[Added 8-27-1996 by Ord. No. 1996-13]
The following terms as used hereinafter shall be defined as indicated:
Any building, together with any related structure, accessory building and land appurtenant thereto, and any part thereof, which contains two or more units of dwelling space arranged or intended for single room occupancy, exclusive of any unit occupied by an owner or operator, and wherein personal or financial services are provided to the residents, including any residential hotel or congregate living arrangement, but excluding any hotel, motel or established guest house wherein a minimum of 85% of the units of dwelling space are offered for limited tenure only.
Any building, including but not limited to any related structure, accessory building and land appurtenant thereto, and any part thereof, which contains 10 or more units of dwelling space or has sleeping facilities for 25 or more persons and is kept, used, maintained, advertised as or held out to be a place where sleeping accommodations are available to transient guests. This definition shall also include motor hotels, motels and established guest houses.
A boardinghouse wherein no personal or financial services are provided to the residents.
In the Borough of Stanhope, no hotel or hotel operator shall permit any guest(s) or occupant(s) to lease, rent or otherwise occupy or utilize a room or rooms within said hotel for a period of time of less than 24 hours nor more than 30 days.
Boardinghouses and rooming houses shall not be permitted in any zone in the Borough.