There shall be an Intermunicipal Council to coordinate the activities of the various agencies, boards, bodies and committees and others performing governmental functions in and for the Township.
[Amended 8-7-2005 by Ord. No. 2005-25]
The Intermunicipal Council shall consist of the following: Mayor; President of Township Council; members of Township Council; Township Clerk; Business Administrator; Chief of Police; Health Coordinator; Construction Code Official; Zoning Officer; heads of all departments; a representative of the Recreation Committee; a representative of the Planning Board; a representative of the Zoning Board of Adjustment; a representative of the Fire Commissioners; a representative of the Industrial Development Agency; and a representative of the Environmental Agency; and such other members as the Mayor or Council may designate. Such additional members as designated by the Mayor or Council may become permanent members or invited to participate in one or more meetings for specific purposes. Membership shall be by office or position and not by individual.
[Amended 8-7-2005 by Ord. No. 2005-25]
The Intermunicipal Council shall meet at least quarterly and at such other times as may be deemed desirable. Special meetings may be called at any time when necessary by the Mayor or by the Council President or by a majority of the Council. It shall be the duty and function of the Intermunicipal Council to review generally the progress of the Township in its various areas of activity and to provide for open communication between all of the agencies, boards, committees and functioning positions in the Township. Minutes of each meeting shall be prepared and distributed to each member of the Intermunicipal Council.
It shall be the responsibility of the Business Administrator to prepare the agenda for the Intermunicipal Council meetings. Members of the Intermunicipal Council, or others within the Township, shall propose to the Business Administrator, no less than five days prior to the meeting, such items as they would like to have considered and reviewed at the Intermunicipal Council meetings. The Administrator shall have the agenda prepared and distributed to all members at or prior to the meeting. Matters coming before the Intermunicipal Council shall not be limited to the agenda but may be expanded during the meeting to include any subject of general interest relating to the efficient operation of the government of the Township. When deemed desirable, guests may be invited to attend meetings of the Intermunicipal Council by any member of the Council or the Mayor.