[HISTORY: Adopted by the Common Council of the City of Lockport 10-16-1963. Amendments noted where applicable.]
A Commission on Human Relations is hereby established by the City of Lockport in accordance with Article 12-D of the General Municipal Law, as enacted by Chapter 376 of the Laws of 1963.
The Commission shall consist of nine members appointed by the Mayor. The Mayor shall designate one of such members to be Chairman, who shall serve as Chairman at the pleasure of the Mayor.
Of the members first appointed, three shall be appointed for terms of office of one year each, three for terms of office of two years each and three for terms of office of three years each. Thereafter, all appointments, except to fill vacancies, shall be for terms of office of three years each.
Vacancies occurring otherwise than by expiration of terms of office shall be filled for the unexpired terms of the offices so filled.
In making appointments to the Commission, the Mayor shall take into consideration the various religious, racial, nationality and political groups in the community.
It shall be the duty of the Commission, as provided by Article 12-D of the General Municipal Law, to:
Foster mutual respect and understanding among all racial, religious and nationality groups in the community.
Make such studies in any field of human relationship in the community as in its judgment will aid in effectuating its general purposes.
Inquire into incidents of tension and conflict among or between various racial, religious and nationality groups, and take such action as may be designed to alleviate such tension and conflict.
Conduct and recommend such educational programs as, in its judgment, will increase goodwill among inhabitants of the community and open new opportunities into all phases of community life for all inhabitants.
The Commission shall discharge the following obligations as provided in Article 12-D of the General Municipal Law:
Receive complaints of alleged discrimination because of race, creed, color or national origin, seek the active assistance of the State Commission for Human Relations in the solution of complaints which fall within the jurisdiction of the State Commission and prepare its own plans in the case of other complaints with a view to reducing and eliminating such alleged discrimination through the process of conference, conciliation and persuasion.
Hold conferences and other public meetings in the interest of and the constructive resolution of racial, religious and nationality group tensions and the prejudice and discrimination occasioned thereby.
Issue such publications and reports of investigation as, in its judgment, will tend to effectuate the purposes of Article 12-D of the General Municipal Law.
Enlist the cooperation and participation of the various racial, religious and nationality groups, community organizations, industrial and labor organizations, media of mass communication, fraternal and benevolent associations and other groups in an educational campaign devoted to fostering among the diverse groups of the community mutual esteem, justice and equality.
Encourage and stimulate agencies under the jurisdiction of the Council to take such action as will fulfill the purposes of such Article 12-D.
Submit an annual report to the governing board.
In the event the provisions of General Municipal Law, Article 12-D, are amended, such amendments shall be effective with respect to the Commission on Human Relations created hereby.