[Added 6-28-1994 by Ord. No. 1994-13]
Employees who are members of Stanhope Hose Company No. 1 shall be permitted to leave their duties to respond to fire calls only when said calls involve structure fires, car fires or similar emergency situations in which there is significant and imminent threat to life or property. Said employees shall be permitted to respond to minor situations only when no one else is available or additional manpower is required, as determined by the fire official in charge of the scene. Employees responding under these conditions shall do so without loss of pay or accumulated leave.
Any employee who is a member of a Fire Department in another municipality shall not be permitted to leave his/her duties to respond to fire calls in his/her Fire Department's jurisdiction or elsewhere except under extraordinary circumstances requiring additional manpower, as determined by the fire official at the scene and as authorized by his/her supervisor.
Paid members of the State Forestry Service who leave during working hours or while otherwise performing duties for the borough to respond to Forestry Service calls shall be charged an equivalent amount of vacation pay or forfeit their pay for the time they are gone. Hourly employees must stamp their time cards ("punch out") upon leaving and likewise ("punch in") upon returning.
Any employee who is a member of the Stanhope-Netcong Ambulance Corps shall be permitted to leave his/her duties to respond to calls only when it has been determined that no one else is available or that there is an otherwise genuine emergency situation requiring his/her involvement. Any employee responding under these conditions shall do so without loss of pay or accumulated leave.
Employees who are members of any other rescue, first-aid or ambulance squad shall not be permitted to leave their duties to respond to calls except under extraordinary conditions requiring additional manpower and as authorized by their supervisors.