[Adopted 10-27-1993 by Ord. No. 93-30 as Ch. 31, Art. I, of the 1993 Code; amended 5-13-1998 by Ord. No. 98-17]
There are hereby created in the Township of Manalapan two fire districts which shall be known as "Fire District No. 1" and "Fire District No. 2" in the Township of Manalapan and the County of Monmouth as provided in N.J.S.A. 40A:14-70 et seq.
The geographical area encompassed by Fire District No. 1, described by metes and bounds, is as follows: Beginning at a point in the most northwestwardly corner of the Township, said point being the intersection of the westwardly line of Manalapan Township (where same is the common boundary with Old Bridge Township), extended northeastwardly with the northerly line of Manalapan Township (where same is the common boundary with Marlboro Township), extended northwestwardly and from said point of beginning proceeding; thence, 1) southeastwardly, along the northerly line of Manalapan Township to a point of intersection with the westerly line of Marlboro Township; thence, 2) southwestwardly, along the westwardly line of Marlboro Township to its intersection with the westwardly line of Freehold Township; thence, 3) continuing southwestwardly along the westwardly line of Freehold Township to a point of intersection with Route 522; thence, 4) northwestwardly, along Route 522 to its intersection with the easterly line of Englishtown Borough; thence, 5) northeastwardly, along the eastwardly line of Englishtown Borough to its intersection with Gordon's Corner Road; thence, 6) eastwardly, along Gordon's Corner Road to its intersection with Pension Road; thence, 7) northwardly, along Pension Road to its intersection with the Old Bridge Township line; thence, 8) northeastwardly, along the common boundary line between Manalapan Township and Old Bridge Township to the point and place of beginning.
The geographical area encompassed by Fire District No. 2, described by metes and bounds, is as follows: Beginning at a point formed by the Freehold Township-Manalapan Township boundary line and the center line of Monmouth County Route 522 Freehold-Englishtown Road, thence (1) southwesterly along the Freehold Township-Manalapan Township line to its intersection with the center line of Thompson Grove Road, thence (2) along the same Township line also being the center line of Monmouth County Route 527 Freehold-Smithburg Road, southwesterly to the center line of Monmouth County Route 527 Smithburg Road also being the intersection of the Manalapan Township-Freehold Township-Millstone Township boundary lines, thence (3) along Manalapan Township-Millstone Township boundary line northwesterly to the intersection of Manalapan Township-Millstone Township-Monroe Township, Middlesex County boundary lines, thence (4) northeasterly along the Manalapan Township-Monroe Township, Middlesex County line to its intersection with the center line of Pension Road, thence (5) southerly along the center line of Pension Road to the center line of Gordons Corner Road, thence (6) westerly along the center line of Gordons Corner Road to the Manalapan Township-Englishtown boundary line, thence (7) northwesterly along the Manalapan Township line to its intersection with the center line of Wilson Avenue, Monmouth County Route 527, thence (8) southwesterly still along the Manalapan-Englishtown line to its intersection with the center line of Tracy Station Road, thence (9) southerly still along the Manalapan-Englishtown line to its intersection with the southerly right-of-way line of the Penn Central Railroad, thence (10) southeasterly along the said right-of-way line to the most southerly point on the Manalapan-Englishtown boundary line, thence (11) northeasterly along the Manalapan-Englishtown line to its intersection with the center line of Monmouth County Route 522 Freehold Englishtown Road, thence (12) southeasterly along the center line of Monmouth County Route 522 Freehold Englishtown Road to the Manalapan Township-Freehold Township boundary line, being the point and place of beginning.