnaround to outside edge of pavement: 40 feet.
Grading and center-line gradients: per plans and profiles approved by the enforcement officer.
The following specifications shall constitute minimum standards for the construction and improvement of streets:
As nearly as possible, all roadbeds shall be constructed in the center of the premises being offered for dedication.
All streets shall be rough graded the full width of the street in accordance with the typical street cross section included with these regulations.[1]
Editor's Note: Consult municipal records for said street cross section.
The base of all major/minor roadbeds shall be a minimum of 34 feet in width, and the base of all rural roadbeds shall be a minimum of 34 feet, and both shall have a base of run-of-bank gravel at least 12 inches in depth, with an additional six inches of New York State Department of Transportation Specifications, Item 4, gravel on top. A greater depth shall be required if, in the opinion of the Town Superintendent of Highways, a thicker roadbed is deemed necessary. The base of all streets shall be constructed in accordance with New York State Department of Transportation Specifications, Item 3, Subbase Course, Granular Material, with the following modification: 25% of the material shall be retained on a one-inch-square screen, and not more than 7% by weight shall pass a two-hundred-mesh sieve. The base course shall be placed in maximum six-inch compacted layers. Before any gravel source can be approved for street construction, representative samples of gravel must be tested by an approved testing laboratory. A copy of New York State Department of Transportation Specifications, Item 3, Subbase Course, Granular Material, as amended above, is appended to this chapter for reference.[2]
Editor's Note: The New York State Department of Transportation Specifications, Item 3, Subbase Course, Granular Material, as amended in this Subsection C, is on file in the Town offices.
Top courses.
The subbase, installed as in Subsection C above, shall sit and settle at least one winter until the first day of May following installation.
Prior to the installation of the top surface courses, the subbase shall be reshaped and reformed in accordance with the construction plans and specifications and the requirements of this chapter.
Prior to the installation of the top surface courses, a prime coat of oil shall be installed on the subbase.
The base top surface course shall consist of an asphalt concrete New York State Department of Transportation Specifications, Type 3, binder plant mix to be installed to a compacted depth of two inches, or a cold mix consisting of 60% No. 2 stone and 40% No. 1 stone mixed with 12 gallons per ton of CMS2 installed to a compacted depth of three inches.
The final top surface course shall consist of New York State Department of Transportation Specifications, Type 7, 7F top plant mix, to be installed to a minimum compacted depth of one inch.
All work shall be inspected by the Town of Barton Superintendent of Highways. Plans and specifications for roads shall be submitted to the Superintendent of Highways at least 30 days prior to any installation or paving for review and/or modification. Notice of any paving shall also be given at least 30 days prior to the date of paving.
When deemed appropriate, concrete curbs and gutters shall be required on all major or minor streets. Curbs and gutters shall be poured integral, with construction joints at least every 10 feet and expansion joints at least every 60 feet. Concrete for curbs and gutters shall have a minimum twenty-eight-day compressive strength of 3,500 pounds per square inch. Concrete shall be air entrained with a minimum air entrainment of 4 1/2% and a maximum air entrainment of 7%.
For rural roads, open ditches and driveway culverts with end sections of not less than 20 feet in length may be substituted in place of concrete curbs and gutters. All plans for open ditches and driveway culverts must be prepared by a professional engineer. Underdrains or catch basins shall be required if, in the opinion of the Town Superintendent of Highways, they are deemed necessary. Any storm drains or catch basins that may be required shall meet all of the requirements under § 125-89 through and including § 125-93.
When, in the opinion of the Town Superintendent of Highways, the groundwater conditions in the pavement subgrade are such that an underdrain system is required, he may order its installation at the developer's expense. The underdrain system shall consist of a series of perforated pipe laid in trenches and encased in gravel as directed by the Town Superintendent of Highways. The underdrain system shall be connected to the storm sewer system as a catch basin or manhole. The Town Superintendent of Highways may, at his discretion, allow bell and spigot storm sewer pipe to be laid with partially opened joints to act as an underdrain system.
Storm inlets and catch basins may be required at the intersection of each street, at intermediate points or long blocks and at such other locations as may be required by the Town Superintendent of Highways.
Inlet frames and grates shall be of heavy-duty cast iron as manufactured by the Neenah Foundry Company or an approved equal. Standard eighteen-by-thirty-six-inch frames, gates and curb boxes shall be Neenah Catalog No. R-3246-B. Frames, grates and curb boxes shall be painted with tar pitch varnish and shall have a minimum combined weight of 550 pounds.
Catch basins shall be of precast concrete, poured concrete or concrete block with cemented joints. They shall have minimum inside dimensions of 24 inches by 36 inches. They shall have a sediment chamber extending at least two feet below the invert of the outlet pipe.
Storm sewer manholes shall be installed at all changes in line or grade of storm sewers except where, with the approval of the enforcement officer, storm sewer junctions are made at a catch basin.
Storm sewer manholes shall be precast concrete or concrete blocks with cemented joints and with a minimum inside diameter of four feet. Flow channels shall be finished smooth and shaped to cause a smooth flow of water through the manhole. Manhole frames and covers shall be of heavy-duty cast iron as manufactured by the Neenah Foundry Company or an approved equal. Standard twenty-four-inch frames and covers shall be Neenah Catalog No. 1642 with Type C cover and with the cover marked "storm sewer." Manhole frames and covers shall have a minimum combined weight of 400 pounds, shall have a minimum height of seven inches, shall have machined bearing surfaces and shall be painted with tar pitch varnish. Manhole frames shall be set so that the top conforms to adjacent finished road grade and 1/2 inch below finished grade. Concrete collars shall be poured before paving.
Storm sewer pipe shall be one of the following:
Reinforced concrete, meeting ASTM Specification C-79 Minimum Table 3. Joints may be either rubber gasket or jute and cement mortar.
Corrugated polyethylene pipe, 12 inches to 24 inches in diameter, meeting AASHTO Designation M294 with corrugations on the outside and a smooth inside. Joints shall be coupling type in accordance with AASHTO Designation M294.
PVC pipe and fittings.
PVC pipe and fittings a nominal diameter of 15 inches and smaller shall meet the requirements of ASTM D3034, Type PSM Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Sewer Pipe and Fittings, (SDR)-35 or ASTM F789, Type PS-46 Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Gravity Sewer Pipe and Fittings.
PVC pipe and fittings a nominal diameter of 18 inches and larger shall meet the requirements of ASTM F 679 Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Large Diameter Plastic Gravity Sewer Pipe and Fittings, (SDR)-35.
Joints for all PVC pipe shall be a gasketed type meeting the requirements of ASTM D3212.
Asphalt-coated corrugated steel pipe and pipe arches shall meet the requirements of Standard Specifications, New York State Department of Transportation, Section 707-2. Asphalt-coated corrugated steel pipe and pipe arches shall only be allowed under special conditions, and their use will only be allowed with the written approval of the Town Superintendent of Highways.
All storm sewer pipe shall be laid true to line and grade as shown on the construction plans. Unless otherwise directed by the Town Highway Superintendent, all pipe shall be installed on Class B bedding.
Pipe bedding material.
Material used for aggregated pipe bedding material shall meet all the requirements of the New York State Department of Transportation Standard Specifications, Section 703-02, Coarse Aggregate.
Material for aggregate pipe bedding shall meet the following gradation:
Percentage by Weight
Screen Size
90 to 100
0 to 15
Material other than crushed stone or crushed gravel will not be accepted for pipe bedding material.
The subgrade shall be to the depth of six inches below the pipe. Aggregate pipe bedding material shall be placed the entire width of the trench bottom in layers not over six inches thick.
Polyethylene and PVC pipe shall be filled with aggregate pipe bedding to a point one foot over the top of the pipe. All other pipe material shall be backfilled in six-inch layers with material approved by the Town Highway Superintendent. Each layer shall be compacted to a minimum of ninety-five-percent maximum density as determined by ASTM D1557.
All pipe shall bear on a firm foundation. When unsuitable foundation conditions are encountered, in the judgment of the Town Superintendent of Highways, an artificial pipe foundation shall be created utilizing New York State Department of Transportation Standard Specifications, Section 703-02, Coarse Aggregate, or by utilizing a concrete cradle under the pipe. The pipe shall be excavated below the bedding line to the prescribed depth for subsequent installation of the new foundation, all as directed by the Town Superintendent of Highways.
All connections to the storm sewer system from adjacent properties, such as parking lots, cellar and footing drains, swimming pool drains, downspout leaders, etc., must be connected at a manhole or catch basin. The Town Superintendent of Highways may allow connections to the storm sewer pipe through an approved Y connection. Under no circumstances is the side of the pipe to be broached and a lateral pipe inserted in the hole.
In addition to the requirements as set forth in the Subdivision Regulations of the Town of Barton[1] for the acceptance of subdivision improvements, the following conditions shall also apply for acceptance of streets and roads:
The prospective dedicator shall tender to the Town Attorney the originals of all deeds and easements, along with any necessary subordination or other agreements so as to convey an unencumbered interest in the proposed streets and right-of-way areas to the Town of Barton, properly signed and acknowledged in recordable form; a signed real property transfer gains tax affidavit (Form TP-584 or acceptable substitute); and either two copies of a map prepared by a licensed surveyor showing pins placed in proper locations to define the property offered and showing required turnarounds or culs-de-sac or two prints of the filed subdivision map. The dedicator shall also provide, at the dedicator's expense, either a policy of title insurance naming the Town of Barton or an attorney's certificate of title certified to the Town of Barton covering the property interests conveyed, current to the date of recording of the deed and/or easement. The dedicator shall pay all recording fees.
The prospective dedicator shall provide a maintenance bond for the value of the completed street construction in the amount fixed by resolution of the Town Board. This bond shall be conditioned for the faithful performance by the dedicator of any repairs needed to correct or replace any and all damage to said street from the time of acceptance by the Town Board to the time of completion of the last building lot on said street, but in no case longer than three years.
For those streets which are partially completed and for which a performance bond is furnished to assure completion as required in the Subdivision Regulations of the Town of Barton, a maintenance bond shall also be furnished for the value of the completed portion of said street in the amount as fixed by resolution of the Town Board.
The Town Superintendent of Highways and/or the Town Board reserves the right to impose additional requirements where either shall, in his or its sole discretion, deem it necessary.
No highways or streets shall be accepted by the Town of Barton for maintenance, unless there shall be sufficient property directly benefited, the valuation of which would warrant such acceptance.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 125, Subdivision of Land.