There shall be a Director of the Department of Engineering, the head of which shall be the Township Engineer who shall be appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of Council and shall serve during the term of office of the Mayor appointing him or her and until the appointment and qualification of his or her successor.
The Department of Engineering shall:
Provide all staff engineering, general municipal engineering and land surveying services.
Prepare, maintain and preserve maps, charts and records of roads, utilities, public buildings and structures and all public facilities owned or operated by the Township.
Prepare, review and approve specifications for public works contracts; supervise and inspect the execution of such contracts; and certify the satisfactory completion of work to authorize progress payments pursuant to contract.
Examine proposed preliminary and final subdivision plans, review them for conformity with Chapter 310, Subdivision of Land, and other land use requirements, advise the Planning Board as to such matters and inspect and approve all installations made in accordance with the requirements of the Planning Board prior to the acceptance of any street or the release of any security related to a subdivision approval. The Planning Board shall not act on any subdivision application unless and until the findings and recommendations of the Department of Engineering have been submitted to the Board and made a part of its public record.
Maintain a Tax Map for the Tax Assessor in a current status and properly record thereon all changes of ownership and information provided pursuant to law.
Inspect and control the maintenance of all Township buildings and structures and establish uniform standards for the protection and preservation of such public property.
The Engineer shall provide engineering assistance and technical engineering advice when called upon by the Administrator, Mayor or Council and to further provide emergency engineering advice to other officials, officers or employees of the Township when such information and advice is urgently needed for an emergency matter.