[HISTORY: Adopted by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Stanhope 7-27-1993 as Ord. No. 1993-13. Amendments noted where applicable.]
There is hereby created a Department of Public Works which shall consist of a Superintendent of Public Works, a Public Works Supervisor and such other Public Works Repairers, Laborers and other officers and employees as the Mayor and Borough Council may from time to time provide.
All members of the Department of Public Works shall be appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Borough Council.
The Department of Public Works shall have responsibility for the maintenance and operation of the borough's utility systems and the maintenance and repair of the borough's streets, including curbs, gutters, paved surfaces and storm sewer systems. It shall also be the duty and responsibility of the Department to operate the borough's solid waste and recycling collection systems and to provide general maintenance and repair of all borough-owned buildings and grounds, including parks, parking lots and such other public property designated by the governing body.
Superintendent. There is hereby created the position of Superintendent of Public Works who shall be directly answerable to the Borough Administrator.
Qualifications. Anyone appointed to the position of Superintendent must hold a valid public works manager certificate issued by the State of New Jersey, or obtain the same within two (2) years of initial appointment, in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40A:9-154.6g, unless otherwise exempted by statute.
Responsibilities. The Superintendent of Public Works shall be responsible for the overall operation of the Department and supervision of its personnel and their activities and shall impose such departmental policies and procedures as may be deemed necessary for the efficient operation of the Department. The Superintendent shall keep accurate and complete records of all department transactions; recommend and manage the department's annual budget; purchase and manage the use of all materials and equipment; and provide a monthly report of departmental activities, and such other reports as may be required, to the governing body.
Supervisor. There is hereby created the position of Public Works Supervisor who shall be directly responsible to the Superintendent. The Supervisor shall hold such qualifications as are established by the New Jersey Department of Personnel and shall have such duties and responsibilities as are delegated by the Superintendent.
Public Works Repairer and Laborer. The titles of Public Works Repairer and Public Works Laborer are hereby created, and such appointments to each as may be deemed necessary by the Mayor and Council shall be made from time to time. Such personnel shall be under the supervision of the Supervisor and the Superintendent. Their qualifications shall be in accordance with the job descriptions established for each by the New Jersey Department of Personnel and shall have such duties and responsibilities as are required by their superiors to accomplish the goals and objectives of the Department.