[Amended 6-1-1999 by Ord. No. 1999-10]
In Industrial Zones, no lot shall be used and no structure shall be erected, altered or occupied for any purpose except the following:
Industrial Zones permit uses such as:
Manufacturing of light machinery; electronics; and computers, calculators and other office machines.
Assembly of products, subject to the exclusions found in Subsection B(1), (2) and (3) below.
Laboratories, such as dental, electronic or computing centers.
The warehousing or distribution of goods and products, provided that no goods are sold from the premises.
In addition to the above-listed uses, any industrial use not inconsistent with the above may be permitted, provided that at no time shall any use permitted in the article cause or result in:
Dissemination of dust, smoke, smog, observable gas, fumes or odors or other atmospheric pollution, noises, glare or vibration beyond the boundaries of the Industrial Zone in violation of the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection rules and regulations.
Hazard of fire or explosion or other physical hazard to any adjacent building or to any plant growth on any land adjacent to the site of the use, according to the rules and regulations and guidelines of the National Fire Protection Association, Underwriters Laboratories, American Society for Testing and Materials.
Ionizing and/or particle radiation processes.
The following accessory uses shall be permitted:
Private garage space necessary to store any vehicles on the premises.
Maintenance and utility shops for the upkeep and repair of buildings.
Heating and power plants for furnishing heating and electrical energy primarily to the structures on the site only.
[Amended 9-26-1995 by Ord. No. 1995-20]
Training area for the employees.
Facilities for storage.
Clinical facilities.
Dining and recreation facilities.
Electrical substations to serve on-site structures only.
Solar energy collectors.
Office facilities.
Storage of explosives.
Retail sales of products related to the primary use.
No accessory building shall be erected on any lot on which there is not a principal building.
It shall not be used as a residence.
In no event shall the following uses be permitted:
Manufacturing, fabrication, assembling and processing of asbestos.
Use as an abattoir.
Acetylene gas manufacture.
Acid manufacture, hydrochloric, nitric, pyric, sulfurous, carbolic, sulfonic, etc.
Use as an arsenal.
Manufacturing of ammonia, bleaching powder, etc.
Manufacturing of asphalt.
Manufacturing of benzene and derivatives.
Operation of a blast furnace.
Manufacturing of caustic soda.
Manufacturing of celluloid.
Manufacturing of paper and cardboard.
Manufacturing of cement, lime, gypsum or plaster of paris.
Manufacturing of chlorine.
Coal distillation.
Manufacturing of coke.
Manufacturing of cotton seed products.
Creosote treatment or manufacture.
Use of dead animal and offal reduction.
Distillation of bones, coal, petroleum, refuse, grain or wood.
Distillation of tar.
Manufacturing of explosives, fireworks and gunpowder.
Fat rendering.
Use as a forge plant.
Manufacturing of fertilizer.
Manufacturing and use of formaldehyde.
Manufacturing of glucose.
Manufacturing of glue.
Incineration, reduction, storage or dumping of slaughterhouse waste.
Manufacturing of insecticides, herbicides or fungicides.
Manufacturing of lime.
Manufacturing of linoleum.
Manufacturing of oilcloth.
Ore reduction by blast furnace or any other process.
Manufacturing of paint as a principal use.
Manufacturing of paper pulp.
Petroleum or kerosene refining, distillation or derivation of by-products.
Manufacturing of potash.
Power force, riveting, hammering, punching, chipping, drawing, rolling or tumbling of iron, steel, brass or copper, except as a necessary incident of manufacture in which their process forms a minor part and which are carried on without objectionable noise outside the plant.
Use as a rolling mill steel furnace, blooming or rolling mill.
Use as rubber treatment or reclaiming plant.
Use as stockyards.
Manufacture, fabrication, assembling through heating and/or cooling, processing and extruding of polyvinylchloride and other halogenated hydrocarbons and derivatives.
Use as tourist or auto or trailer camps or tent colony or overnight cabins.
Use as junkyards, automobile graveyards, sandpits and rock quarries.
Manufacture of varnish.
Manufacture of vinegar.
Manufacture of wall plaster.
Manufacture of wood distillates.
Manufacture of yeast.
Any use that emits any excessive or objectionable amount of dust, fumes, noise, odor, smoke, vibration or waste products in violation of the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection rules and regulations.
The use of any premises or building in such a manner that the health, morals, safety or well-being of the Borough would be endangered.
Products found unacceptable after testing by the Environmental Protection Agency.
Principal building.
[Amended 6-1-1999 by Ord. No. 1999-10]
Minimum lot size: one acre.
Minimum frontage: 150 feet.
Minimum front setback: 35 feet.
Minimum side setback: 35 feet.
Minimum rear setback: 25 feet; however, the building must not extend into the environmental zone.
Maximum of impervious surface area: 50%.
Maximum building height: 35 feet.
Parking spaces: as provided in § 100-120.
Accessory building.
Minimum side yard: 15 feet.
Minimum rear yard: five feet.
Maximum height: 20 feet.
Any occupant within this zone shall give unannounced access privileges to regulatory agencies for inspection purposes.