For the purpose of this chapter, the Borough of Palisades Park is divided into the following districts:
AA RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT. This district permits one-family residential and two-family residential structures and accessory uses. It is the intent of this district to preserve the present one- and two-family residential character of the Borough. Certain religious, recreational and public uses are also permitted to provide for a balanced neighborhood. It is specifically not the intent to provide additional multifamily (three or more dwelling units) or rooming or boarding house uses in this district.
E RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT. This district permits multifamily housing units for senior citizens.
B-1 BUSINESS DISTRICT. This district is intended for the conduct of general business which supplies goods and services. It is the intent of this district to promote the development of the central shopping area with public and private off-street parking and to encourage retail business to concentrate to the mutual advantage of consumers and merchants and for the convenience, ease and safety to the public.
B-2 BUSINESS DISTRICT. This district is intended for the conduct of general business which supplies goods and services and which is oriented to the traveling public or provides a specialized good or service as well as office buildings.
M-1 DISTRICT. This district provides for industrial uses within certain specified performance standards.
M-C DISTRICT. It is the intent of this district to permit uses consistent with the Master Plan for appropriate development of the land in this district. These uses include industrial uses, selected commercial uses and commercial recreation uses.
A RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT. This district permits low-rise, two-and-a-half-story multifamily residential structures in the form of semiattached townhouse structures. It is the intent of this district to provide balanced housing opportunities for present and future residents. This district shall consist of Block 425, Lot 1, and Block 421, Lots 7 and 8.
[Added 12-26-2000 by Ord. No. 1362]
[Amended 7-20-1999 by Ord. No. 1328]
The aforesaid districts are hereby established by the designations, locations and boundaries thereof as set forth and indicated on the Zoning Map, entitled "Zoning Map, Borough of Palisades Park, County of Bergen, New Jersey," dated May 10, 1999, prepared by RCE Associates, Inc. Said map, together with all notations and references thereon, is hereby declared to be a part of this chapter.[1]
Editor's Note: Said map is on file in the Borough offices.
Where uncertainty exists with respect to the boundaries of any of the aforesaid districts as shown on the Zoning Map, the following rules shall apply:
Where district boundaries are indicated as following the center lines or right-of-way lines of streets, highways, railroads, watercourses or easements, such boundaries shall be construed to be coincident with such lines.
Where district boundary lines are indicated as approximately following Borough boundary lines or lot lines, said district boundary lines shall be construed to be coincident with such lines.
Where district boundary lines are indicated as approximately parallel to right-of-way lines, said district boundary line shall be construed as being parallel thereto and at such distance therefrom as indicated by the dimension indicated on the Zoning Map.
Where a district boundary line divides a lot in single or joint ownership of record at the time such line is established, the regulations of the less restricted district shall extend not more than 20 feet into the more restricted portion of such lot.
In all other cases, the location of the boundary shown on the Zoning Map shall be determined by the use of the scale appearing thereon.
In cases of uncertainty as to the location of a zoning district or a zoning district boundary, the Board of Adjustment is hereby authorized to interpret said Zoning Map.
The Schedule of District Use Regulations (Schedules I and I-A), Schedule of Area, Bulk and Yard Requirements (Schedule II) and Schedule of Off-Street Parking Requirements (Schedule III), set forth herein at the back of this chapter, are hereby declared to be a part of this chapter.
[Added 3-16-1999 by Ord. No. 1321; amended 12-26-2000 by Ord. No. 1362]
Authority; purpose.
This section is adopted pursuant to the authority of the Municipal Land Use Law, Chapter 291 of the Laws of 1975 (N.J.S.A. 40:55D-1 et seq.), and the amendments thereof and supplements thereto upon the directive of the Superior Court of New Jersey.
The purpose of this section shall be to provide for the development of high-density apartment buildings pursuant to and in accordance with the provisions of the Municipal Land Use Law in order to provide standards and criteria, and to execute the Borough's responsibility to assist in the provision of affordable housing pursuant to the Fair Housing Act of 1985, provided that all such development shall not aesthetically or physically intrude upon preexisting neighborhood schemes and patterns; to lessen the burden of traffic on streets and highways; and conserve the value of the land and to comply with the directives of the Superior Court of New Jersey.
Statement of objectives; districts established.
The Borough recognizes that, due to the decision of the Superior Court, it is forced to create a medium high-rise zone, of remaining developable lands within the Borough, to provide adequate, safe, efficient and economical municipal services and utilities; and establish appropriate patterns for the distribution of population in housing accommodations in order to provide for a variety of service activities, parking and other open space in orderly relationship to each other and in conformity to the development of the municipality as a whole.
In view of the foregoing, a Medium High-Rise Residential District One (MHR-1) is hereby established subject to the following conditions, criteria and standards, and a Medium High-Rise Residential District Two (MHR-2) subject to the following.
Permitted uses and structures.
In the MHR-1 and MHR-2 Districts, no lot, plot, parcel or tract of land and no building or structure shall be used and no building altered or erected to be used for any other purpose than the following:
All principal uses in the AA District, subject to the bulk regulations prescribed therein.
Medium high-rise apartments.
Accessory uses.
All permitted accessory uses in the AA District, subject to the bulk regulations prescribed therein.
Lot size, dimension and height.
Minimum lot size.
MHR-1 District. The minimum lot size shall be one acre.
MHR-2 District. The minimum lot size shall be 21/2 acres.
Building and structure height.
No building shall have more than eight stories devoted principally to residential use; provided, however, that such residential stories may be above not more than one story devoted to access lobby utilities, building services, (including a superintendent's living unit), storage and parking.
In addition to the aforesaid aboveground stories, parking accessory to the residential use may be provided at ground level and in stories located below the ground floor elevation at the front of the building.
Standards and criteria for developments. Within Medium High-Rise Residential MHR-1 and MHR-2 Districts, development shall be in accordance with the following:
MHR-1 District. The maximum permitted density shall not exceed 64 dwelling units.
MHR-2 District. The maximum permitted density shall not exceed 140 dwelling units.
Floor area ratio.
MHR-1 District. The maximum floor area ratio (FAR) permitted for the entire zone is 0.50.
MHR-2 District. The maximum floor area ratio (FAR) permitted for the entire zone is 1.0.
Building setback and yard requirements.
Building setbacks and yard requirements shall be as follows:
Minimum front yard. Front yard setback distances above street level from all public and private roads shall be not less than 15 feet from the road; provided, however, that balconies, canopies, and other similar projection from the principal facade of building shall be permitted within the front yard setback, and provided further that parking, access driveways, and public/private communal spaces and walkways may be developed within the front yard setback subject to the following conditions: No wall or other solid structure shall project more than six feet above street level and any such structure shall be suitably screened with landscaping.
Minimum side yard: 15 feet from all other public and private roads.
Minimum rear yard: 45 feet.
Setback from internal driveways: 10 feet.
All the foregoing yard requirements may be expanded or modified by the Planning Board for good cause.
Number of parking spaces. Each dwelling unit shall have off-street parking as set forth in the New Jersey Residential Site Improvement Standards (N.J.A.C. 5:21). Number of off-street parking spaces is as follows:
Dwelling Unit Size
Number of Spaces Required
1 bedroom
0.8 spaces
2 bedrooms
1.3 spaces
3 bedrooms
1.9 spaces
Parking setbacks. Parking shall be set back from the building a minimum distance of 15 feet.
Affirmative marketing. The following applies to all developments within this zone or units produced or rehabilitated as a result of any development within this zone, that contain proposed low- and moderate-income units:
The affirmative marketing plan is a regional marketing strategy designed to attract buyers and/or renters of all majority and minority groups, regardless of sex, age or number of children, to housing units which are being marketed by a developer/sponsor, municipality and/or designated administrative agency of affordable housing. The plan will address the requirements of N.J.A.C. 5:93-11. In addition, the plan prohibits discrimination in the sale, rental, financing or other services related to housing on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, handicap, age, familial status/size or national origin. The Borough of Palisades Park is in the COAH Northeast housing region, which contains Bergen County. The affirmative marketing program is a continuing program and will meet the following requirements.
All newspaper articles, announcements and requests for applications for low- and moderate-income units will appear in the following daily regional newspapers/publications: Record.
The primary marketing will take the form of at least one press release sent to the above publication and a paid display advertisement in each of the above newspapers. Additional advertising and publicity will be on an "as needed" basis.
The advertisement shall at a minimum include:
Street address of units;
Direction to housing units;
Number of bedrooms per unit;
Range of prices/rents for the housing units;
Information on maximum income permitted to qualify for the housing units;
Location of applications including business hours and where/how applications may be obtained.
All newspaper articles, announcements and requests for applications for low- and moderate-income housing will appear in the following neighborhood-oriented weekly newspapers, religious publications and organizational newsletters within the region: Record.
The following is the location of applications, brochure(s), sign(s) and/or poster(s) used as part of the affirmative marketing program:
Municipal administrative building.
Municipal library.
Developer's sales office.
Major employers in region including:
Palisades Park Board of Education.
Savarin Coffee/Tetley Tea.
Bergen County administrative offices.
Hudson County administrative offices.
Passaic County administrative offices.
Sussex County administrative offices.
Fairleigh Dickinson University.
Pathmark of Ridgefield.
Palisades Hospital.
Holy Name Hospital.
The following is a listing of community contact person(s) and/or organizations in Bergen County that will aid in the affirmative marketing program with particular emphasis on contacts that will reach out to groups that are least likely to apply for housing within the region:
Religious groups.
Tenant groups.
Civic organizations.
Palisades Park Elks Club.
Palisades Park Chamber of Commerce.
NAACP, Bergen County Chapter.
Quarterly flyers and applications will be sent to each of the following agencies for publication in their journals and for circulation among their members: Board of Realtors in Bergen County.
Applications will be mailed to prospective applicants upon request.
Additionally, quarterly informational circulars and applications will be sent to the chief administrative employees of each of the following agencies in Bergen, Hudson, and Passaic Counties:
Welfare or Social Service Board.
Rental Assistance Office (local office of CCA).
Office on Aging.
Housing agency or authority.
Area community action agencies.
The Bergen County Housing Authority is in charge of conducting random selection that is used to select occupants of low- and moderate-income housing.
The Bergen County Housing Authority is the agency under contract with the Borough of Palisades Park to administer the affirmative marketing program. The Bergen County Housing Authority or the Borough of Palisades Park Borough Administrator has the responsibility to income qualify low- and moderate-income households; to place income eligible households in low- and moderate-income units upon initial occupancy; to provide for the initial occupancy of low- and moderate-income units with income qualified households; to continue to qualify households for reoccupancy of units as they become vacant during the period of affordability controls; to assist with advertising and outreach to low- and moderate-income households; and to enforce the terms of the deed restriction and mortgage loan as per N.J.A.C. 5:93-9.1. The Borough Administrator within the Borough of Palisades Park is the designated Housing Officer to act as liaison to the Bergen County Housing Authority. The Bergen County Housing Authority will provide counseling services to low- and moderate-income applicants on subjects such as budgeting, credit issues, mortgage qualification, rental lease requirements and landlord/tenant law.
Households who live or work in the COAH-established housing region may be given preference for sales and rental units constructed within that housing region. Applicants living outside the housing region will have an equal opportunity for units after regional applicants have been initially serviced. The Borough of Palisades Park intends to comply with N.J.A.C. 5:93-11.7.
All developers of low- and moderate-income housing will be required to assist in the marketing of the affordable units in their respective developments.
The marketing program will commence at least 120 days before the issuance of either temporary or permanent certificates of occupancy. The marketing program will continue until all low- and moderate-income housing units are initially occupied and for as long as affordable units are deed restricted and occupancy or reoccupancy of units continues to be necessary.
The Borough of Palisades Park Borough Administrator will comply with monitoring and reporting requirements as per N.J.A.C. 5:93-11.6 and 12.1.
Affordable housing regulations.
This section of the Borough of Palisades Park Code sets forth regulations regarding low- and moderate-income housing units in the Borough of Palisades Park that are consistent with the provisions of N.J.A.C. 5:93 et seq., as effective on June 6, 1994, as amended on September 5, 1995, December 6, 1995, and May 20, 1996. These rules are pursuant to the Fair Housing Act of 1985 and the Borough of Palisades Park's constitutional obligation to provide for its fair share of low- and moderate-income housing.
Residential developments within this zone district shall provide for affordable housing by either a 20% set aside of affordable units or a payment in lieu of construction of $10,000 per unit as determined in the discretion of the Borough.
[Amended 3-20-2001 by Ord. No. 1369]
The Borough of Palisades Park's new construction or inclusionary component will be divided equally between low- and moderate-income households as per N.J.A.C. 5:93-2.20.
Except for inclusionary developments constructed pursuant to low-income tax credit regulations:
At least 1/2 of all units within each inclusionary development will be affordable to low-income households;
At least 1/2 of all rental units will be affordable to low-income households; and
At least 1/3 of all units in each bedroom distribution pursuant to N.J.A.C. 5:93-7.3 will be affordable to low-income households.
Inclusionary developments that are not restricted to senior citizens will be structured in conjunction with realistic market demands so that:
The combination of efficiency and one-bedroom units is at least 10% and no greater than 20% of the total low- and moderate-income units; and
At least 30% of all low- and moderate-income units are two-bedroom units; and
At least 20% of all low- and moderate-income units are three bedroom units; and
Low- and moderate-income units restricted to senior citizens may utilize a modified bedroom distribution; at a minimum, the number of bedrooms will equal the number of senior citizen low- and moderate-income units within the inclusionary development.
In conjunction with the realistic market information, the following criteria will be used in determining maximum rents and sale prices:
Efficiency units will be affordable to one-person households; and
One-bedroom units will be affordable to one-and-one-half-person households; and
Two-bedroom units will be affordable to three-person households; and
Three-bedroom units will be affordable to four-and-one-half-person households; and
Median income by household size will be established by a regional weighted average of the uncapped Section 8 income limits published by HUD as per N.J.A.C. 5:93-7.4(b); and
The maximum average rent and price of low- and moderate-income units within each inclusionary development will be affordable to households earning 57.5% of the median; and
Moderate-income sales units will be available for at least three different prices and low-income sales units will be available for at least two different prices; and
For both owner-occupied and rental units, the low- and moderate-income units will utilize the same heating source as market units within an inclusionary development; and
Low-income units will be reserved for households with a gross household income less than or equal to 50% of the median income approved by COAH; moderate-income units will be reserved for households with a gross household income less than 80% of the median income approved by COAH as per N.J.A.C. 5:93-9.16; and
The regulations outlined in N.J.A.C. 5:93-9.15 and 9.16 will be applicable for purchased and rental units.
For rental units, developers and/or municipal sponsors may:
Establish one rent for a low-income unit and one for a moderate-income unit for each bedroom distribution; and
Gross rents, including an allowance for tenant-paid utilities, will be established so as not to exceed 30% of the gross monthly income of the appropriate household size as per N.J.A.C. 5:93-7.4(a). The tenant-paid utility allowance will be consistent with the utility allowance approved by HUD for use in New Jersey.
For sale units:
The initial price of a low- and moderate-income owner-occupied single-family housing unit will be established so that after a down payment of 5%, the monthly principal, interest, homeowner and private mortgage insurance, property taxes (based on the restricted value of the low- and moderate-income unit) and condominium or homeowner fee do not exceed 28% of the eligible gross monthly income; and
Master deeds of inclusionary developments will regulate condominium or homeowner association fees or special assessments of low- and moderate-income purchasers of at least 1/3 of the percentage of those paid by market purchasers; the 1/3 percentage is consistent with the requirement of N.J.A.C. 5:93-7.4(e); once established within the master deed, the 1/3 percentage will not be amended without prior approval from COAH; and
The Borough of Palisades Park will follow the general provisions concerning uniform deed restriction liens and enforcement through certificates of occupancy or reoccupancy on sale units as per N.J.A.C. 5:93-9.3; and
The Borough of Palisades Park will require a certificate of reoccupancy for any occupancy of low- or moderate-income sales unit resulting from a resale as per N.J.A.C. 5:93-9.3(c); and
Municipal, state, nonprofit and seller options regarding sale units will be consistent with N.J.A.C. 5:93-9.5 to 9.8; municipal rejection of repayment options for sale units will be consistent with N.J.A.C. 5:93-9.9; and
The continued application of options to create, rehabilitate or maintain low- and moderate-income sale units will be consistent with N.J.A.C. 5:93-9.10; and
Eligible capital improvements prior to the expiration of controls on sale units will be consistent with N.J.A.C. 5:93-9.11; and
The regulations detailed in N.J.A.C. 5:93-9.12 to 9.14 will be applicable to low- and moderate-income units that are for sale units.
In zoning for inclusionary developments the following is required:
Low- and moderate-income units will be built in accordance with N.J.A.C. 5:93-5.6(d):
Minimum Percentage of Low- and Moderate- Income Units
Percentage of Market Housing Units Completed
25 + 1 unit
A design of inclusionary developments that integrates low- and moderate-income units with market units is encouraged as per N.J.A.C. 5:93-5.6(e).
To provide assurances that low- and moderate-income units are created with controls on affordability over time and that low- and moderate-income households occupy these units, the Borough of Palisades Park will designate the Borough Clerk or the Bergen County Housing Authority with the responsibility of ensuring the affordability of sales and rental units over time. The Borough Administrator or the Bergen County Housing Authority will be responsible for those activities detailed in N.J.A.C. 5:93-9.1(a).
In addition, the Borough Administrator or the Bergen County Housing Authority will be responsible for utilizing the verification and certification procedures outlined in N.J.A.C. 5:93-9.1(b) in placing households in low- and moderate-income units; and
Newly constructed low- and moderate-income sales units will remain affordable to low- and moderate-income households for at least 30 years; the Borough Clerk or the Bergen County Housing Authority will require all conveyances of newly constructed units to contain the deed restriction and mortgage lien adopted by COAH and referred to as Technical Appendix E as found in N.J.A.C. 5:93; and
Housing units created through the conversion of a nonresidential structure will be considered a new housing unit and will be subject to thirty-year controls on affordability; the Borough Clerk or the Bergen County Housing Authority will require COAH's appropriate deed restriction and mortgage lien.
Regarding rehabilitated units:
Rehabilitated owner-occupied single-family housing units that are improved to code standard will be subject to affordability controls for at least six years; and
Rehabilitated renter-occupied housing units that are approved to code will be subject to affordability controls for at least 10 years.
Regarding rental units:
Newly constructed low- and moderate-income rental units will remain affordable to low- and moderate-income households for at least 30 years; the Borough Administrator or the Bergen County Housing Authority will require the deed restriction and lien and deed of easement referred to as Technical Appendix H as found in N.J.A.C. 5:93; and
Affordability controls in accessory apartments will be for a period of at least 10 years, except if the apartment is to receive a rental bonus credit pursuant to N.J.A.C. 5:93-5.13, then the controls on affordability will extend for 30 years; and
Alternative living arrangements will be controlled in a manner suitable to COAH, that provides assurances that such a facility will house low- and moderate-income households for at least 10 years, except if the alternative living arrangement is to receive a rental bonus credit pursuant to N.J.A.C. 5:93-5.13, then the controls on affordability will extend for 30 years.
Section 14(b) of the Fair Housing Act, N.J.S.A. 52:27D-301 et seq., incorporates the need to eliminate unnecessary cost-generating features from the Borough of Palisades Park's land use ordinances. Accordingly, the Borough of Palisades Park will eliminate development standards that are not essential to protect the public welfare and to expedite or fast-track municipal approvals/denials on inclusionary development applications. The Borough of Palisades Park will adhere to the components of N.J.A.C. 5:93-10.1 to 10.3.
Except as may hereinafter be provided:
No land or building shall hereafter be used, occupied, erected, moved or altered unless in conformity with the regulations specified for the district in which located.
No building shall hereafter be erected or altered:
To exceed the maximum height.
To occupy a greater percentage of lot area.
To accommodate or house a greater number of families.
To provide a greater number of dwelling units.
To have narrower or smaller front yard, rear yard, side yard or other open space than is required for the district in which located.
No part of a yard or other open space required about any building shall be included as part of a yard or other open space similarly required for another building.
No off-street parking or loading or unloading required for one building or use shall be included as meeting, in whole or part, the off-street parking or loading space required for another building unless specifically permitted by this chapter.
No off-street parking or loading space shall be reduced in area so that it does not meet the requirements of this chapter.
No open space contiguous to any building shall be encroached upon or reduced except in conformity with the yard, lot area, maximum coverage and such other regulations designated for the district in which such building, use or space is located.
No lot in the AA District shall contain more than one residential building.